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QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked)
REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked)
(1794-Before 1851)
QUIGLY, Patrick (DNA Linked)
GEORGE, Margaret (DNA Linked)


Family Links

1. FEELY, Mary

2. MOUNT, Jane

QUIGLEY, Peter 1 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 10 April 1866 at 11.20 pm, Gauchalland Row, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland 3 6 9 10
  • Baptised: 2 June 1866, St Joseph's RC Parish, Kilmarnock, Scotland 7
  • Marriage (1): FEELY, Mary on 12 July 1889 in RC Chapel, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Marriage (2): MOUNT, Jane on 7 December 1917 in RC Chapel, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2
  • Died: 15 December 1936 at 11.00 am, St Joseph's House, Garngadhill, Glasgow, Scotland 8

   Cause of his death was bronchitis.8

   Other names for Peter were TWEEDLEY, Peter,11 TWEEDLIE, Peter and TWEEDLY, Peter.12

  General Notes:

Peter, the twin of his sister Margaret, was born in 1866. Peter's father signed the notification of birth himself, on the 21 April 1866 at Galston, and the certificate indicates he had been present where the birth occurred.

Names of children:Peter (who was listed immediately before his twin Margaret)
Legitimacy: legitimate
Names of Parents: Peter Quigley & Margt George P. (may stand for Protestant)
Date of Birth: 5th April
Name of Sponsors: Mic. McGhie & Rosina Biggins
Name of Clergyman: J. McLachlan
Date of Baptism: 2nd June"
Note: The date of birth here is noted as 5th April whereas the birth certificate records it as 10th of April.

The 1871 census for Galston in Ayrshire, where he had been born, recorded Peter Tweedley as aged 5 years and living in Knowehead Rows, with his parents and five of his brothers and sisters.

The 1881 census recorded Peter Quigley as aged 15 years, a coal miner, living at 22 Dalziel Street with his family, in Motherwell, Lanarkshire. His birthplace was Galston, Ayrshire.

Peter's marriage certificate of 1889 records him living a few doors down from his partner, she at 27 Castle Street Hamilton, and he at number 23. He was employed as a coal miner.

At the same address as that given on their wedding certificate of 1889, Peter and Mary Quigley, were recorded in the 1891 census as 'Peter and Mary Tweedlie', with the same birthplaces and ages as the two young Quigleys married in 1889.
NOTE:This was an early, very clear, example, in this research work, of the surnames Quigley and Tweedlie used interchangeably. Later, more examples with different spellings of the surname, were found among a variety of members of this family, including the 1871 census return, five years after his registration as Peter Quigley, where Peter was named as Peter Tweedley.

In 1896 Peter Quigley, a coal miner, was the informant of the birth of his son, Robert, in Hamilton. Robert died the next day and Peter who was present where his death occurred gave notice of the death.

Peter Quigley, who had been present where the birth of his second son Robert had taken place, gave notice of it at Bothwell on 17 January 1898. Robert died at the age of 1 year and five days on 31 December 1899 and Peter notified the registrar of this on 2 January 1900.

The 1901 census found Peter, Mary and son, Peter, living in Bellshill, in the parish of Bothwell, at 51a Viewpark Square. Peter, the head of the household, was aged 35 years, and worked as a coal miner hewer. His birthplace was noted as Galston, Ayrshire. Their dwelling had one windowed room.

In 1903 Peter Quigley coal miner was the informant of the birth of his daughter Mary in Hamilton and four days later he was the informant of her death.

In the 1911 census Peter Tweedly was recorded living with his wife and son Peter at 8 3/4 Meadowhead Road in Wishaw. The dwelling had one room that was windowed. The census recorded him as 44 years old and married 21 years. He had been born in Galston, Ayrshire. He was a coal miner and worked as a hewer.

Mary, Peter's wife, died in 1911, aged 43 years, and Peter married again.

In the marriage of his son Peter in 1918, Peter Quigley was recorded as a coal miner. His wife Mary Quigley was deceased.

In May 1919 Peter Quigley, coal miner, gave notice of his son Arthur's birth. Arthur died on 16 january 1920 at the age of 8 months and Peter who had been present where the death occurred notified the registrar the same day.

When his son Peter Quigley died in 1945, Peter was recorded as "Peter Quigley Coalminer (Deceased)".

