© Copyright 2024 Mary McGonigal Updated 29 May 2024 Date of 'update' refers to the whole section update, not to every individual file.

Name List

No Surname, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, [T], U, V, W, X, Y, Z,




TABOR, George born About 1881
TAGGART, Ann born 1870
TAGGART, John born About 1844
TAGGART, Mary born About 1862
TAGGART, Rosa born About 1846
TAGGART, Rose Ann born About 1846
TAGGART, Thomas born About 1820
TAGGART MS UNKNOWN, Ann born About 1842
TAIT, Child born 16 July 1839 died 16 July 1839
TAIT, George born About 1808
TAIT, George born 11 November 1866
TAIT, Helen born 25 July 1838
TAIT, Joan born 31 October 1840
TAIT, John born About 1875 died After 29 November 1927
TAIT, Joseph born 12 August 1849
TAIT, Margaret born 13 February 1814 died Before 19 June 1868
TAIT, Mary Helena born About 1899
TAIT, Mary Helena born About 1875 died After 29 November 1927
TAIT, Mary born 16 December 1843
TAREDLY, Elizabeth born About 1831
TAYLOR, Isabella born 1816 died 1883
TAYLOR, Jannet born About 1660
TAYLOR, Martha born About 1863
TAYLOR, Matilda born About 1855 died 14 February 1916 at 4.20 am
TENNANT, Rosamond Josephine born 12 May 1897 died 11 July 1986
TENNENT, Battis Combe Manrice born About 1894
TENNENT, Charles S born 24 January 1854 died 14 January 1943
TENNENT, Charles Stanhope born 24 January 1854 died 14 January 1943
TENNENT, Emma Louisa born 1859 died 22 August 1939
TENNENT, Emma Marie born About 1889
TENNENT, Emma born About 1824 died 25 December 1918
TENNENT, Emma born About 1824 died 25 December 1918
TENNENT, Ethel Violet born 13 May 1896 died 20 December 1954
TENNENT, Joan born 31 December 1899 died 4 January 1979
TENNENT, John Harvey born 1897 died 6 August 1978
TENNENT, K M born 29 August 1901 died 29 November 1993
TENNENT, Kathleen M born 29 August 1901 died 29 November 1993
TENNENT, Kathleen Mary born 29 August 1901 died 29 November 1993
TENNENT, Kathleen born 29 August 1901 died 29 November 1993
TENNENT, Marion E born 1862 died 22 May 1935
TENNENT, Marion Ethel born 1862 died 22 May 1935
TENNENT, Marion Ethel born 1862 died 22 May 1935
TENNENT, Maurice Battiscombe born 21 January 1894 died 18 May 1982
TENNENT, Robert B. born 29 August 1819 died 23 October 1898
TENNENT, Robert B born 29 August 1819 died 23 October 1898
TENNENT, Robert Bowman born 29 August 1819 died 23 October 1898
TENNENT, Robert Percy Trevor born 1852 died 15 June 1932
TENNENT, Robert born About 1785
TENNENT, Rosamond Josephine born 12 May 1897 died 11 July 1986
TENNENT, Roy Stanhope born 17 April 1892 died 18 September 1968
TENNYSON, Elizabeth born About 1845
TERRY, Alice born About 1855
THOMAS OR THOMSON, Euphema born About 1775 died Between 1802 and 1806
THOMSON, Agnes born About 1850
THOMSON, Ann born About 1851
THOMSON, Archibald Spence born 20 August 1844
THOMSON, Christina born About 1825
THOMSON, Elizabeth born About 1835 died After 14 July 1882
THOMSON, Ellen born 8 June 1893 at 1.00 am
THOMSON, Euphemia born About 1775 died Between 1802 and 1806
THOMSON, Helen born About 1770
THOMSON, Isobel born About 1760
THOMSON, James Miner born About 1825 died After November 1878
THOMSON, James. G. born About 1877
THOMSON, James born About 1685
THOMSON, Jane Alexander born About 1817 died 15 January 1888
THOMSON, Jane D. bapt. 28 January 1801
THOMSON, Jane born 17 October 1850
THOMSON, Jane born 23 May 1843
THOMSON, John born 25 December 1840
