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(About 1635-)
CUMYNG, Mathow
(About 1625-)
KINCAID, Margaret
(About 1633-)
DINWIDDIE, Robert Junior, Merchant in Glasgow
(About 1660-)
CUMYNG, Elizabeth
DINWODIE, Robert Lieutenant Governor of Virginia


Family Links

1. AUCHINLECK, Rebecca

DINWODIE, Robert Lieutenant Governor of Virginia 1

  • Born: 1692, Glasgow, Scotland
  • Baptised: 2 October 1692, High Church parish, Glasgow, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Marriage (1): AUCHINLECK, Rebecca
  • Died: 27 July 1770, Clifton, Bristol, England 2
  • Buried: 1770, St Andrew's Churchyard, Clifton, Bristol, England 2

   Another name for Robert was DINWIDDIE, Robert.2 3

  General Notes:

"1692, 2nd October, Robert, lawful son of Robert Dinwoodie and Elizabeth Cumming. Wits. Mathew Cumming, elder and Lawrence Dinwoodie."

from Electric Scotland

'Robert Dinwiddie, a former alumnus of the University in 1707 and colonial administrator, was conferred an honorary degree by the University of Glasgow in 1754. He was also 'Granter of Dinwiddie Mortification' for the University of Glasgow Library, by which he left a bequest of £100 for the procurement of books...
Dinwiddie worked as a merchant before entering British government service in 1727 as collector of the customs for Bermuda. He was appointed surveyor general (of revenues) for the southern part of America in 1738, and in 1741 became a member of the Governor's Council of Virginia. Afterwards he was made Lieutenant Governor of Virginia. In 1753 he was said to have played a role in precipitating the French and Indian War though his support of the Ohio Company's land claims against the French.
In conferring an honorary degree to Dinwiddie, the University of Glasgow Minutes of 20 December state "it would be very proper to confer the Degree both as he was an Alumnus of this Universitie and a Native of this City, and who by the high office he bears does Honour to both, and may have occasion to promote their Interest."
In 1758 Dinwiddie returned to England, where he died at Clifton, on 1 August 1770.
Dinwiddie was also mentioned frequently in Thackeray's novel, The Virginians.'

from University of Glasgow Story 3 4

Robert married Rebecca AUCHINLECK. (Rebecca AUCHINLECK was born in 1718 2 and died in 1793 2.)


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

2 Internet Site, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/101966529/robert-dinwiddie.

3 Internet Site, https://www.internationalstory.gla.ac.uk/person/?id=WH10601.

4 Internet Site, http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/dtog/dinwiddie3.html.

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