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(About 1809-Between 1861/1900)


Family Links

1. VALLELY, Francis in Glebe

HUGHES, Mary 1 2 3

  • Born: About 1809, County Tyrone, Ireland 4 5
  • Marriage (1): VALLELY, Francis in Glebe on 3 August 1826 in Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland
  • Died: Between 1861 and 1900 4 6

   Other names for Mary were CALLY, Mary, HUGHES, Mar,2 VALLELLY, Mary,4 VALLELY, Mary,6 VALLEY, Mary 5 and VALLY, Mary.

  General Notes:

Mary Vally (listed as Cally by the GRO and Scotland's People) was recorded by the 1841 census for Glasgow St Mungo with her husband and five (assumed) children living in Drygate Street. She was recorded as being Irish born and in the 25-29 years age group. Her children were aged from 4 years to 10 years and included a set of twins.

Mary Valley [sic] was recorded as 40 years of age by the 1851 census for Glasgow St Mungo parish where she lived at 4 Parliamentary Road. Her birthplace was Ireland. She cared for five children aged from 22 years down to 14 years, a lodger, and a small child also lived within the household probably Mary's grandson, Joseph Wilson aged 5 years.

Mary Vallely's husband's death certificate recorded him as being married at the time of his death in 1856 in Springburn, but no name was given for his wife.

The 1861 census for the second district of Dundee, in the civil parish of Liff and Benvie, recorded a Mary Vallelly who was 56 years of age and born in County Tyrone, Ireland. With her, at 24 Mid Wynd, were living two daughters and a son: Bridget, Helen and Patrick Vallelly. Mary was the housekeeper while the three younger people worked outside the home. 4 5 7

Mary married Francis VALLELY in Glebe, son of 'Dungannon: address Glebe' VALLELY and Unknown, on 3 August 1826 in Cookstown, County Tyrone, Ireland. (Francis VALLELY in Glebe was born about 1801 in Ireland,5 died 29 April 1856 at 9.20 pm in 127 Garngad Road, Glasgow, Scotland 8 and was buried in 1856 in Dalbeth Cemetery, Glasgow, Scotland.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Church Marriage Record

Date of Marriage:03-Aug-1826
Parish / District:COOKSTOWN
Husband Name:Francis Vallely
Wife Name:MaryHughes
Husband's Father Name:Vallely
Wife's Father Name:Hughes
Witness 1 Name:Henry Hughes
Witness 2 Name:Henry Hughes
© Copyright Irish World Heritage Centre (Tyrone + Fermanagh)"

from www.rootsireland.ie
Note: It was the practice for marriages to take place in the home parish of the bride, suggesting here that Mary Hughes was from Cookstown.


1 Irish Family History Foundation, Cookstown Parish County Tyrone Church Marriage Record.

2 Irish Family History Foundation, Dungannon parish County Tyrone Church Baptism Record.

3 GRO Scotland, Catholic Parish Registers Baptisms.

4 1861 UK census, Dundee 2nd District Angus Liff and Benvie civil parish 282/2 en d 28 24 Mid Wynd.

5 1851 UK census, Glasgow St Mungo 644/1 en d 31 4 Parliamentary Road.

6 GRO Scotland, Deaths Port Glasgow 574 no 308.

7 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 622/2 No 122 Springburn 1856/husband Francis.

8 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 622/2 No 122 Springburn 1856.

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