THOMSON, John born About 1798 died Before 4 April 1881
THOMSON, John born About 1889
THOMSON, Margaret born About 1812 died 1 February 1882
THOMSON, Margaret born About 1870
THOMSON, Martha M. born 1880
THORNTON, Euphemia born bout 1810
TINEY, Mary born About 1790
TINNEY, Sarah born About 1865
TOAL, Mary Ann born 10 February 1881 died 2 February 1949
TOCH, Jonet born About 1635
TONER, Mary born About 1840 died Before 4 December 1877
TONNER, Mary born About 1840 died Before 4 December 1877
TONNOR, Mary born About 1840 died Before 4 December 1877
TORIE, Agnes born About 1585
TORRANCE, Margaret born About 1800 died Before 11 January 1869
TORRANCE, Margaret born About 1865
TORRIE, Agnes born About 1585
TOSH, Betty born 9 April 1838
TOSH, Duncan born About 1800
TOSH, Elizabeth born 9 April 1838
TOSH, John born 16 March 1836
TOSH, Margaret bapt. 30 January 1845
TOSH, Mary bapt. 31 July 1840
TOSH, Peggy bapt. 30 January 1845
TOSH, Sibby born 7 September 1834
TOUCH, Patrick born About 1670
TOUCH, Peter born About 1670
TOUGH, Janet born About 1714
TOUGH, Jannet born About 1714
TRAIN, Child born 16 February 1862
TRAIN, David born 25 July 1871
TRAIN, Eliza born 25 November 1865
TRAIN, Helen born 4 January 1873
TRAIN, Isabella Watson born 2 May 1863
TRAIN, James born 19 July 1867
TRAIN, John born 26 February 1861
TRAIN, Thomas born About 1835
TRANE, Thomas born About 1835
TRAVIS, Catherine Elizabeth born 27 September 1875 died 26 June 1948
TRAVIS, Kate born 27 September 1875 died 26 June 1948
TRAYNOR, Agnes born About 1865 died After 30 December 1937
TROTTER, Bessie born About 1650
TROTTER, Margaret born About 1770
TURGLEY, Latitia born About 1828 died 9 March 1907 about 5 pm
TURNBULL, Janet born 21 June 1825
TURNBULL, John born About 1795
TURNER, Agnes born About 1780
TURNER, Elspeth born About 1770
TURNER, Michael born About 1849
TURNER, Unknown born About 1825
TWEDELY, George born About 1820 died 24 April 1876 at 8.00 pm
TWEDELY, George born About 1853 died 15 September 1917 at 9.25 am
TWEDELY, Joseph born About 1849
TWEDELY, Mary born About 1816 died 11 April 1876 at 11 am
TWEDELY, Thomas born 25 July 1856
TWEDELY, William born About 1851
TWEDLEY, Elisebeth born About 1800
TWEDLIE, Elizabeth born About 1800
TWEEDIE, Elisabeth born About 1831
TWEEDIE, Elizabeth born About 1831
TWEEDIE, James born 1 January 1835
TWEEDIE, William bapt. 24 March 1844
TWEEDLAY, Letitia born About 1828 died 9 March 1907 about 5 pm
TWEEDLE, Agnes born 30 December 1849
TWEEDLE, Alexr born August 1827
TWEEDLE, Bernard born About 1807 died 14 February 1862 at 4.00 am
TWEEDLE, Catherine born About 1843 died 1882
TWEEDLE, Eliza born 9 October 1840
TWEEDLE, Elizabeth born About 1831
TWEEDLE, Janet born 3 April 1845
TWEEDLE, John born About 1802 died After 2 April 1871
TWEEDLE, Mary born 24 October 1835
TWEEDLE, Mary born About 1805 died Before 30 June 1865
TWEEDLE, Thompson born About 1829
TWEEDLE, William born 17 September 1833
TWEEDLEY, Aemis Stewart born 30 August 1886
TWEEDLEY, Agnes Ireland born 30 December 1849
TWEEDLEY, Agnes born 7 April 1836
TWEEDLEY, Agnes born About 1870
TWEEDLEY, Agnes born 26 August 1874 died 1874
TWEEDLEY, Agnes born About 1884
TWEEDLEY, Alexander Nicholson born 30 April 1859
TWEEDLEY, Alexander Stewart born 23 June 1857 died After 5 July 1880
TWEEDLEY, Alexander born August 1827
TWEEDLEY, Alexander bapt. 22 September 1850
TWEEDLEY, Alexander born About 1887
TWEEDLEY, Allan Drummond born 12 December 1862
