Names |
Born |
Died |
DINGWALL, John junior, merchant in Aberdeen, Mr | born June 1738 | died 10 June 1778 |
DINGWALL, John of Ardo, Provost of Aberdeen | bapt. 22 September 1761 | |
DINGWALL, John of Rannieston, Merchant & Bailie in Aberdeen | bapt. 22 May 1716 | died 13 May 1793 |
DINGWALL, John younger, Merchant & Dean of Guild of Aberdeen | born June 1738 | died 10 June 1778 |
DINGWALL, John | bapt. 14 November 1765 | |
DINGWALL, Jon. | bapt. 22 May 1716 | died 13 May 1793 |
DINGWALL, Lucretia | born About 1716 | |
DINGWALL, Magdaline | bapt. 2 July 1760 | |
DINGWALL, Margaret | bapt. 28 February 1766 | |
DINGWALL, Mary | bapt. 18 June 1756 | |
DINGWALL, Patrick | bapt. 2 May 1770 | |
DINGWALL, Patrick | born About 1729 | |
DINGWALL, Robert | bapt. 3 January 1763 | |
DINGWALL, Sara | bapt. 30 September 1758 | |
DINGWALL, William 2nd of Brucklay, Army Surgeon | born 1719 | died 27 March 1803 |
DINGWALL, William of Brucklay | born 1676 | died 1733 |
DINGWALL, William of Culsh | bapt. 9 May 1712 | |
DINGWALL, William of Sealscrook | born About 1590 | |
DINGWALL, William | bapt. 1 January 1745 | |
DINGWALL, William | bapt. 25 July 1764 | |
DINGWALL, William | bapt. 12 March 1769 | |
DINGWALL, William | bapt. 17 January 1769 | |
DINGWALL FORDYCE, Jannet Stewart | born About 1803 | |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Alexander, Captain | bapt. 4 March 1800 | died 16 July 1864 |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Arthur of Bengal Engineers, Captain | born 29 June 1783 | died 19 December 1812 |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Arthur of Culsh | born 8 December 1745 | died 21 April 1834 |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Arthur | born 19 June 1797 | |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, George | bapt. 16 June 1809 | died 7 September 1875 |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, Jessy Stewart | born About 1803 | |
DINGWALL-FORDYCE, William of Techmuiry | bapt. 9 April 1776 | died 1 March 1831 |
DINWDDIE, Elizabeth | bapt. 17 October 1695 | |
DINWIDDIE, Alexander | bapt. 24 July 1705 | |
DINWIDDIE, Anne | born 1706 | |
DINWIDDIE, Christian | born 1702 | |
DINWIDDIE, Elisabeth | born 1709 | |
DINWIDDIE, John | bapt. 20 December 1698 | died Before 5 February 1713 |
DINWIDDIE, John | bapt. 5 February 1713 | died December 1714 |
DINWIDDIE, Laurence younger, Merchant in Glasgow | bapt. 24 September 1702 | died 1 November 1736 |
DINWIDDIE, Laurence | born About 1665 | |
DINWIDDIE, Lawrence | born About 1665 | |
DINWIDDIE, Lawrence | bapt. 24 September 1702 | died 1 November 1736 |
DINWIDDIE, Mary | bapt. 24 December 1696 | |
DINWIDDIE, Mary | bapt. 26 November 1732 | died March 1736 |
DINWIDDIE, Rebecca | born 1742 | died 1814 |
DINWIDDIE, Robert Junior, Merchant in Glasgow | born About 1660 | |
DINWIDDIE, Robert | born 1692 | died 27 July 1770 |
DINWIDDIE, Rot. | born About 1660 | |
DINWIDDIE, Sarah | bapt. 22 August 1704 | |
DINWIDDIE, Sarah | born 1698 | |
DINWIDDIE, Sophia | bapt. 21 September 1707 | |
DINWIDDIE, William | bapt. 21 December 1733 | |
DINWIDDIES, Helen | bapt. 30 July 1700 | |
DINWIDDIES, Jonet | born 1701 | |
DINWIDDIES, Laurence of Germiston, Provost of Glasgow | born 1696 | |
DINWIDDIES, Laurence | born About 1665 | |
DINWIDDIES, Mary | born 1695 | |
DINWIDDIES, Robert | born About 1660 | |
DINWIDDIES, Rot. | born About 1660 | |