Peter died in 1936 at the recorded age of 70 years. His death certificate recorded him as "Peter Quigley coalminer (married to 1st Mary Feeley 2nd Jeanie Mount or McLaughlin". His usual residence was 95 Church Street Hamilton. Both his parents were deceased by then. 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

  Research Notes:


A reference to this miners' row was made by Archibald R. Adamson in 1875 in chapter XVIII of his book 'Ramble Round Kilmarnock':
"At the foot of Titchfield Street are situated a collection of miner's houses called the Boyd, the Gauchlan and the Goatfoot Rows, which have sprung up mushroom-like with the last few years. They have a cleanly and comfortable look, and their occupants a bien and respectable appearance. Here Titchfield merges into the Kilmarnock Road."
The author was rather less complimentary earlier in the chapter when he remarked:
"Of late years it (Galston) has undergone a transition which has not been for the better - an influx of miners who are employed in pits in the vicinity having taken place, it has become both populous and rough, for a shifting, unsettled class of any kind rarely adds to the moral status of any community."

Also known as 'Gauchland' it appears on a list of mines in Ayrshire in 1869, owned by Kinloch and Co.


Some people from the area listed in the National Covenant (1639) in the local records of Galston Kirk Session are linked to "Gachauland", which from the list is distinct from "Galstoune".
viz Jon. Lowdoune
Wm. Barr
Thomas Loudoune

This area was influenced by a strong tradition combining Covenanting, Huguenot and Masonic strands. The many conflicts within the Scottish Protestant tradition manifested themselves clearly in this part of Scotland. Kilmaurs was the first Secession Church in the 18th century in the west of Scotland, and many travelled 'over indifferent roads' from local villages to worship there. The few Roman Catholics worshipped in Galston.

Galston was one of the places positively involved in the Scottisn Insurrection of 1820. This area seems to have had a strong tradition of radical thought and action.


The only authentic Roman camp in Ayrshire is in Galston parish near Loudon Hill. This group of parishes are described as the Irvine valley Prior to 1842 its chief industry, apart from agriculture, was weaving and different branches of cotton manufacture. Alexander Morton brought the lace curtain industry to the district. Thereafter it had a world-wide reputation and the Irvine Valley became closely associated with Nottingham. There were good seams of coal, and the railway to the port of Troon opened up industrial possibilities.


Prior to 1840 there were no railways in Ayrshire, other than the first railway in Scotland made between the Duke of Portland's coalfields 'near the town of Kilmarnock, in the county of Ayr, to a place called Troon in the said county'. It was described as 'of magnitude unequalled in Scotland'. It was traversed by wagons drawn by horses. The Glasgow and Ayr railway was opened on 11 August 1840, the Kilmarnock branch in 1843, and thereafter quite a number of others, including Galston, in 1848-50.


The Marquess of Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, responded to the ever increasing number of Catholics at Galston and in the Irvine valley by undertaking the building of a Byzantine RC church and house that dominate the whole valley. Before that Father, later Monsignor, David Power had erected Chapel Schools at Hurlford, Galston and Crosshouse. These were common then in Scotland, serving as chapels on Sunday and school during weekdays.


Next door to Galston is Loudon. and Newmilns.........
From 1756 until 1762, the Earl of Loudon was appointed Governor of Virginia. This, the 4th earl, was called John and died in 1782.
In 1864 the Newmilns Anti-Slavery Society, meeting at the Black Bull Hall opposite the Brown's Institute, sent resolutions of sympathy and support to Abraham Lincoln. An American flag was sent to the society at the hands of John Brooks, 'a coloured gentleman'. It was presented to John Donald (1804-1892) the driving force in the society and a leading Chartist.
The burgh's motto is "Weave Truth With Trust". This is also the motto of the Guild of Weavers.

The 6th holder of the title, Flora Mure Campbell, born 1780, married Francis Rawdon Hastings, 2nd Earl of Moira in Ireland(in Down). He was a notable man, and a successful soldier, fighting in the American War of Independence and being wounded at Bunker Hill. He later commanded the army in Scotland.


The Little Sisters of the Poor opened St Joseph's Home for the Elderly in 1864 on Garngadhill and remained there for 129 years. There were various buildings, the main one of which was built in 1880s. A private housing development occupies the site (2000) called St Joseph's View. The Little Sisters have moved to a new building in Robroyston. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

  Medical Notes:

The doctor who certified the cause of death was W. J. Davis LRCS.