TWEEDLEY, Allan born 31 December 1904 died 6 August 1964
TWEEDLEY, Andrew born 1876 died After 24 November 1919
TWEEDLEY, Ann born About 1840 died 21 September 1922
TWEEDLEY, Bridget born About 1844 died 7 May 1931 at 1.10 am
TWEEDLEY, Catherine born About 1883
TWEEDLEY, Catherine born 6 June 1865
TWEEDLEY, Catherine born About 1845 died 22 December 1873
TWEEDLEY, Charles born About 1806 died 14 July 1877 at 6.00 pm
TWEEDLEY, Charles born About 1900
TWEEDLEY, Child born About 1854
TWEEDLEY, Child born Before 1854 died Before 1855
TWEEDLEY, Daniel born About 1829
TWEEDLEY, David born About 1820 died 5 Jul 1880 at 11.00 am
TWEEDLEY, David born About 1797
TWEEDLEY, Duncan McIntosh born 19 January 1855 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Duncan born 19 January 1855 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Ebenezer born About 1884
TWEEDLEY, Edward born About 1848
TWEEDLEY, Edward born About 1881
TWEEDLEY, Edward born 16 June 1873
TWEEDLEY, Elisabeth Jane born 9 October 1840
TWEEDLEY, Elisabeth bapt. 25 May 1787 died Before 12 November 1867
TWEEDLEY, Elisabeth born About 1800
TWEEDLEY, Elisabeth born 18 March 1830
TWEEDLEY, Elisabeth born 18 March 1830
TWEEDLEY, Eliza born 8 September 1852
TWEEDLEY, Eliza born About 1826 died After 29 December 1883
TWEEDLEY, Elizabeth born 2 May 1861
TWEEDLEY, Elizabeth born About 1858
TWEEDLEY, Elizabeth born About 1892
TWEEDLEY, Elizzie Douglas born 11 August 1884
TWEEDLEY, Francis born About 1817
TWEEDLEY, George born 1874
TWEEDLEY, George born 2 February 1861
TWEEDLEY, Helen born About 1850 died Before 27 December 1908
TWEEDLEY, Hendry born 12 April 1859
TWEEDLEY, Hugh born About 1776
TWEEDLEY, Hugh born 12 January 1877 at 1.30 am
TWEEDLEY, Isabella Millar born 23 January 1866
TWEEDLEY, Isabella born 3 April 1845
TWEEDLEY, Isabella born 15 November 1856
TWEEDLEY, Isabella born About 1893
TWEEDLEY, James Alexander born 4 April 1864
TWEEDLEY, James Thomson born 20 April 1860 died 20 November 1893 at 3.00 am
TWEEDLEY, James born 4 April 1864
TWEEDLEY, James born 13 June 1882 at 7.00 am died 1882
TWEEDLEY, James born 12 February 1818 died 19 December 1884 at 12 noon
TWEEDLEY, James born About 1872
TWEEDLEY, James born 7 October 1855 at 3.30 am
TWEEDLEY, James born About 1818
TWEEDLEY, James born About 1879
TWEEDLEY, James born 24 July 1872
TWEEDLEY, Jane born 1876 died 1949
TWEEDLEY, Jane born About 1815
TWEEDLEY, Janet born 3 April 1845
TWEEDLEY, Janet bapt. 30 October 1804 died Before 1 August 1885
TWEEDLEY, Jessie born About 1886
TWEEDLEY, John Cowan born 14 April 1864
TWEEDLEY, John born 15 January 1855 at 5.30 am
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1802 died After 2 April 1871
TWEEDLEY, John born 31 August 1863
TWEEDLEY, John born 17 May 1846
TWEEDLEY, John born 1863
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1837 died 23 November 1919 at 9.30 am
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1888 died 15 July 1913 at 5.55 pm
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1840 died 1 April 1917 at 2,25 am
TWEEDLEY, John born 28 September 1874 died 27 August 1932 at 6.30 am
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1851 died 22 May 1923 at 8.00 pm
TWEEDLEY, John born About 1877
TWEEDLEY, John born 29 May 1903 at 7.30 pm
TWEEDLEY, John born 1831 died 3 September 1886 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLEY, John born 31 October 1859 at 4.00 pm died 9 November 1939 at 5.00 am