DINWODIE, Lawrence | born About 1665 | |
DINWODIE, Marjorie | bapt. 13 October 1692 | |
DINWODIE, Robert Lieutenant Governor of Virginia | born 1692 | died 27 July 1770 |
DINWODIE, Robert | born About 1660 | |
DINWOODIE, Elizabeth | born 1689 | died Before 6 March 1709 |
DINWOODIE, Garshor | born 1736 or before | died March 1736 |
DINWOODIE, Helen | born 1690 | |
DINWOODIE, Jean | born 1691 | |
DINWOODIE, Laurence Merchant Burgess of Glasgow | born About 1665 | |
DINWOODIE, Lourance Merchant | born About 1665 | |
DINWOODIE, Lourance | bapt. 24 September 1702 | died 1 November 1736 |
DINWOODIE, Mary | bapt. 26 November 1732 | died March 1736 |
DINWOODIE, Mathew | born 1687 | |
DINWOODIE, Robert | born About 1635 | |
DINWOODIE, Robert | born About 1660 | |
DINWOODIE, Robt. | born About 1660 | |
DINWOODIES, John | born 1694 | |
DIPPS, Agnes | born About 1770 | |
DISHINGTON, Janet | born About 1485 | |
DIVENS, Michael | born About 1855 | died Before 10 January 1939 |
DIVINE, Catherine | born 1808 | died 8 October 1884 at 5.00 am |
DIXON, Eleanor | born About 1860 | |
DOBIE, Margaret | born About 1860 | died Before 15 September 1909 |
DOCHARTY, Andrew | born About 1825 | |
DOCHARTY, Elizabeth | born About 1825 | died 1 March 1874 |
DOCHERTY, Agnes | born About 1785 | |
DOCHERTY, Anthony | born About 1795 | died Before 1 March 1874 |
DOCHERTY, Elizabeth | born About 1805 | died After 11 February 1860 |
DOCHERTY, Elizabeth | born About 1825 | died 1 March 1874 |
DOCHERTY, Hugh | born About 1836 | |
DOCHERTY, James | born 1832 | |
DOCHERTY, John | born About 1780 | |
DOCHERTY, John | born About 1805 | died Before 11 February 1860 |
DOCHERTY, Martha | born 1809 | died 2 January 1888 at 9.45 pm |
DOCHERTY, Mary Ellen | born About 1861 | died After 31 December 1910 |
DOCHERTY, Mary Helen | born About 1861 | died After 31 December 1910 |
DOCHERTY, Mary | born 14 March 1856 | died Between 15 May 1898 and 31 December 1904 |
DOCHERTY, Rebecca | born About 1800 | died After 1 March 1874 |
DODDS, Catherine | born About 1841 | died 1 April 1904 |
DODSON, Margaret A. | born 29 December 1890 | died 18 December 1988 |
DODSON, Margaret Arvella | born 29 December 1890 | died 18 December 1988 |
DODSON, Margaret | born 29 December 1890 | died 18 December 1988 |
DOEWEEL, Margaret | bapt. 6 August 1682 | |
DOEWEELL, Margaret | bapt. 6 August 1682 | |
DOEWELL, Margt | bapt. 6 August 1682 | |
DOGHERTY, Martha | born 1809 | died 2 January 1888 at 9.45 pm |
DOHERTY, Andrew | born About 1825 | |
DOHERTY, Andrew | born 14 November 1859 | |
DOHERTY, Martha | born 1809 | died 2 January 1888 at 9.45 pm |
DOHERTY, Mary | born 14 March 1856 | died Between 15 May 1898 and 31 December 1904 |
DOHERTY, Thomas | bapt. 7 August 1808 | |
DOHERTY OR DOCKERTY, John | born About 1780 | |
DONACHIE, Hugh Joseph | born About 1845 | |
DONACHIE, Hugh | born About 1820 | |
DONACHIE, Hugh | born About 1845 | |
DONACHIE, James | born About 1845 | |
DONACHIE, Margaret | born 30 April 1881 | died After 10 June 1933 |
DONACHIE, Margaret | born 11 September 1855 | died Before 1907 |
DONACHIE, Sam | born 1888 | |
DONAGHY, Ann | born 1826 | died Before 20 September 1874 |
DONALD, Margaret | born About 1735 | |
DONALDSON, Agnes | born 1840s | died After 15 April 1910 |
DONALDSON, Alexander 3rd of Kinnairdy | born About 1715 | |
DONALDSON, Alexander Weaver in Hallcraig | born 9 July 1779 | |
DONALDSON, Alexander | born 11 October 1803 | |
