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DOUGLAS, James of Lothian, Sir
(About 1275-Before 1323)
DE GRAHAM, John 'pater', of Dalkeith and Abercorn, Sir
(About 1275-)
DOUGLAS, John, Sir
(About 1302-Between 1346/1350)
(About 1306-After 1361)
DOUGLAS, Henry of Lugton and Lochleven, Sir
(About 1342-1393)


Family Links

1. Unknown

2. STEWART, Marjory

DOUGLAS, Henry of Lugton and Lochleven, Sir 1 3

  • Born: About 1342
  • Partnership (1): Unknown
  • Marriage (2): STEWART, Marjory before 19 May 1384 1 2
  • Died: By 22 October 1393 1 4 5

   Other names for Henry were DE DOUGLAS, Henry, Sir 5 and DOUGLAS, Henry of Logton, Sir.6

   User ID: W76.

  General Notes:

"James (Douglas), the third Earl of Morton, grandson of the first Earl, having no sons, obtained a new charter of the Earldom, with remainder to (1.) his daughter's husband, James Douglas (afterwards the Regent Morton); (2.) to Archibald Earl of Angus; (3.) to Sir William Douglas of Lochleven; and the heirs-male of their bodies respectively.

By virtue of that settlement, the Earldom came to the Regent. After his death, and when his attainder was reversed in 1585, Archibald, the eighth Earl of Angus, became Earl of Morton; and he also dying without sons, the succession devolved on Sir William Douglas of Lochleven, the lineal male descendant of that Henry who was the fourth in the enumeration of the nephews of Sir William of Douglas in his entail of 1351. In 1368, Henry acquired the lands of Lugtoun, adjoining his father's lordship of Dalkeith; had charters of Langnewton in Roxburgh form the Stewards lords of Ochiltree; and of the castle and lands of Lochleven, which gave their style and usual designation to his descendants. He was a person of great consideration, as well as large possessions, being married to a niece of King Robert II., daughter of David first Earl of Crauford; and he was attached in some manner to the personal service or attendance of the unhappy Prince, David Duke of Rothesay." [....]

"The house of Lochleven followed the example of their cousins of Dalkeith, and the charter-room at Dalmahoy, which now combines the united collections of both families, shows many marks of care, both in preserving and transcribing their ancient muniments.

There is a carefully written Registrum Evidentiarum Dominorum de Lochlevin, compiled in 1573, which commences with the first charter of Henry of Lugton and Lochleven; as well as several bundles of original writs on parchment, inartificially stitched together, and some similar fasciculi of transcripts of originals by the family notary."

from Morton Papers webpage 7

  Research Notes:


Sir Henry Douglas received command of the Castle of Lochleven in 1390, but in his day is not usually termed ' of Lochleven'. A short timeline for this Sir Henry Douglas, referred to as of Logton (Lugton) is:

"1390 March 18 Sir Henry received the Barony of Lugton on (RMS V1 #795).

1390 March 18 Sir Henry received the Castle of Lochleven on (RMS V1 #796).

1392 October 20 Henry of Logton in his Testament (Reg Hon de Morton, Vol 2, #194).

1392 November 6 Henry of Logton in Charter of Mosshouse to his son Henry (his natural son) (Reg Hon de Morton, Vol 2, #195 and NRS GD150/69).

1409 December 20 Sir Henry of Logton in the Inquisition for Sir William as his heir (Reg Hon de Morton, Vol 2, #217).
1411 William of Logton in Charter (NRS GD150/88)."

from email cited 6

Henry had a relationship with someone.

Henry next married Marjory STEWART, daughter of Sir John STEWART of Ralston or Cunningham and Alicia MURE, before 19 May 1384.1 2 (Marjory STEWART was born about 1353.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Repository code: 234

Repository: National Records of Scotland

Reference: GD150/33

Title: Four discharges, and a transumpt of the first of them, stitched together

Dates: 23 Jul 1375-10 Jul 1406

Description: (a) Alexander de Cokburn to Sir Henry de Douglas, 23 July 1375;
(b) Andrew de Valouns, burgess of Lanark, to Marion de Lyndesay, spouse of the deceased Sir Henry de Douglas, 22 October 1393..."

from NRS

"He (Sir Henry Douglas) married, before 19 May 1384, Margery, widow of [Roger] Magven of that Ilk, and of Sir Alexander Lindsay of Glenesk, and daughter of Sir John Stewart of Ralstoun, half-brother to King Robert II. They had a plenary indulgence 4 April 1385. The descent of the family at this point is doubtful, and has been variously stated; but it seems most probable that Sir Henry and Margery Stewart had two sons : 1. Sir William, who succeeded. 2. Sir Henry, who succeeded his brother (see Note below)."

from Scots Peerage (vol 6)


Despite the latter part of the above statement, the ensuing text shows the Sir Henry Douglas who succeeded Sir William was Sir William's son, not his brother.

Sir William also had two younger brothers, James and Alexander. James and his wife were attainted for their part in the Douglas rising. The text says only that Alexander was "mentioned in 1488."

The order of succession was Henry, William, Henry, Robert.
1 2 5


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 6 (1909).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

3 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

4 e-books, Registrum Honoris de Morton Volume 2 Ancient Charters (1853) No. 194 Testamentum Henrici de Douglas domini de Logtoun.

5 National Records of Scotland, GD150 Papers of the Earls of Morton 1250-1940 GD150/33.

6 e-mail, M. Wade 3 December 2023.

7 Internet Site, https://randomscottishhistory.com/2018/12/18/morton-papers-pp-325-340/ Morton Papers, pp.325-340 18/12/2018.

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