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WHYTE, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1808-1865)
HAY, Charlotte (DNA Linked)
(About 1807-1868)
ADAM, Elizabeth
(About 1800-1863)
WHYTE, William
(About 1839-1894)
RUSSELL, Margaret
(About 1839-1906)
WHYTE, Charlotte


Family Links


WHYTE, Charlotte 2 3

  • Born: 29 June 1865, Calderbank, Old Monkland Parish, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2 3 4 5 6 7
  • Marriage (1): BALLANTYNE, John on 31 December 1891 in 111 Graham Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 24 March 1947, 8 Gartleahill, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland

   Cause of her death was cardio-vascular degeneration and cerbral haemorrhage.8

   Other names for Charlotte were BALLANTYNE, Charlotte 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 and WHITE, Charlotte.1 5 6 9 10 11 12 13

  General Notes:

The census of 1881 for Airdrie Lanarkshire recorded Charlotte Whyte working at 13 Stirling Street as a general servant with the Spence family. Her birth place was noted as Calderbank.

In 1891 the census recorded Charlotte White again as a servant with the Spence family at the same address.

When Charlotte died in 1947 she was recorded in her death certificate as 81 years of age and the "Widow of John Ballantyne Engineer's Labourer". Her usual residence was 84 Flowerhill Street, Airdrie. Her parents were both deceased. 3 6 8

  Medical Notes:

John Ballantyne, son of the deceased woman living at 134 Forrest Street, Airdrie, gave notice of Charlotte Ballantyne's death at Airdrie on 25 March 1947. 8

Charlotte married John BALLANTYNE, son of Robert BALLANTYNE and Elizabeth SHEARER, on 31 December 1891 in 111 Graham Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 (John BALLANTYNE was born on 11 October 1863 in Chapelhall, Holytown district, Bothwell parish, Lanarkshire, Scotland 4 7 14 15 16 17 18 and died on 2 March 1928 in 51 Hallcraig Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland 19.). The cause of his death was myocardial degeneration.8

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage took place after publication of banns according to the forms of the Church of Scotland. R. Henderson, Minister of Flowerhill parish, married the couple. The witnesses were Robert Ballantyne and Maggie Whyte.

John Ballantyne was a bachelor, aged 28 years, who worked as a coal miner. He lived at Gartness, by Airdrie. His father was deceased.

Charlotte White was 26 years old and lived at 111 Graham Street, Airdrie. She was a single woman who worked as a domestic servant.

The marriage was registered on 2 January 1892 at Airdrie. 1


1 GRO Scotland, Airdrie Lanarkshire Marriages 1892.

2 ancestry.co.uk, Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950 View Record.

3 1881 UK census, New Monkland Lanarkshire; ED: 3; Page: 1.

4 1901 UK Census, New Monkland Lanarkshire; ED: 25; Page: 9.

5 1871 UK census, Old Monkland Lanarkshire; ED: 7; Page: 32.

6 1891 UK Census, Airdrie Lanarkshire; ED: 17; Page: 1.

7 1911 UK Census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire Ed 6 page 6.

8 GRO Scotland, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire Deaths 1947.

9 GRO Scotland, New Monkland Lanarkshire Marriages 1913.

10 GRO Scotland, Airdrie Lanarkshire Deaths 1971.

11 GRO Scotland, Middle district of Shotts Lanarkshire Births.

12 GRO Scotland, New Monkland Lanarkshire Births.

13 GRO Scotland, Middle district of Shotts Lanarkshire Births 1892.

14 ancestry.co.uk, Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.

15 1891 UK Census, Shotts parish Lanarkshire; ED: 1; Page: 13.

16 1881 UK census, Shotts parish Lanarkshire; ED: 1; Page: 9.

17 1871 UK census, Shotts parish Lanarkshire; ED: 6; Page: 14.

18 GRO Scotland, Holytown District Parish of Bothwell Lanarkshire Births.

19 GRO Scotland, New Monkland Lanarkshire Deaths 1928.

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