DONALDSON, Alexr. | born 9 July 1779 | |
DONALDSON, Anna | bapt. 13 February 1743 | died 27 September 1821 |
DONALDSON, Anne | bapt. 13 February 1743 | died 27 September 1821 |
DONALDSON, Duncan | born About 1829 | |
DONALDSON, Elisabeth | born 1804 | died After 31 October 1862 |
DONALDSON, Elisabeth | born 29 September 1839 | |
DONALDSON, Elizabeth | born 1804 | died After 31 October 1862 |
DONALDSON, Elizabeth | born 29 September 1839 | |
DONALDSON, Elizabeth | born About 1660 | |
DONALDSON, Helen | bapt. 24 October 1773 | |
DONALDSON, Isabella 'of Kinardie' | born About 1720 | died 1 January 1798 |
DONALDSON, James 4th of Kinnairdy | born About 1742 | |
DONALDSON, James | born 14 October 1808 | died 26 June 1873 |
DONALDSON, James | bapt. 14 May 1775 | |
DONALDSON, Jane (DNA Linked) | born About 1801 | died Before 30 March 1851 |
DONALDSON, Jane | born About 1779 | |
DONALDSON, Janet | born About 1750 | died 1834 |
DONALDSON, Jean | born About 1779 | |
DONALDSON, Jean | born About 1801 | died Before 30 March 1851 |
DONALDSON, Jeanie | born About 1801 | died Before 30 March 1851 |
DONALDSON, John in Blackshouse, Pettinain parish | born 28 February 1741 | |
DONALDSON, John in Carmichael, then Blackshouse Pettinain | born About 1710 | |
DONALDSON, John | born About 1675 | |
DONALDSON, John | born 2 August 1777 | |
DONALDSON, Lily | bapt. 3 May 1772 | |
DONALDSON, Margarat | born About 1715 | |
DONALDSON, Margaret | born About 1715 | |
DONALDSON, Margaret | born About 1615 | |
DONALDSON, Margaret | born About 1760 | |
DONALDSON, Margaret | born 16 December 1790 | |
DONALDSON, Marion | born 4 June 1783 | |
DONALDSON, Mary McDonald | born 16 December 1861 | |
DONALDSON, Mary | born 14 September 1837 | |
DONALDSON, Nathaniel | bapt. 30 November 1746 | |
DONALDSON, Nathaniel | born 22 June 1785 | |
DONALDSON, Thomas | born 6 March 1806 | |
DONALDSON, William | born 1794 | died After 31 October 1862 |
DONALDSON, William | born 6 June 1781 | |
DONALLY, Ann | born About 1830 | |
DONALLY, Rosana | born About 1830 | |
DONALSON, Alexander | born 9 July 1779 | |
DOND OR DOUD, Cathrene | born About 1665 | |
DONELLY, Bell | born 1764 | died November-December 1842 |
DONELLY, Isa: | born 1764 | died November-December 1842 |
DONELLY, Isab. | born 1764 | died November-December 1842 |
DONLEY, Helen | born 1876 | died 27 November 1936 at 7.55 am |
DONLY, Cath | bapt. 15 February 1826 | died 29 June 1884 at 12 noon |
DONLY, Catherine | bapt. 15 February 1826 | died 29 June 1884 at 12 noon |
DONLY, Patt | born 1827 | died 6 June 1892 |
DONNACHIE, Hugh L. | born 22 October 1872 | died 18 November 1945 |
DONNACHIE, Hugh Lowrie | born 22 October 1872 | died 18 November 1945 |
DONNACHIE, James | born About 1845 | |
DONNACHIE, Margaret George | born 29 August 1846 | died 19 October 1918 |
DONNACHIE, Samuel Lowrie | born 1888 | |
DONNALLY, Catherine | bapt. 15 February 1826 | died 29 June 1884 at 12 noon |
DONNALLY, Mary Jane | bapt. 24 November 1849 | died 1903 |
DONNALLY, Patrick | born 1827 | died 6 June 1892 |
DONNALLY, Patrick | born 16 October 1863 | died 21 September 1923 |
DONNELLY, Agnes | born About 1850 | died After 15 June 1905 |
DONNELLY, Ann | born About 1830 | |
DONNELLY, Annie | born 1900 | died 1962 |
DONNELLY, Catherine | bapt. 15 February 1826 | died 29 June 1884 at 12 noon |
DONNELLY, Catherine | born 1898 | died 1975 |
DONNELLY, Ellan | born 16 September 1873 | died 2 January 1947 at 3.15 pm |
