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REID, John?
(About 1765-)
(About 1765-)
REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked)
(1794-Before 1851)


Family Links

1. GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked)

REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked) 1

  • Born: 1794, Ireland 1 2
  • Marriage (1): GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked) before 20 February 1815
  • Died: Before 30 March 1851 3 4

   Other names for Rebecca were GEORGE, Rebeca,2 GEORGE, Rebecca,5 McGEORGE, Rebecca 6 and REID, Rebecka.

  General Notes:

Rebecca was married on or before 26 March 1815 when her 'lawful' son John was born and baptised in the parish of St Quivox, Ayrshire.

In 1817 her son Moses was born and baptised in Newton-On-Ayr. The entry recorded that Rebecca and her husband were 'both belonging to the Church'.

An OPR entry for baptism in the parish of St Quivox, Ayrshire, recorded Rebecca Reid as the mother and Samuel George as the father of Margaret George, born 16 October 1826.

The 1841 census recorded 'Rebeca George' living in Crooked Holm, between Hurlford and Kilmarnock with her husband Samuel, a wool comber, her sons Thomas and James, and her daughters Margret [sic] and Agness [sic]. She was recorded as born in Ireland and was in the 45 to 49 years age range, as was her husband Samuel.

By the time of the 1851 census, Rebecca George had died. Her husband Samuel was recorded as a widower.

The death certificate of daughter Margaret George, aged 78 years, in 1906, recorded Rebecca Reid as her mother and Samuel George as her father. The death certificate was issued on the death of Margaret Tweedley, a variant of her daughter's married name. 2 4 7

  Research Notes:


In the 1841 census William Reid and his family of five children, all born Ireland, were recorded in St Quivox parish. He was of a similar age to Rebecca, and was a weaver. Though the name Reid was a common one in Ayrshire, it may be significant that both parents in this entry and all children were born in Ireland. William may have been a brother or cousin of Rebecca.

Rebekah Reid was born 28-Sep-1783. The address Cluntagh in Anahilt Prebyterian parish County Down. Her father was James Reid. This parish had children of the same surname baptised whose fathers were Andrew, David, John and Robert as well as James. 8 9

Rebecca married Samuel GEORGE (DNA Linked), son of Moses GEORGE (DNA Linked) and Margaret REID (DNA Linked), before 20 February 1815. (Samuel GEORGE (DNA Linked) was born in 1790 in Ireland 1 2 10 and died 2 July 1863 at 5.25 am in Kelk Place, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland 4 10.). The cause of his death was not recorded.


1 Personal Communication.

2 1841 UK Census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.

3 GRO Scotland.

4 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.

5 GRO Scotland, Marriage certificate RDS 588 No 11 Dalrymple 1885-son Samuel.

6 GRO Scotland, Marriage Tradeston Glasgow 644/9 no 441 1874.

7 GRO Scotland, Hamilton.

8 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), pages 20-21.

9 1841 UK Census, Riccarton v 611 En d 2 pages 9 & 10.

10 GRO Scotland, Kilmaurs 1863.

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