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QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
GEORGE, Samuel (DNA Linked)
REID, Rebecca (DNA Linked)
(1794-Before 1851)
QUIGLY, Patrick (DNA Linked)
GEORGE, Margaret (DNA Linked)


Family Links

1. STEVENSON, Margaret

2. HAMEL, Ann Irvine

QUIGLEY, John 3 4

  • Born: 3 November 1850, Crookedholm, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland 5 6
  • Baptised: 8 December 1850, St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland 7
  • Marriage (1): STEVENSON, Margaret on 6 June 1873 in St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland 1
  • Marriage (2): HAMEL, Ann Irvine on 2 December 1892 in 10 Gateside Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2
  • Died: 26 February 1920 at 12.12 pm, 17 Beckford Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 8

   Cause of his death was enlarged prostate gland, cystitis and nephritis.8

   Other names for John were QUEGLEY, John,3 TWEEDLEY, John 2 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 and TWIGLY, John.7

  General Notes:

John was born into a family whose surname was Quigly or Quigley, and he was baptised John Quigly. However this name was and anglicised version of an Irish surname whose pronunciation was not always rendered in writing in English under the same spelling. At times the sname was written as Tweedley or a variant of this. Sometimes both forms were used by different writers. Later in life John opted for the Tweedley spelling of the name, in particular after his second marriage, and his children continued using that surname.

Roman Catholic Records
St Joseph's Parish Kilmarnock

Names of children: John
Legitimacy: legitimate
Names of Parents: Peter Twigly & Margaret George
Date of Birth: 3 Nov.
Name of Sponsors: James Quigly & Suzan Clark
Name of Clergyman: T. Wallace
Date of Baptism: 8 do (ditto ie 'Decr' from earlier entry)"

John Quigley was recorded in the 1851 census living with his parents and his grandfather, Samuel George, in Mill Street, Crooked Holm, between Galston and Kilmarnock. He was 4 months old, and the first child of the family, since his parents married in 1850. He was probably named after his paternal grandfather, John Quigley. He was recorded as having been born in Kilmarnock parish.

The census of 1861 recorded that John was aged 10 years, and living with his family in Old Rome, near Dundonald in Ayrshire. His birthplace was recorded as Kilmarnock.

John was also recorded in the 1871 census. He was lodging with James Graham, 31 years old, and Graham's family, in Knowehead Rows, Galston, about eight or nine houses along from the rest of his family. He was aged 20 years, worked as a coal miner, and was born at Crooked Holm, Ayrshire. This was where his parents had been living, with his grandfather Samuel George, at the time of the 1851 census.

When his daughter Margaret was born in 1875 John was recorded as a coal miner. His wife was the informant of the birth.

John Quigley notified the registrar in January of 1877 when his little 3 year old son died from burning. John was a coal miner then.

John's wife Margaret died in 1877. John gave notice of her death to the registrar, signing himself as John Quigley.

The 1881 census recorded a John Quigley, aged 30 years of age, living at 40 Springwell Buildings in Hamilton, as a boarder in the family household of James and Janet Galloway. John Quigley was a widower and had been born in Kilmarnock parish in Ayrshire. He worked as a coal miner. This person is most certainly this John Quigley. His first wife had died, his son Peter was also dead. His daughter Margaret was living with her grandparents elsewhere in Hamilton.

In the 1891 census for Hamilton, John was aged 40 years and Margaret, his daughter, was 15 years old. They lived in Gateside Street, in Tavish's buildings. John, the head of the household, was a widower and a coal miner by occupation. His place of birth was recorded as Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, and that of his daughter Margaret as Kirkmichael, Ayrshire. Their house had one windowed room.

John remarried in 1892.

The domicile for John Tweedley, coal miner, is recorded on the birth certificate of his daughter Mary in August 1893 as 134 Low Waters Hamilton. The marriage of John and his wife is noted as having taken place "1892 December 2nd Hamilton".

