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(About 1765-)
(About 1768-About 1811)
LINESS, Arthur
DONNLEY, Isabella
QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
QUIGLY, Patrick (DNA Linked)


Family Links

1. GEORGE, Margaret (DNA Linked)

QUIGLY, Patrick (DNA Linked) 1 2

  • Born: 17 March 1824, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland 3
  • Baptised: 18 March 1824, St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): GEORGE, Margaret (DNA Linked) on 31 October 1850 in St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland
  • Died: 28 May 1881 at 4.00 am, 10 Dalziel Street, Motherwell, Lanarkshire, Scotland

   Cause of his death was pneumonia lasting 7 days.4

   Other names for Patrick were QUEGLEY, Peter,5 QUIDLEY, Peter,6 QUIGLEY, Pat.,7 QUIGLEY, Patrick,3 8 QUIGLEY, Peter,4 5 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 QUIGLEY, Peter/Patrick,7 TEEDLY, Peder,20 TEEDLY, Peter,21 TWEEDLEY, Patrick,22 TWEEDLEY, Peter,23 24 25 26 27 TWEEDLY, Peter,28 TWIGLEY, Peter 29 and TWIGLY, Peter.7

  General Notes:

Born on St Patrick's Day 1824 and christened Patrick, this son of John Quigly and Catherine Linas was their third child.
This website, Patrick's People, was named for him:

Roman Catholic Records
St Mirin's Parish Paisley

"At Paisley this eighteenth day of March 1824 I the undersigned baptised Patrick born on the seventeenth day of March 1824 lawful son of John Quigly and Catherine Liness. The sponsors were Arthur Liness and Margaret Liness.
(signed) William Caven"

On 6 October 1839 Rev Dr J. Murdoch confirmed a young man called Peter Quigley at St Mirin's Paisley. In all likelihood this was the Patrick/Peter Quigly recorded here.

In 1841 the census for Anderston, in Barony parish Lanarkshire, recorded Peter Twigley living with his mother, brothers, and sister Annabella, at 114 Main Street. Peter's age was recorded as 17 years, and his occupation as carder in a cotton mill. His birthplace was 'outside the county' in which the census recorded him living.

On 27 August 1848 a Peter Quigley was one of the sponsors at the baptisms of Mary, daughter of Arthur Quigley and Jane Thomson in St Mary's RC Chapel, Glasgow. The other sponsor was Isabella Thomson.

In 1851 Peter Quigley or Quegley (looks like Quegley but 'e' is dotted) was recorded by the census living with his wife and his baby son, John, and his father in law, Samuel George, in Mill Street, Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. He was recorded as 27 years old, and married, with a 4 month old child. The record confirmed he was born in Paisley, and that he was employed as a coal miner.

In 1857 Peter notified the registrar at Galston, Ayrshire of the arrival of his daughter, Catherine. He had been present where the birth took place, and made his X mark in testimony. The baby was born at Holmes Colliery, Galston, and Peter was recorded as a coal miner, so presumably that was his workplace at that time, his family living in one of the miners' rows there.

Peter Quigley was the informant of the birth of his daughter Mary Quigley in 1860, but was not present where the birth took place. He was a coalminer, probably employed at Holmes Colliery in Galston parish Ayrshire, which the certificate notes as the location of Mary's birth.

The 1861 census registered Peter Quigley, with his wife and family, living in Old Rome, a hamlet of Dundonald, Ayrshire. The family then consisted of five children: John, aged 10 years, Rebecca, aged 8 years, Samuel, aged 6 years, Catherine, aged 4 years, and Mary, aged 5 months. Peter himself was recorded as aged 36 years, and as having been born in Paisley, Renfrewshire. He was a coal miner.

"Peter Quigley" was the informant of the births of twins at Galston in 1866, a boy Peter and a girl Margaret. He was present where the births occurred and signed his name.

In the 1871 census Peter Tweedley and his family were back living in Galston, Ayrshire, at Knowehead Rows. Their surname was recorded by the enumerator as "Tweedley". Peter Tweedley, head of the household, was 47 years old. His birthplace was noted as Paisley, Renfrewshire. He worked as a coal miner. Along with his wife there were four sons and two daughters aged from 2 years to 16 years, to be supported in a dwelling that had only one room that was windowed. One of the children, Samuel, also worked.