TWEEDLEY, John born 11 August 1883 died 1970
TWEEDLEY, Joseph born 25 March 1875 at 12 noon
TWEEDLEY, Jospeh born 1880 died 29 January 1959
TWEEDLEY, Letitia born About 1828 died 9 March 1907 about 5 pm
TWEEDLEY, Maggie born About 1878
TWEEDLEY, Maggie born About 1897
TWEEDLEY, Maggie born 10 May 1858 died 26 February 1933 at 5.55 pm
TWEEDLEY, Margaret Duncan born 14 March 1830 died 28 February 1897 at 3.30 pm
TWEEDLEY, Margaret George born 10 April 1866 at 11.30 pm died 9 April 1942 at 5.30 am
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 24 June 1851 died September 1931
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 14 March 1830 died 28 February 1897 at 3.30 pm
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 27 March 1842
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born About 1826 died 24 December 1894 at 2.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born About 1798 died 24 July 1870
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 12 March 1854
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born About 1853
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 21 February 1857
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 10 May 1858 died 26 February 1933 at 5.55 pm
TWEEDLEY, Margaret born 10 April 1866 at 11.30 pm died 9 April 1942 at 5.30 am
TWEEDLEY, Martha born About 1815
TWEEDLEY, Mary Millar born 22 April 1867
TWEEDLEY, Mary Nicholson born 6 May 1862
TWEEDLEY, Mary born 8 July 1844
TWEEDLEY, Mary born 24 October 1835
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1805 died Before 30 June 1865
TWEEDLEY, Mary born 4 May 1833 died After 19 December 1884
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1858
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1865
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1850 died 24 February 1916
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1823 died After 5 July 1880
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1798 died Before 18 March 1922
TWEEDLEY, Mary born About 1847
TWEEDLEY, Mary born aabout 1895
TWEEDLEY, Michael born About 1807 died 12 January 1889 at 4.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Michael born About 1849 died 6 January 1911 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Micheale born About 1849 died 6 January 1911 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLEY, Miss born Before 1854
TWEEDLEY, Neil in Canadian Expeditionary Force, Corporal born 2 December 1881 died 17 September 1916
TWEEDLEY, Neil born About 1850 died 1883
TWEEDLEY, Patrick born About 1790 died Before 12 November 1867
TWEEDLEY, Peter born About 1790 died Before 12 November 1867
TWEEDLEY, Peter born About 1886
TWEEDLEY, Robert born 1878 died 1931
TWEEDLEY, Terence born About 1800 died 31 January 1871 at 3.30 am
TWEEDLEY, Thomas Nicholson born About 1831 died Before 28 February 1897
TWEEDLEY, Thomas Nickelson born About 1831 died Before 28 February 1897
TWEEDLEY, Thomas born 6 July 1856
TWEEDLEY, Thomas born About 1831 died Before 28 February 1897
TWEEDLEY, Thomas born About 1867
TWEEDLEY, Thomas born About 1876 died After 9 January 1911
TWEEDLEY, Thomas born About 1798
TWEEDLEY, Thomson born About 1811 died 1 August 1885 at 5.30 am
TWEEDLEY, Unity born 6 July 1864 died 1901 or later
TWEEDLEY, William born About 1804
TWEEDLEY, William born About 1830 died 4 April 1880 at 4.45 pm