When his daughter Rebecca was born in 1895, John Tweedley was recorded as a coal miner. A similar description of him was noted in her death certificate of 1896, where John was the informant, and in the birth certificate of his son John in 1897. The birth certificate of Rodger in 1899 carried the same description.

The 1901 census for Barony parish in Glasgow recorded John Tweedley as head of a household, living at 29 Ardenlea Street in the Dalmarnock/Bridgeton area of the city. He was a married man and was recorded as 50 years of age, 20 years older than his second wife Annie. He worked as a coalminer, a hewer in fact. He had been born, it was noted, in Ayrshire at 'Crukithome' as the enumerator recorded it: 'Crookedholm'. The family lived in a home which had two rooms with one or more windows.

John's son, Samuel, was born in November 1901. John was a coal miner then living in Ardenlea Street in Glasgow.

John's mother died in 1906. Her death certificate omits the surname she took when she married - Margaret Quigley - in favour of another version of it, Margaret Tweedley. His mother's death certificate recorded John living at 7 Beckford Street, Hamilton, in 1906.

John Tweedley's son, John, married in 1918. In his marriage certificate his father was recorded as a tramway car cleaner.

When John Tweedley died in 1920 his death certificate recorded him as "Tramway Car Cleaner Married to 1 Margaret Stevenson 2 Annie Hammill". His age was recorded as 68 years. Both of his parents were deceased.

When John's son Rodger married in 1935 John Tweedley was recorded as "Coal Hewer(Deceased)". This was the designation for him also in the death certificate of his son Samuel in 1936.

In the marriage certificate of his daughter Mary in 1936, John Tweedley was recorded as "Colliery Oncost Worker (deceased)". 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

  Research Notes:


Hamilton became a major coal mining town after 1850. By the 1870s and 1880s forty pits were being worked in the Hamilton area. This reliance for jobs on the mining industry continued well into the 20th century. However, by the early 1930s the town was described officially as a 'distressed area'.


The name known in English as Quigley is a rendering of the Irish name Ui Choigligh.

In English there are quite a number of versions or variant spellings to be found that English speakers or English clerks have disseminated in their attempts to come to terms with a name that was basically unfamiliar and foreign to them.

Some of the differences in the writing of the name in English arise from the listener's difficulty in putting into English spelling what was essentially a Gaelic pronunciation or sound. The individual or the family holding the name, especially if they were immigrants anxious to be absorbed readily into their chosen society, sometimes themselves sought to find an English version of their name that would be easily recognisable and acceptable locally.

The written records favour certain variants in particular areas of the country and at particular historical periods. Once the statutory regulations were put into practice in Britain in 1855 to record all births, marriages and deaths, family versions of the names became much more fixed.

In the case of this John Quigly who in the course of his life became John Tweedley the move from one form of the surname to the other is very clear, distinct and well-documented. he was born before statutory registration began in Scotland, but the baptism register recorded him in 1850 as John Quigly. By 1873 his marriage certificate recorded him as John Tweedley and that was his name until his death certificate recorded him as such in 1920.

  Medical Notes:

James R. Watson M.D. certified the causes of death.

Rodger Tweedley, John's son, who had been present where his father's death occurred, notified the registrar, Gavin Frame, of his father's death and signed the register on 27 February 1920. 8

John married Margaret STEVENSON, daughter of Hugh STEVENSON and Margaret SMELLIE, on 6 June 1873 in St Joseph's RC Chapel, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.1 (Margaret STEVENSON was born on 14 November 1852 in St Quivox And Newton, Ayrshire, Scotland 24 and died 6 September 1877 at 6.20 pm in Knowehead, Galston, Ayrshire, Scotland.). The cause of her death was liver and heart disease of 2 months duration.8

  Marriage Notes:

John Tweedley and Margaret Stevenson were married after banns on 6 June 1873 at St Joseph's Chapel, Kilmarnock, according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. The priest who married the couple was Father P. F. Forbes. The witnesses were John Stevenson and Mary McQuil.