DONNELLY, Ellen | born 1876 | died 27 November 1936 at 7.55 am |
DONNELLY, Ellen | bapt. 21 March 1839 | |
DONNELLY, Helen | born 1876 | died 27 November 1936 at 7.55 am |
DONNELLY, Helen | born 16 September 1873 | died 2 January 1947 at 3.15 pm |
DONNELLY, Isabella | born 1764 | died November-December 1842 |
DONNELLY, James Gunner (Royal Artillery) | born 30 March 1906 | died 12 September 1944 |
DONNELLY, James | bapt. 9 December 1836 | |
DONNELLY, John | born 1846 | died 15 June 1889 |
DONNELLY, John | bapt. 12 April 1835 | |
DONNELLY, Maggie | born 12 June 1878 | died 14 January 1919 at 11.00 am |
DONNELLY, Margaret | born 12 June 1878 | died 14 January 1919 at 11.00 am |
DONNELLY, Margaret | born 1881 | died 16 November 1953 |
DONNELLY, Mary Jane | bapt. 24 November 1849 | died 1903 |
DONNELLY, Mary | born 1903 | died 1984 |
DONNELLY, Owen | born About 1815 | died After 26 June 1863 |
DONNELLY, Patrick | born 1827 | died 6 June 1892 |
DONNELLY, Patrick | born 16 October 1863 | died 21 September 1923 |
DONNELLY, Patrick | born 17 August 1896 | died 1899 |
DONNELLY, Patrick | born 1883 | died 22 June 1914 |
DONNELLY, Robert | born About 1880 | died After 9 September 1932 |
DONNELLY, Rosannah | born About 1830 | |
DONNELLY, Rose Ann | born 1842 | |
DONNELLY, Rose | born 1842 | |
DONNELLY, Roseann | born 1842 | |
DONNELY, Patrick | born 1883 | died 22 June 1914 |
DONNLEY, Isabella | born 1764 | died November-December 1842 |
DOOLEY, Ellen Ann | born 1859 | |
DOOLEY, James | born 1854 | |
DOOLEY, John | born 1861 | |
DOOLEY, Margaret | born 1857 | |
DOOLEY, Michael | born 1862 | |
DOOLEY, Patrick | born 1853 | |
DOOLEY, Sarah Ann (DNA Link) | born 4 June 1872 | died 19 February 1941 |
DOOLEY, Thomas | born 1830 | |
DORAN, Elizabeth | born About 1830 | |
DORANS, Elizabeth | born About 1830 | |
DORHAM, John | born About 1795 | |
DORHAM, Mary Ann | born About 1823 | |
DORION, Dana | born 1834 | |
DORION, Denise | born 1834 | |
DORION, Jean Baptiste | born 1807 | died 1849 |
DORION, Jean-Marie | born About 1700 | |
DORION, Marie Denis | born 1834 | |
DORION, Marie Dennise | born 1834 | |
DORION, Pierre II | born 1780 | died 10 January 1814 |
DORION, Pierre | born 17 January 1740 | died 23 July 1810 |
DORION VENIER, Marie Aioe | born 1787 | died 5 September 1850 |
D'ORLÉANS, Louis Duke of Longueville | born About 1510 | |
DORNAN, Elizabeth | born About 1830 | |
DORNEY, Mary Catherine | born About 1895 | |
DORNING, Elizabeth | born About 1830 | |
DOUD, Agnes | born About 1817 | died 14 September 1895 at 7.40 am |
DOUD, Andrew | born About 1785 | |
DOUD, Andrew | bapt. 27 October 1814 | died Before 26 January 1822 |
DOUD, Andrew | bapt. 26 January 1822 | |
DOUD, John | bapt. 16 June 1819 | |
DOUD, Maria | bapt. 6 May 1811 | died Before 8 March 1825 |
DOUD, Maria | bapt. 8 March 1825 | |
DOUD, Michael | bapt. 8 December 1807 | |
DOUD, Patrick | bapt. 22 August 1812 | |
DOUDS, Catherine | born About 1841 | died 1 April 1904 |
DOUGAL, , Captain | born About 1740 | died Before 2 October 1788 |
DOUGAN, | born About 1795 | |
DOUGAN, Agness | born About 1854 | |
DOUGAN, Ann | born About 1830 | died Before 21 March 1924 |
DOUGAN, Annie | born About 1830 | died Before 21 March 1924 |
DOUGAN, James | born About 1825 | died Before 21 March 1924 |
DOUGAN, Sarah | born 24 August 1871 | died Before 2 March 1941 |
DOUGHERTY, Martha | born 1809 | died 2 January 1888 at 9.45 pm |
