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(About 1745-)
(About 1768-About 1811)


Family Links

1. QUIGLY, Peter

LOGAN, Mary 1

  • Born: About 1768, County Armagh, Ireland
  • Marriage (1): QUIGLY, Peter
  • Died: About 1811, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland

   Other names for Mary were LOGGAN, Mary,2 QUEDE, Mary 3 and QUIGLEY, Mary.4

  General Notes:

Roman Catholic Records
Munches Domestic Chapel Castle Douglas

"1804 continued
February 3 at Castle Douglas, Hugh lawful son to Patrick Quigley and Mary Logan, natives of Ireland he of County Derry and she of the County Armagh Sponsors Edward Gribbon and Catharine Laurie

Same day and place supplied the ceremonies of Baptism Sarah the twin sister of the fore-mentioned Hugh.."

In 1808 when he was baptised in Paisley, Thomas Quigly was named as 'Thomas, Lawful son of Patric Quigly, Labourer, and of Mary Loggan.'

from baptismal record in St Mirin's Roman Catholic parish register, Paisley Renfrewshire:

"At Paisley this sixteenth day of Decemr. one thousand eight hundred ten years, I, the undersigning, baptised Charles and Rebecah, twins, born this date, lawful children of Peter Quigly and Mary Logan"

In 1874 when Ann Wade died in Rothesay, her parents were noted as "Peter Quede Dealer in Delph (Deceased) and Mary Quede MS Logan (Deceased)".

In 1877 when Sarah applied for Poor Relief she stated in her application that 'Her parents were Peter Quigley and Mary Logan, both dead.'

In 1882 her daughter Sarah's death was recorded in Glasgow. Her mother was named on the death certificate as "Mary Quigley MS Logan deceased". 4 5 6

  Research Notes:


The documentary evidence supporting Mary Logan as the mother of Peter Quigly's children begins only with their daughter Ann. Mary Logan's name is recorded in Ann's death certificate. It may be Ann's older siblings are not full siblings and that there was a first wife. It is not certain either way.

Mary married Peter QUIGLY, son of QUIGLY and Unknown. (Peter QUIGLY was born about 1765 in County Derry, Ireland 7.)

  Marriage Notes:

Peter probably married his first wife, Mary Logan, while still in Ireland as they were both Irish born, and their eldest children appear to have been born in Ireland, and we have his own evidence that he had a shop in Ireland before coming to Scotland. The marriage may have taken place in the mid to late 1790s.


1 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 558 No 157 Rothesay 1874.

2 GRO Scotland, St Mirin's Paisley baptisms 1808 son Thomas.

3 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 558 No 157 Rothesay 1874 daughter Ann.

4 GRO Scotland, death certificate Glasgow 1882 RDS 644/3 No 975-daughter Sarah.

5 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 558 No 157 Rothesay 1874/daughter Ann.

6 Poor Law records, Barony and Paisley 1877 Nov 20 Statement No 17858.

7 Roman Catholic Records, Munches Domestic Chapel Castle Douglas Scotland.

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