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(About 1740-)
(About 1765-)


Family Links

1. LOGAN, Mary

QUIGLY, Peter 1

  • Born: About 1765, County Derry, Ireland 2
  • Marriage (1): LOGAN, Mary

   Other names for Peter were QUEDE, Peter,3 QUIGLEY, Patrick,2 QUIGLEY, Peter 4 and QUIGLY, Patric.5

  General Notes:

Munches Domestic Chapel Castle Douglas

"1803 continued
February 3 at Castle Douglas, Hugh lawful son to Patrick Quigley and Mary Logan, natives of Ireland he of County Derry and she of the County Armagh Sponsors Edward Gribbon and Catharine Laurie

Same day and place supplied the ceremonies of Baptism Sarah the twin sister of the fore-mentioned Hugh.."

In 1808 when he was baptised in Paisley, Thomas Quigly was named as 'Thomas, Lawful son of Patric Quigly, Labourer, and of Mary Loggan.'

from baptismal record in St Mirin's Roman Catholic parish register, Paisley Renfrewshire:

"At Paisley this sixteenth day of Decemr. one thousand eight hundred ten years, I, the undersigning, baptised Charles and Rebecah, twins, born this date, lawful children of Peter Quigly and Mary Logan"
Note: No further information has been found of these twins, and they may have died in infancy as they were baptised immediately on the day of their birth, which suggests they were at risk. After their birth no other documents record anything about Mary Quigly nee Logan, and no other children of this marriage are documented. She too may have died, as a result of childbirth or sometime afterwards.

In 1874 when Ann Wade died in Rothesay, her parents were noted as "Peter Quede Dealer in Delph (Deceased) and Mary Quede MS Logan (Deceased)".

In 1877 when Sarah applied for Poor Relief she stated in her application that 'Her parents were Peter Quigley and Mary Logan, both dead.'

In 1882 when Peter's daughter Sarah died, her father's name was given as 'Peter Quigley deceased'. 2 3 4 5 6

  Research Notes:


There is a good case to be made that Peter Quigly, the husband of Mary Logan was the Peter Quigly who was transported to Australia. A different case may be made for them being separate individuals, possible father and son as is portrayed in this arrangement. Neither case is definitive at present.

Over the years items of evidence have come to light to alter the original picture, based circumstantially on Peter Quigly's presence in the locality of Paisley and Glasgow about the same time, and the fact that both were natives of County Derry. Lack of documentary proof is a huge stumbling block, either way, in trying to form a clear and accurate picture. Peter's age is an important factor: given the age of the transported Peter and the age for John Quigly husband of Catharine Linas, it seems less likely they were father and son and more likely they were brothers.

Another area of doubt is spotlighted by the existence of the children of Mary O'Hara. If Peter and Mary Logan already had a daughter Ann - living - why would Peter call his daughter with Mary O'Hara by the same name? Another area of doubt lies in the fact that Peter Quigly and Mary O'Hara were In Ireland and Edinburgh in the years before the trial in 1816, so if Mary Logan - a possible first wife - had died, had Peter abandoned his relatively young children? The transported Peter, maybe a changed man, shows some pride in being a father.

The vagueness of the relationships is irritating but no easy or absolutely definite answers are yet available.


Delftware pottery was produced in Glasgow from the 1740s onwards. Tobacco lords saw it as a means of investing profits from overseas trade because tin-glazed pottery in the English and Dutch style was very popular and sold well. After an initial bumpy start the business grew because Glasgow manufacturers improved their products and developed new techniques, remaining profitable and competitive. Delftfield Pottery lay close to the Broomielaw quay, at right angles to the river. The lane that bisected the plot was known as Deltfield Lane and is now James Watt Street. In the early 1760s the Delftfield Company employed the young James Watt, probably as a consultant to improve their products. He invested in the company and became a partner.

The best and most convenient source of the clay required was at Carrickfergus on Belfast Lough. Deposits near the town were excavated and exported in some quantity until the 1790s and its availability was an imprortant factor in the development of the pottery work. The success of the business fluctuated with changing times, and the company changed hands. The various colourings, the typical blue for example, depended on the availability of assorted minerals, like cobalt. In the 1790s a whole new range of wares was launched, but the political situation and the Napoleonic wars affected business generally. Around that time the pottery was transferred to a Townhead site near the Monkland canal. After 1826 the Delftfield Potter ceased to exist.

The most famous Delftfield item, dated to the mid to late 18th century, is the huge punch bowl associated with the Saracen's Head Inn, near Glasgow Cross, given to Glasgow Museums in 1878. Glasgow may have been one of the last potteries in Britain to make delftware. 7

Peter married Mary LOGAN, daughter of LOGAN and Unknown. (Mary LOGAN was born about 1768 in County Armagh, Ireland and died about 1811 in Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland.)

  Marriage Notes:

Peter probably married his first wife, Mary Logan, while still in Ireland as they were both Irish born, and their eldest children appear to have been born in Ireland, and we have his own evidence that he had a shop in Ireland before coming to Scotland. The marriage may have taken place in the mid to late 1790s.


1 Roman Catholic Records, St Mirin's Parish Paisley Baptisms 1810 twins Charles and Rebecah.

2 Roman Catholic Records, Munches Domestic Chapel Castle Douglas Scotland.

3 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 558 No 157 Rothesay 1874/daughter Ann.

4 Poor Law records, Barony and Paisley 1877 Nov 20 Statement No 17858.

5 Roman Catholic Records, St Mirin's Paisley baptisms 1808 son Thomas.

6 GRO Scotland, death certificate Glasgow 1882 RDS 644/3 No 975-daughter Sarah.

7 Jonathan Kinghorn and Gerad Quail, Delftfield: A Glasgow Pottery 1748-1823 (1986).

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