DOUGLAS, Agnes | born About 1574 | died 3 May 1607 |
DOUGLAS, Agnes | born About 1502 | |
DOUGLAS, Agnes | born About 1377 | died After 1421 |
DOUGLAS, Agnes | born About 1498 | |
DOUGLAS, Alexander Bishop of Moray, Right Reverend Mr | born About 1557 | died May 1623 |
DOUGLAS, Alexander of Downies, Provost of Banff,Sheriff of Banffshire, Dr | born About 1590 | died 9 October 1663 |
DOUGLAS, Alexander of Mains | born About 1490 | |
DOUGLAS, Alexander Professor of Hebrew at Edinburgh University | born About 1644 | died 27 March 1692 |
DOUGLAS, Alexander | born About 1418 | |
DOUGLAS, Alexr. | born About 1590 | died 9 October 1663 |
DOUGLAS, Andrew of Hermiston, ancestor of Earl of Morton, Sir | born About 1222 | died Before 1277 |
DOUGLAS, Ann | born About 1606 | died 1667 |
DOUGLAS, Ann | born About 1604 | |
DOUGLAS, Anna 'of Whittinghame' | born About 1642 | |
DOUGLAS, Anna | born About 1630 | died by 29 December 1690 |
DOUGLAS, Anna | born About 1630 | |
DOUGLAS, Anna | born About 1680 | died 13 February 1700 |
DOUGLAS, Annas | born About 1604 | |
DOUGLAS, Anne | born About 1630 | died by 29 December 1690 |
DOUGLAS, Anne | born About 1620 | |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 2nd of Glenbervie, Sir | born About 1503 | died 29 September 1570 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 3rd Earl of Douglas, 'Black Archibald', 'the Grim'' | born About 1330 | died by 9 February 1400(1401) |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 4th Earl of Douglas, Duke of Touraine | born About 1372 | died 17 August 1424 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 5th Earl of Angus, 'Bell the Cat' | born About 1449 | died About November 1513 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 5th Earl of Douglas Lieutenant General and Regent of Scotland | born About 1392 | died June 1439 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 6th Earl of Angus | born About 1489 | died 22 January 1557 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 6th Earl of Moray, jure uxoris | born About 1427 | died 1 May 1455 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald 8th Earl of Angus, later 5th Earl of Morton | born About 1552 | died 1588 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald Earl of Angus and Ormond | born About 1609 | died About 15 January 1655 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald Lord of Douglas | born About 1175 | |
DOUGLAS, Archibald Minister of Saltoun parish, Reverend Mr | born About 1641 | died 31 March 1696 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald of Cavers, Sheriff of Teviotdale | born About 1373 | |
DOUGLAS, Archibald of Kellour, Sir | born About 1573 | died 1649 |
DOUGLAS, Archibald of Pittendreich | born About 1560 | |
DOUGLAS, Archibald of Tilquhillie, Sir | born About 1596 | died before 20 July 1647(dvp) |
DOUGLAS, Archibald Rector of Douglas | born About 1538 | |
DOUGLAS, Archibald Regent of Scotland, Sir | born Before 1298 | died 19 July 1333 |
DOUGLAS, Arthur of Tilquhillie | born About 1513 | |
DOUGLAS, Barbara | born About 1283 | |
DOUGLAS, Beatrice | born About 1424 | died After 1490 |
DOUGLAS, Beatrice | born About 1491 | |
DOUGLAS, Beatrice | born About 1515 | died After 31 October 1583 |
DOUGLAS, Beatrix of Morton | born About 1600 | |
DOUGLAS, Bessie | born About 1600 | died After 23 July 1655 |
DOUGLAS, Catherine | born About 1595 | |