On 30 April 1871 "James Quigley", son of "peter Quigley" and Margaret George was born. In 1872 Peter notified the registrar of his little son's death. James died before his first birthday. Peter made his X mark before the registrar on both of these occasions.

In the marriage certificate of John Tweedley and Margaret Stevenson in 1873, John's father was recorded as "Patrick Tweedley Coal Miner".

When Rebecca Quidley was married at Crookedholm in 1875, her marriage certificate recorded her father as 'Peter Quidley coal miner'.

In 1879 Peter's daughter, Mary, married. Her father 'Peder Teedly' was noted in the certificate as a coal miner.

In the 1881 census "Patrick Quigley"'s occupation was recorded as coal miner; he was 57 years old and had been born in Paisley, Renfrewhsire. He was living in Dalziel Parish in Lanarkshire with his wife, two sons, Arthur and Peter and one daughter, Peter's twin, Margaret. The address was 22 Dalziel Street Motherwell. Also in the census entry for 22 Dalziel Street, as part of the household of Patrick Quigley and Margaret George, were two children: a boy whose age was noted as 10 months, William Allan, born in London, listed in the entry as 'nephew'. William Allan was the son of Mary Quigley, Patrick and Margaret Quigley's daughter. The second child was listed as their 'daughter' Margt, aged 6 years and born in New Cumnock, Ayrshire. She was likely the daughter of their son John whose wife had recently died.

"Peter Quigley" died soon after the taking of the 1881 census. His death certificate of May 1881 recorded him as married to Margaret George, and once again recorded his occupation as coal miner. His recorded, and actual, age was 57 years. The address where he died was 10 Dalziel Street Motherwell. Both of his parents by then were dead.

When his son Arthur married in 1887 Peter Tweedley, as his father was named in the marriage certificate, was deceased. He was recorded as a coal miner. In 1889 when the younger Peter Quigley married Mary Feely in Hamilton, his father was named as "Peter Quigley Coal Miner (Deceased)". The same designation for him was recorded in 1892 when his son John married for a second time.

In 1918 Patrick Quigly's daughter, Mary, died in Hamilton. Her father, 'Peter Tweedley', was noted as having been a coal miner, and the same designation was recorded for him in the death certificate of his son John Tweedley in 1920.

When, in a second marriage, Arthur Tweedly married Sarah Dougan in 1924, his father was named as Peter Tweedly, "Coal Miner (deceased)".

When his son Peter Quigley died in 1936, Peter Quigley senior was recorded as "Coalminer (deceased)".

When Peter Quigley's son Arthur died in 1941, his father was recorded as a coal miner.

In 1942, the death certificate of Peter Quigley's daughter, Margaret Gebbie, recorded him as a 'Coal Hewer (Deceased)'. 3 4 5 6 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

  Research Notes:


Patrick or Peter Quigly died at 10 Dalziel Street in Motherwell on 28 May 1881. A short time before that, on 3 April, he was recorded by the 1881 census living with his family at 22 Dalziel Street. At number 10, in the census, lived a family called Easton, John and Agnes. We do not know exactly why or how these details came about, but it may have had to do with Peter's illness, and the threat it might have presented to his family, given the smallness of their house, especially if small children might be harmed. We know there were Eastons as neighbours to the Tweedleys from the 1871 census for Galston.


At that time in the Roman Catholic Church in Scotland the sacrament of Confirmation was received about 15 years of age.


It seems to have been the case that Peter and Patrick were interchangeable names, given the practice in Irish and Highland families at that time. However odd we may find this in modern terms, it was the case in families of a certain Gaelic culture.

Patrick Quigly is a case in point. The record of his christening in St Mirin's Parish, Paisley, names him Patrick. He was born on St Patrick's Day, 17 March 1824, and christened on the following day. The record of his marriage at St Joseph's Parish, Kilmarnock also names him as Patrick.

When his first child, John, was baptised on 3 November 1850 at St Joseph's Kilmarnock, the child's parents were named in the baptismal record as 'Peter Quigly and Margaret George'. This designation, with Quigly becoming Quigley, was repeated when their daughter, Catherine, was registered on 10 March 1857, and with the registration of the births of their children that followed.