The informant was Peter's son, also Peter, living at 4 Paterson Street, Motherwell. 25

Peter married Mary FEELY, daughter of Robert FEELY and Mary GRIMES, on 12 July 1889 in RC Chapel, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 (Mary FEELY was born 17 September 1867 at 5.00 am in Castle Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 26, baptised on 13 October 1867 in St Mary's RC Chapel, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 27 and died 24 July 1911 at 8.40 am in 111 Meadowhead Road, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland.). The cause of her death was carcinoma of the uterus of 3 months duration.8

  Marriage Notes:

Peter Quigley and Mary Feely married after banns, according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. The celebrant was Father Peter Donnelly, who also married James Lynch and Elizabeth Cavanagh, whose daughter Alice would later marry Peter and Mary's son, Peter. The witnesses were Robert Feley [sic] and Ellen Feely.

Peter Quigley was 23 years old. He lived at 23 Castle Street, Hamilton and was a coal miner. His father was deceased

The bride, Mary Feely, lived at 27 Castle Street Hamilton. She was 22 years of age. Her occupation was domestic servant. Mary's father was deceased.

The marriage was registered at Hamilton on 17 July 1889. Both the bride and groom and the witnesses signed the register. 1

Peter next married Jane MOUNT, daughter of Charles ROBSON and Ann SMITH, on 7 December 1917 in RC Chapel, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.2 (Jane MOUNT was born 30 April 1877 at 5.00 pm in Red Row, Dalserf parish, Lanarkshire, Scotland.)

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage was celebrated after banns, according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. The officiating priest was Father Duncan Brown, the Roman Catholic clergyman in Hamilton. The witnesses were Robert Feely, a relative of Peter's first wife Mary, and Bridget Kinsella.

Peter Quigley had already been married and was a widower. He was a coal miner aged 51 years. His usual residence was at 17 Beckford Street, Hamilton. Both of his parents were deceased at this time.

The bride, Jeanie Mount, also known as Jeanie Mclaughlin, had also been married before, and was a widow. She was recorded as aged 38 years and worked as a charwoman. She resided at 13 Shawburn Street, Hamilton. Both of her parents were deceased

Peter signed the register and Jeanie made her X mark.

The marriage was registered on 11 December 1917 in Hamilton.

Note: The bride's name under which the marriage is indexed in GRO Scotland is "Joanie", though the text does read "Jeanie Mount or McLaughlin".



1 GRO Scotland, Hamilton Lanarkshire Marriages 1889.

2 GRO Scotland, marriage certificate Hamilton 1917 RDS 647 No 225.

3 GRO Scotland, Galston Ayrshire Births 1866.

4 GRO Scotland, Townhead district Glasgow Deaths 1945.

5 GRO Scotland, Marriages Blantyre Lanarkshire 22 February 1918.

6 1881 UK census, Dalziel Lanarkshire En D2 page 12.

7 Roman Catholic Records, St Joseph's RC Parish Kilmarnock Baptisms. 0.

8 GRO Scotland, Provan district Glasgow Deaths 1936.

9 National Records of Scotland.

10 LDS Family Search.

11 1871 UK census, Galston parish Ayrshire; ED: 6; Page: 24.

12 1911 UK Census, Meadowhead Road, Wishaw, Lanarkshire.

13 1891 UK Census, Hamilton.

14 1901 UK Census, Bellshill vol 625/3 En d 1 page 19 51 Viewpark Street.

15 GRO Scotland, Hamilton Lanarkshire Births.

16 GRO Scotland, Bothwell Lanarkshire Births.

17 GRO Scotland, Hamilton Lanarkshire Deaths.

18 J.A. Hendrie, History of Galston Parish Church (1909), Chapter X pages 70-71 Covenanters.

19 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), Pp48-50.

20 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), Pp 219-220.

21 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), p105.

22 Community Council Committee, Newmilns: Historical Aspects of Newmilns (1990), pp9-20.

23 Community Council Committee, Newmilns: Historical Aspects of Newmilns (1990), pp 24-29.

24 Community Council Committee, Newmilns: Historical Aspects of Newmilns (1990), pp 86-92.

25 Stephen Finnie and Pat Thomson, The Good and the Bad: A History of Garngad (1997), page 29.

26 GRO Scotland, Hamilton Lanarkshire Births 1867.

27 National Records of Scotland, Baptisms St Mary's Hamilton 1845-1906.

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