DOUGLAS, Catherine | born About 1315 | |
DOUGLAS, Christen | bapt. 10 December 1628 | |
DOUGLAS, Christian | bapt. 10 December 1628 | |
DOUGLAS, Christian | born About 1532 | died About 1568 |
DOUGLAS, Christian | born About 1394 | died After 1465 |
DOUGLAS, Christian | born About 1569 | died by 1607 |
DOUGLAS, Christian | born About 1550 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1398 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1420 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1645 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1634 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1637 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1420 | |
DOUGLAS, Daughter | born About 1310 | |
DOUGLAS, David of Cockburnspath, 7th Earl of Angus | born About 1515 | died June 1557 |
DOUGLAS, David of Pittendreich | born About 1460 | |
DOUGLAS, David of Tilquhillie | born About 1440 | |
DOUGLAS, David | bapt. 28 May 1717 | |
DOUGLAS, David | born About 1428 | died 24 November 1440 |
DOUGLAS, David | born About 1638 | |
DOUGLAS, Egidia | born About 1393 | died After 1438 |
DOUGLAS, Eleanor | born About 1385 | |
DOUGLAS, Elene | born About 1438 | |
DOUGLAS, Eleonora | born About 1319 | |
DOUGLAS, Elinor | born About 1385 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth Countess of Morton | born About 1517 | died After 12 July 1561 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth heiress of Pittendreich | born About 1490 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1403 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1561 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1602 | died by 1640 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1453 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1399 | died About 1451 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1491 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1575 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1452 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1645 | died 21 November 1678 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1525 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1646 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1600 | died After 23 July 1655 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1571 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1492 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1616 | died April 1656 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1598 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1435 | |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1555 | died 1637 |
DOUGLAS, Elizabeth | born About 1425 | |
DOUGLAS, Euphemia | born About 1530 | died June 1580 |
DOUGLAS, Euphemia | born About 1571 | |
DOUGLAS, Francis, Sir | born About 1600 | |
DOUGLAS, Gavin Bishop of Dunkeld, Right Reverend Mr | born About 1474 | died September 1522 |
DOUGLAS, Gavin of Bridgeford | born About 1575 | died 1 October 1616 |
DOUGLAS, George 4th Earl of Angus, 'Red Douglas' | born About 1420 | died 12 March 1463 |
DOUGLAS, George Bishop of Moray, Right Reverend Mr | born About 1545 | died 1589(1590) |
DOUGLAS, George Earl of Angus | born About 1377 | died After 14 September 1402 |
DOUGLAS, George Master of Angus | born About 1469 | died 9 September 1513 |
DOUGLAS, George of Helenhill, Sir | born About 1532 | |