TWEEDLEY, William bapt. 24 March 1844
TWEEDLEY, William born 18 December 1851
TWEEDLEY, William born 1890
TWEEDLEY, William born About 1890
TWEEDLEY, William born 1 March 1868
TWEEDLIE, Agnes born 7 April 1836
TWEEDLIE, Agnes born About 1870
TWEEDLIE, Andrew born 1876 died After 24 November 1919
TWEEDLIE, Ann born 29 November 1855 at 0.30 pm
TWEEDLIE, Ann born About 1831
TWEEDLIE, Annie McLennan born 18 July 1868 died 1869
TWEEDLIE, Cath born 1900
TWEEDLIE, Catherine Gillies born 10 August 1845 died 14 March 1911 at 2.50 pm
TWEEDLIE, Catherine S. born About 1845
TWEEDLIE, Catherine Steel born About 1845
TWEEDLIE, Catherine born 10 August 1845 died 14 March 1911 at 2.50 pm
TWEEDLIE, Catherine born 6 June 1865
TWEEDLIE, Charles born About 1806 died 14 July 1877 at 6.00 pm
TWEEDLIE, Child born About 1853 died Before 29 November 1855
TWEEDLIE, Christina born About 1835
TWEEDLIE, Daniel born About 1780
TWEEDLIE, Daniel born About 1815 died 1875
TWEEDLIE, David born 1880
TWEEDLIE, David born About 1820 died 5 Jul 1880 at 11.00 am
TWEEDLIE, David born About 1797
TWEEDLIE, David born 3 June 1850
TWEEDLIE, Edward born About 1848
TWEEDLIE, Elizabeth born About 1829 died 18 March 1885 at 5.00 pm
TWEEDLIE, Elizabeth born About 1800
TWEEDLIE, Elizabeth born 11 November 1837
TWEEDLIE, Ellen born Before 1882 died 1899
TWEEDLIE, Euphemia Gowans born 25 December 1870
TWEEDLIE, Francis born About 1817
TWEEDLIE, Francis born 29 September 1868
TWEEDLIE, George born 1874
TWEEDLIE, Henry born 1882 died 1883
TWEEDLIE, Hugh born About 1776
TWEEDLIE, Hugh born 5 April 1842
TWEEDLIE, I B. born About 1876 died After 15 March 1911
TWEEDLIE, Isabella B. born About 1876 died After 15 March 1911
TWEEDLIE, Isabella Brodie born About 1876 died After 15 March 1911
TWEEDLIE, Isabella born 6 March 1804 died 8 August 1857 at 7.00 pm
TWEEDLIE, James Caldwell born 5 August 1870
TWEEDLIE, James born 1 January 1835
TWEEDLIE, James born About 1848 died 9 February 1901 at 6.30 am
TWEEDLIE, James born About 1872
TWEEDLIE, James born About 1878
TWEEDLIE, James born After 1890 died After 15 July 1913
TWEEDLIE, James born About 1879
TWEEDLIE, James born About 1820 died 4 December 1861 at 11.00 pm
TWEEDLIE, Jane Kennedy born 22 May 1871
TWEEDLIE, Jane Mason born About 1803 died After 28 November 1881
TWEEDLIE, Jane Renton born 24 September 1881
TWEEDLIE, Jane born 24 March 1856
TWEEDLIE, Jane born 13 July 1858
TWEEDLIE, Janet born 3 April 1845
TWEEDLIE, Janet born About 1831
TWEEDLIE, Jessie born 1 July 1874
TWEEDLIE, John Reid Groundwater born 21 February 1874
TWEEDLIE, John born 25 April 1864 died 13 June 1883 at 11.30 am
TWEEDLIE, John born 16 June 1862
TWEEDLIE, John born 11 June 1864
TWEEDLIE, John born 22 September 1860
TWEEDLIE, John born 1863
TWEEDLIE, John born About 1837 died 23 November 1919 at 9.30 am
TWEEDLIE, John born About 1888 died 15 July 1913 at 5.55 pm
TWEEDLIE, John born About 1851 died 22 May 1923 at 8.00 pm
TWEEDLIE, Joseph born 1880 died 29 January 1959
TWEEDLIE, Margaret born About 1798 died 24 July 1870
TWEEDLIE, Margaret born 12 March 1854
TWEEDLIE, Martha born About 1823 died 13 July 1858 at 7.45 am
TWEEDLIE, Mary Whitehead born 4 December 1868
TWEEDLIE, Mary born 8 July 1844
TWEEDLIE, Mary born 16 March 1860
TWEEDLIE, Mary born 3 June 1838
TWEEDLIE, Mary born About 1820 died Between 1856 and 1861
TWEEDLIE, Mary born About 1865
TWEEDLIE, Mary born About 1850 died 24 February 1916