The groom, John Tweedley, was recorded as 20 years of age. He was a coal miner and had not previously been married. His usual residence was within the parish of Galston. He was able to sign his name in the register.

The bride, Margaret Stevenson, worked as a bonnet knitter, was aged 18 years, and had not been married before. Her usual residence was in Low Glencairn Street, Kilmarnock. Margaret made her X mark.

NOTE: Father Peter Forbes was an outstanding and remarkable figure in the Roman Catholic community in the west of Scotland during several decades of the 19th century. It was the Reverend Peter Forbes who took charge of the church of St Mary of the Assumption in Abercromby Street, Calton, in Glasgow's East End, when it opened in 1842. He served there for approximately thirty years, and has been honoured by having a local street, Forbes Street, named after him. 1

John next married Ann Irvine HAMEL, daughter of Roger HAMEL and Mary RITCHIE, on 2 December 1892 in 10 Gateside Street, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland.2 (Ann Irvine HAMEL was born on 10 November 1870 in Colinton, Midlothian, Scotland 24 and died 10 November 1942 at 11.15 pm in 5 Saffronhall Crescent, Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Scotland 25.). The cause of her death was cerebral haemorrhage and hypostatic pneumonia.8

  Marriage Notes:

John Tweedley married Annie Hamill, his second wife, after banns, on 2 December 1892 according to the forms of the Evangelical Union Church, as recorded on their marriage certificate. The officiating minister was Geo. Bell. The witnesses were Matthew McNaught and Agnes Belcher.

John Tweedley was a widower, a coal miner aged 42 years. His father was deceased.

Annie Hammill was an unmarried woman aged 22 years. Both resided at 10 Gateside Street, Hamilton.

The marriage was registered on 6 December 1892 at Hamilton.

The marriage of John and Annie Tweedley is noted in the 1893 birth certificate of their daughter Mary as having taken place "1892 December 2nd Hamilton".

The birth certificate of Rebecca Tweedley in 1895, notes her parents' marriage as having taken place on 1 December 1893.

The birth certificate of John Tweedley younger, in 1897, records the date of his parents' marriage as 1 December 1892. The informant was Annie Tweedley.

Rodger Tweedley's birth certificate in 1899 noted his parents' marriage as "1892 December 2 Hamilton". 2


1 GRO Scotland, Kilmarnock Ayrshire Marriages 1873.

2 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Marriages 1892.

3 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire En D 25 p 26 Crookedholm.

4 GRO Scotland, New Cumnock Ayrshire Births 1875.

5 1851 UK census, 597 Kilmarnock parish.

6 1901 UK Census, Barony Glasgow Dalmarnock/Bridgeton 644/01 en d 75/01 page 13.

7 Roman Catholic Records, St Joseph's RC Parish Kilmarnock Baptisms. 0.

8 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Deaths 1920.

9 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Births 1897.

10 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Births 1893.

11 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Births 1899.

12 GRO Scotland, Blythswood Glasgow Lanarkshire Scotland 1936.

13 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Deaths 1936.

14 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire vol 597 en d 35 page 12 Crooked holm.

15 1891 UK Census, Hamilton RDS 647 07 023.

16 1871 UK census, v 593 end 6 page 26 Galston.

17 National Records of Scotland, 1850 St Joseph's Kilmarnock Baptisms.

18 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 608 New Cumnock 1877/son Peter.

19 GRO Scotland, Birth certificate RDS 647 No 478 Hamilton 1895-daughter Rebecca.

20 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 647 No 13 Hamilton 1896-Rebecca.

21 1881 UK census, Hamilton 647 en d 20 page 19 40 Springwell Buildings.

22 GRO Scotland, Blantyre district Lanarkshire Marriages 1935.

23 GRO Scotland, Hamilton district Lanarkshire Marriages 1918.

24 LDS Family Search, IGI.

25 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 647 No 394 Hamilton 1942.

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