REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked)
(1794-Before 1851) |
REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked) 1
Other names for Rebecca were GEORGE, Rebeca,2 GEORGE, Rebecca,5 McGEORGE, Rebecca 6 and REID, Rebecka. General Notes: Rebecca was married on or before 26 March 1815 when her 'lawful' son John was born and baptised in the parish of St Quivox, Ayrshire. Research Notes: OTHER REIDS Rebecca married Samuel GEORGE (DNA Linked), son of Moses GEORGE (DNA Linked) and Margaret REID (DNA Linked), before 20 February 1815. (Samuel GEORGE (DNA Linked) was born in 1790 in Ireland 1 2 10 and died 2 July 1863 at 5.25 am in Kelk Place, Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland 4 10.). The cause of his death was not recorded. |
1 Personal Communication.
2 1841 UK Census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.
3 GRO Scotland.
4 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.
5 GRO Scotland, Marriage certificate RDS 588 No 11 Dalrymple 1885-son Samuel.
6 GRO Scotland, Marriage Tradeston Glasgow 644/9 no 441 1874.
7 GRO Scotland, Hamilton.
8 James Edward Shaw, Ayrshire 1745-1950: A social and industrial history of the county (1953), pages 20-21.
9 1841 UK Census, Riccarton v 611 En d 2 pages 9 & 10.
10 GRO Scotland, Kilmaurs 1863.
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