TWEEDLIE, Mary born 1 August 1882 died 5 April 1967
TWEEDLIE, Mary born 15 December 1871
TWEEDLIE, Mary born About 1823 died After 5 July 1880
TWEEDLIE, Mary born About 1847
TWEEDLIE, May born 24 October 1835
TWEEDLIE, Michael born About 1807 died 12 January 1889 at 4.00 am
TWEEDLIE, Michael born About 1849 died 6 January 1911 at 1.00 am
TWEEDLIE, Robert Lamont born About 1846
TWEEDLIE, Robert Lennie born 25 May 1858
TWEEDLIE, Robert born About 1805
TWEEDLIE, Robert born About 1842
TWEEDLIE, Robert born 16 November 1848
TWEEDLIE, Robert born 30 November 1872
TWEEDLIE, Robert born 6 August 1873
TWEEDLIE, Robert born 1878 died 1931
TWEEDLIE, Rose Ann born About 1840 died 21 September 1922
TWEEDLIE, Rosilie born About 1840 died 21 September 1922
TWEEDLIE, Thomas Leo Francis born 1905 died 1959
TWEEDLIE, Thomas Nicholson born About 1831 died Before 28 February 1897
TWEEDLIE, Thomas Patrick born About 1867
TWEEDLIE, Thomas born About 1831 died Before 28 February 1897
TWEEDLIE, Thomas born About 1867
TWEEDLIE, Thomas born About 1876 died After 9 January 1911
TWEEDLIE, Thomson born About 1829
TWEEDLIE, Thomson born About 1811 died 1 August 1885 at 5.30 am
TWEEDLIE, William George born 22 July 1867
TWEEDLIE, William born About 1804
TWEEDLIE, William born 24 March 1856
TWEEDLIE, William born About 1830 died 4 April 1880 at 4.45 pm
TWEEDLIE, William born 26 August 1857
TWEEDLIE, William bapt. 24 March 1844
TWEEDLIE, William born 6 October 1840
TWEEDLIE, William born 18 December 1851
TWEEDLIE, William born About 1830
TWEEDLY, Agnes born 26 August 1874 died 1874
TWEEDLY, Alexander born August 1827
TWEEDLY, Alexander born About 1790 died Before 12 November 1867
TWEEDLY, Alexander born 4 December 1867
TWEEDLY, Andrew born 6 May 1865
TWEEDLY, Ann born 6 January 1858
TWEEDLY, Catherine bapt. 8 October 1854
TWEEDLY, Charles born About 1806 died 14 July 1877 at 6.00 pm
TWEEDLY, Charles born 7 July 1873
TWEEDLY, Charles born 12 December 1862
TWEEDLY, Daniel born About 1829
TWEEDLY, David born About 1770
TWEEDLY, Edward born About 1848
TWEEDLY, Edward born 16 June 1873
TWEEDLY, Edward born About 1810
TWEEDLY, Edward born 7 August 1873
TWEEDLY, Edward born 11 November 1872
TWEEDLY, Edward born About 1844 died 21 July 1882
TWEEDLY, Elisabeth born 16 March 1838
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth Jane born 4 September 1840
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth born About 1844
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth born 24 August 1864
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth born 1879 died 1880
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth born 29 November 1863
TWEEDLY, Elizabeth born About 1876
TWEEDLY, Ellen born About 1850 died Before 27 December 1908
TWEEDLY, Ellen born 1844 died 1 July 1882
TWEEDLY, Euphemia born About 1817 died Before 12 November 1867
TWEEDLY, Fanny born About 1770
TWEEDLY, Fanny born About 1801 died After 17 December 1878
TWEEDLY, Francis born 10 March 1838
TWEEDLY, Francis born About 1817
TWEEDLY, Helen born 1878 died 1878
TWEEDLY, Henrietta born 1 September 1876
TWEEDLY, Henry born About 1879
TWEEDLY, Henry born 11 April 1861
TWEEDLY, Henry born About 1835 died 5 August 1878 at 1.15 am
TWEEDLY, Henry born 4 January 1872 died 1882
TWEEDLY, High I. born 27 August 1879
TWEEDLY, Hugh born 26 August 1815
TWEEDLY, Hugh born About 1776

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