Later when their son, Peter, married Mary Feely in 1889 in St Mary's Hamilton, the bridegroom's parents were called 'Peter Quigley and Margaret George'. When his son Peter's birth was registered by his father in 1866 at Galston, Patrick Quigly signed himself 'Peter Quigley'.

Census material reflects a similar picture, varying not only his Christian name but his surname as well. In the 1871 census entry for the family, the head of the household was recorded 'Peter Tweedley' and in the 1881 Motherwell entry he was recorded as 'Patrick Quigley'.

When he died at Motherwell on 28 May 1881, the one who had been christened 'Patrick Quigly' in Paisley fifty seven years before, was registered dead as 'Peter Quigley, coal miner'.


Enumerating district 6 of the 1871 census for Galston comprises "so much of the parish of Galston as lies within the following boundaries viz: east by the burgh of Galston and south from Gauchalland Toll to Mauchline, south by the parish of Riccarton, west by the parishes of Craigie and Riccarton, north by the parish of Riccarton and Irvine Water including houses at Gauchalland Colliery and also Knowehead Colliery."
The enumerator was James Hendrie, Clerk, Gauchalland Colliery Galston.

In the first decades of the nineteenth century, Galston had a reputation for serious Radical activities. Colonel Alexander Boswell, son of Dr Johnson's companion James Boswell, was a cavalry officer in that region at the time. He called Galston and Newmiln the most 'contaminated' villages in the county of Ayrshire, contaminated that is by the 'Irish disease' of rebellion, so dramatically experienced in 1798. He said the two villages had been 'poisoned' since 1794 and 'the evil' had 'festered ever since'. The 'poison' and 'evil' referred to were universal male suffrage, annual parliaments and a just redistribution of wealth to feed the poor.

In referring to 1794 he was referring to the actions taken by and against the 'Friends of the People'. This movement sought to emulate the principles and practice of the French Revolution, and to bring about a republican democracy in Scotland. The failure of the movement did not eliminate the Radicalism. For another group, the United Scotsmen, took its place. It modelled itself on the parent group, the United Irishmen, whose aim was emancipation, and its watchword 'Liberty'. An abortive rising was triggered in 1797, and Galston was one of the places where riots of an unusual intensity took place. During the 1820 insurrection in Scotland, Galston was raided more than once and magistrates were warned to be vigilant where any form of 'reform association' was concerned.


The 1851 census recorded a newly married Peter living at Crookedholm, close by Hurlford between Kilmarnock and Galston itself.

This is what Archibald R. Adamson wrote about the area in 1875:
"...I left Kilmarnock at an early hour and after a pleasant walk reached Crookedholm, an unpretentious hamlet chiefly occupied by miners, who find employment in numerous coal pits in its vicinity. Unimportant as it is now, it was at one time a place of some note, and...possessed a flour mill, a cloth factory, and a place of worship. Beyond it... I entered Hurlford, another mining settlement which has assumed the proportions of a town...This...is owing to the presence of the rich seams of coal in the vicinity...the inhabitants are a very mixed race, and a large proportion of them are either Irish or descendants of Irish. Of the exotic element of the population, a portion are Catholics, while those who are Protestant are Orangemen. Hence frequent quarrels leading to breaches of the peace arise between these two irreconcilable sections of Irishmen.' "


The description provided at the start of Enumerating Book 1 for Dundonald in the 1861 census reads as follows:
"That division bounded on the south east by the parish of Symington, in the east by the parish of Riccarton and the river Irvine, in the south by the river Irvine, and in the west by the Dalmellington and Dreghorn road. This includes the hamlets of Old Rome and Drybridge."

Archibald R. Adamson in 1875, in his passage about Dundonald in Ramble Round Kilmarnock, writes of Old Rome's "cottages of mean appearance that were at one time occupied by a colony of colliers". There had been a distillery once at Old Rome, too, which closed in 1840.

An article entitled "Old Rome: Hiding Burns to Hidden Hamlet" by Paul Crankshaw and Neil Dickson, in Ayrshire Notes Spring 2009 No 37, published by the Ayrshire Archæological & Natural History Society in association with the Ayrshire Federation of Historical Societies, provides valuable, detailed information about this hamlet in the south west of Scotland. It is available online at http://www.ayrshirehistory.org.uk/Bibliography/AyrshireNotes.htm 36

  Medical Notes:

Peter's death was certified by A. Wilson MB CM.

