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GEORGE, Moses (DNA Linked)
(About 1755-)
REID, Margaret (DNA Linked)
(About 1765-1837)
GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked)


Family Links

1. REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked)

GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked) 1

  • Born: 1790, Ireland 2 3 4
  • Marriage (1): REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked) before 20 February 1815
  • Died: 2 July 1863 at 5.25 am, Kelk Place, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland 4 5

   Cause of his death was not recorded.

   Another name for Samuel was McGEORGE, Samuel.6

  General Notes:

Samuel was married to his wife in, or before, 1815, since the entry for the baptism of his son John on 26 March 1815 recorded John as 'lawful' son of this couple.

In 1817 Samuel George's son, Moses, was born, and baptised on 10 August of that year. This baptism was recorded in the Newton On Ayr part of the parish. In the entry is recorded the fact that Samuel was a labourer, and that he had his wife were 'both belonging to the Church'. From then on, the baptism entries for Samuel's children record him as a labourer, and record the couple as being 'of the Church' or 'belonging to the Church'.
NOTE: All of the entries are to be found in volume 612-2, the Newton On Ayr section of the parish, rather than in volume 612-1, the St Quivox section.

In the 1841 census Samuel George and some of his family were recorded in the records of Kilmarnock parish (vol. 597), Cunningham district, enumerating district 1, living in the hamlet of Crooked Holm:
"between New Mill Burn to Ralstonyards farm on east including village of Crooked holm bounded by the Water of Irvine and Loudoun Road."
Another family surnamed George, whose head was Robert, aged 35 years, lived nearby. Many other Irish people lived in that area. Samuel's daughter, Rebecca, recently married to Montgomery Stevens, lived beside Samuel's household. In 1841 the census recorded that Samuel was a wool comber, that he was in the 45-49 years age range, and that he had been born in Ireland.

Samuel George and some of his family were still in Crooked Holm at the 1851 census, living in Mill Street. Samuel was a widower, aged 60 years, and a foreman in a coal work. With him were living his daughter, Margaret, and her husband and son: Peter and John Quigley or Quegley. Peter's niece, Catherine McKillop, was also there. Their nearest neighbour was the mill wright James Gibson at Crooked Holm Mill.

In 1859 Samuel was recorded in his daughter, Mary's death certificate as a wool sorter. He was a widower.

The 1861 census recorded Samuel living with his youngest son, James, and his family in 12 Kelk Place, Kilmaurs, in Ayrshire. Samuel was 70 years of age, and recorded as a 'retired engine keeper', born in Ireland.

In the 1863 extract from the Register of Deaths, Samuel was recorded as 'engine keeper' and 'widower of Rebecca Reid'. He was 73 years old when he died. There was no medical assistant.

In 1874 Samuel's daughter, Agnes, married for a second time. In her marriage certificate, registered under the name of Agnes McGeorge, her father was recorded as 'Samuel McGeorge wool factory comber deceased'.

Samuel's son, James George, married for a second time in 1885. In his marriage certificate of that date it was noted that his father, Samuel George, was an 'engineman deceased'.

When Samuel's son, James, died in 1902 his death certificate referred to his father as 'Samuel George shoemaker deceased'.

The death certificate of daughter, Margaret George, at the recorded age of 78 years, in 1906, says Samuel George was her father and his occupation was 'millworker'. The death certificate was issued with her name as Margaret Tweedley.

In 1910, in the death certificate of his daughter Agnes, her father, Samuel George, was recorded as 'Thomas George shoemaker deceased'. Her mother was recorded as Rebecca Reid. This information was provided to the registrar by the Poorhouse Union Clerk, J. A. Logan, and this may explain the error in the given name of her father. 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  Research Notes:


St Quivox was sometimes known as St Evox, and at an earlier time was also sometimes written Kevoch. The population in 1755 was 499. Then the landowner,Sir Thomas Wallace of Craigie, began to feu on the north side of the river Ayr. This caused the population to rise to 5348.

These numbers,apparently, were mainly made up of the poor Irish settlers, and colliers, labourers and weavers employed by the manufacturing houses of Glasgow and Paisley. Their dwellings formed the settlements of Wallacetown and Content in the towns of Ayr and Newton on the north of the river Ayr. The remainder of the parish was entirely agricultural. In 1836, Wallacetown was disjoined from the parish of St Quivox.

The religious profile of these settlement areas was very mixed. There were three Presbyterian churches, Antiburgher, United Secession and Reformed Presbyterian, an Episcopal chapel and a Roman Catholic chapel.


Both Robert George and Samuel George were recorded living side by side in Crookedholm, a hamlet in Kilmarnock parish Ayrshire, in the enumerating district 1A of the 1841 census. Samuel was 10 years older than Robert. Moses George a shoemaker, the known brother of Samuel, lived in Riccarton nearby, and in age came about half way between them. The 1841 census recorded all of them as born in Ireland. Information from death certificates confirms Samuel and Moses as full brothers, Robert's father's given name is different, but his mother has the same surname as Samuel and Moses' mother. At this stage all were surnamed George, which Robert later changed to McGeorge. He also changed his birthplace to scotland. despite these confusions it seems a very distict possibility that Robert is a cousin or second cousin of Samuel and Moses, if not a brother. 13

  Medical Notes:

Samuel George had no medical attendant at his death, which possibly suggests he was not ill and died suddenly. It may have been a choice, even a religious choice, or he may have been too poor.

His son, James George, with whom he resided at the time of death, notified the registrar, Thomas Hamilton, and signed the register on the day of his father's death. 4

  Noted events in his life were:

1. birth, 1790-1791, Ireland.

2. Marriage, 1815 or earlier.

3. Birth of son, 26 March 1815, St Quivox Parish, Ayrshire, Scotland.

4. Birth of daughter, 16 October 1826, St Quivox Parish, Ayrshire, Scotland.

5. Census, 1841, Crookedholm, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

6. Census, 1851, Crookedholm, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

7. Death of daughter, 1859, Crookedholm, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.

8. Census, 1861, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland.

9. Death, 1863, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland.

Samuel married Rebecca REID (DNA Linked), daughter of John? REID and Mary? REID MS UNKNOWN, before 20 February 1815. (Rebecca REID (DNA Linked) was born in 1794 in Ireland 2 3 and died before 30 March 1851 5 14.)


1 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 578/2 No 9 St Quivox 1902-son James.

2 Personal Communication.

3 1841 UK Census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.

4 GRO Scotland, Kilmaurs 1863.

5 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.

6 GRO Scotland, Marriage Tradeston Glasgow 644/9 no 441 1874.

7 GRO Scotland, Hamilton.

8 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire En D 25 p 26 Crookedholm.

9 GRO Scotland, 1863.

10 GRO Scotland, Death certificate Kilmarnock RDS 597 No 109 1859.

11 GRO Scotland, Marriage certificate RDS 588 No 11 Dalrymple 1885-son Samuel.

12 GRO Scotland, Death certificate 652/2 no 582 Coatbridge 1910-daughter Agnes.

13 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), pages 20-21.

14 GRO Scotland.

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