DOUGLAS, George of Pittendreigh, Master of Angus, Sir | born About 1490 | |
DOUGLAS, George | born About 1577 | died Before 9 December 1609 |
DOUGLAS, Gilbert | born About 1685 | died by 1758 |
DOUGLAS, Giles | born About 1505 | |
DOUGLAS, Girsald | born About 1647 | |
DOUGLAS, Grizel | born About 1647 | |
DOUGLAS, Helen | born About 1642 | |
DOUGLAS, Helen | born About 1390 | |
DOUGLAS, Helen | born About 1376 | |
DOUGLAS, Henry of Logton, Sir | born About 1342 | died By 22 October 1393 |
DOUGLAS, Henry of Lugton and Lochleven, Sir | born About 1342 | died By 22 October 1393 |
DOUGLAS, Henry of Mosshouse | born About 1375 | |
DOUGLAS, Henry of Tannachy | born About 1558 | died 5 October 1595 |
DOUGLAS, Henry younger, of Lochleven and Lugton, Sir | born About 1409 | died by 28 May 1476 |
DOUGLAS, Henry | born About 1395 | died Before 1456 |
DOUGLAS, Hugh | born About 1239 | |
DOUGLAS, Isabel | born About 1620 | died 16 December 1672 |
DOUGLAS, Isabel | born About 1452 | |
DOUGLAS, Isabel | born About 1642 | died After 20 December 1688 |
DOUGLAS, Isabella Countess of Mar, and Garioch, suo jure | born About 1365 | died by October 1408 |
DOUGLAS, Isabella | born About 1452 | |
DOUGLAS, Isabella | born About 1626 | |
DOUGLAS, Isabella | born About 1620 | died 16 December 1672 |
DOUGLAS, Isobel heir-portioner of Bridgeford | born About 1707 | |
DOUGLAS, Issobell | born About 1626 | |
DOUGLAS, Jacoba | born About 1375 | |
DOUGLAS, James, Sir | born About 1394 | died 17 August 1424 |
DOUGLAS, James 10th Earl of Morton, Sir | born About 1608 | died 25 August 1686 |
DOUGLAS, James 1st Lord Mordington, Sir | born 1591 | died 11 February 1656 |
DOUGLAS, James 2nd Earl of Douglas, Sir | born About 1355 | died Before 18 August 1388 |
DOUGLAS, James 2nd Earl of Queensberry | born About 1605 | died 1671 |
DOUGLAS, James 2nd of Dalkeith, Sir | born About 1373 | died by May 1441 |
DOUGLAS, James 3rd Earl of Angus | born About 1416 | died Before September 1446 |
DOUGLAS, James 3rd Earl of Morton | born About 1493 | died Before 4 November 1550 |
DOUGLAS, James 3rd of Dalkeith, Sir | born About 1391 | died by 14 March 1458 |
DOUGLAS, James 4th Earl of Morton, Regent of Scotland | born About 1516 | died 2 June 1581 |
DOUGLAS, James 4th of Dalkeith, 1st Earl of Morton | born About 1425 | died by 22 October 1493 |
DOUGLAS, James 5th Earl of Buchan | born About 1565 | |
DOUGLAS, James 5th of Drumlanrig | born About 1460 | |
DOUGLAS, James 7th of Drumlanrig, Sir | born About 1498 | died 27 December 1578 |
DOUGLAS, James 8th of Drumlanrig, Sir | born About 1562 | died August 1615 |
DOUGLAS, James 9th Earl of Douglas | born About 1426 | |
DOUGLAS, James Commendator of Melrose Abbey | born About 1570 | died Before 15 October 1620 |
DOUGLAS, James Lord Douglas, 'Good Sir James', 'Black Douglas', Sir | born About 1286 | died 25 August 1330 |
DOUGLAS, James Lord of Dalkeith, Sir | born About 1340 | died 1420 |
DOUGLAS, James Master of Angus | born About 1545 | died February 1548 |
DOUGLAS, James of Balvenie, 7th Earl of Douglas | born About 1380 | died 24 March 1442 |
DOUGLAS, James of Bridgeford | born About 1695 | died Before 7 October 1737 |
DOUGLAS, James of Inchmarlo | born About 1601 | died 1672 |
DOUGLAS, James of Lothian, Sir | born About 1275 | died Before 20 April 1323 |
DOUGLAS, James of Ralston | born About 1412 | |
DOUGLAS, James of Stoneypath | born About 1590 |
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