Arthur Quigley, Peter's son, who had been present where his father's death took place, notified the registrar, George Sneddon, and signed the register on 30 May 1881 at the Dalziel office. 4

  Noted events in his life were:

1. sponsor at baptism, 14 May 1848, St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. 37

Patrick married Margaret GEORGE (DNA Linked), daughter of Samuel GEORGE (DNA Linked) and Rebecca REID (DNA Linked), on 31 October 1850 in St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. (Margaret GEORGE (DNA Linked) was born on 16 October 1826 in St Quivox Parish, Ayrshire, Scotland, baptised on 23 October 1826 in St Quivox Parish, Ayrshire, Scotland and died 31 December 1906 at 11.30 pm in 17 Moore Street, Cadzow, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 38.). The cause of her death was general debility.4

  Marriage Notes:

Roman Catholic Records
St Joseph's Parish Kilmarnock

Patrick Quigly Paisley and Margaret George Ayr were married by me in presence of James Quigly and Elizabeth McConvil on the 31st October 1850
(signed) Thos. Wallace"


1 Raymond McCluskey, St Joseph's Kilmarnock: 1847-1997 A Portrait of a Parish Community (1997), Introduction.

2 ancestry.co.uk, https://www.ancestry.co.uk/dna/tests/.

3 1881 UK census, Dalziel Lanarkshire En D2 page 12.

4 GRO Scotland, Dalziel parish Lanarkshire Deaths 1881.

5 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire En D 25 p 26 Crookedholm.

6 GRO Scotland, Marriage Kilmarnock 597 no 162 1875.

7 Roman Catholic Records, St Joseph's RC Parish Kilmarnock Baptisms. 0.

8 Roman Catholic Records, St Joseph's RC Parish Kilmarnock Baptisms.

9 Roman Catholic Records, St Margaret's RC parish Airdrie Lanarkshire.

10 Roman Catholic Records, St Mary's RC parish Glasgow Baptisms.

11 GRO Scotland, Galston Parish Ayrshire Births 1860.

12 GRO Scotland, Birth RDS 593 No 40 Galston 1857-daughter Catherine.

13 GRO Scotland, Hamilton Lanarkshire Marriages 1889.

14 GRO Scotland, Galston Ayrshire Births 1866.

15 GRO Scotland, Galston district Ayrshire Deaths 1872.

16 GRO Scotland, Galston district Ayrshire Births 1871 no 28.

17 GRO Scotland, Shettleston district Glasgow Deaths 1941.

18 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 647 No 152 Hamilton 1942.

19 GRO Scotland, Provan district Glasgow Deaths 1936.

20 GRO Scotland, Marriage Hamilton 647 no 46 1879.

21 GRO Scotland, Marriage daughter Mary.

22 GRO Scotland, Kilmarnock Ayrshire Marriages 1873.

23 GRO Scotland, Partick Lanarkshire Marriages 1887.

24 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Deaths 1920.

25 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Marriages 1892.

26 GRO Scotland, Cambusnethan Lanarkshire Marriages 1880.

27 1871 UK census, Galston parish Ayrshire; ED: 6; Page: 24.

28 GRO Scotland, Gorbals district Glasgow Marriages 1924.

29 1841 UK Census, Barony Lanarkshire 622 en d 17 p 15 114 Main St Anderston.

30 GRO Scotland, Confirmation list ST Mirin's 1839.

31 GRO Scotland, death certificate RDS 593 Glaston No 48 1872/son James.

32 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 647 No 152 Hamilton 1942/daughter.

33 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 611 No 15 Riccarton 1865-daughter Catherine.

34 GRO Scotland, Marriage certificate RDS 647 No 46 Hamilton 1879-daughter Mary.

35 GRO Scotland, Marriages Kilmarnock 1873.

36 Newspaper, Magazine or Journal, Ayrshire Notes Spring 2009 No 37, published by the Ayrshire Archæological & Natural History Society.

37 National Records of Scotland, St Joseph's Kilmarnock baptisms 1848.

38 GRO Scotland, v 647 no 6 Hamilton 31/12.

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