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(About 1765-)
(About 1768-About 1811)
DUNCAN, David in Portsburgh
(About 1760-)
(About 1765-)
(About 1793-1851)
DUNCAN, Mary Magdalane
(1792-After 1853)


Family Links

1. DOWNIE, Agnes


  • Born: 1812, Belfast, County Antrim, Ireland 1
  • Marriage (1): DOWNIE, Agnes on 26 October 1838 in St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Died: January 1851, 18 Saltmarket, Glasgow, Scotland

   Cause of his death was fever.

   Another name for James was QUIGLEY, James Teacher and Sheriff Officer.2

  General Notes:

James was a teacher and is listed in a local Paisley directory as follows:

1836-37 Quigley, James, teacher, Catholic School, 5 Orr Street. Shown in Paisley

1838-39 Quigley, James, teacher, Catholic School, 5 Orr Street. Shown in Paisley
(Arthur Lynas/Lennis was shown as a director of the school in 1834-5 and 1836-7.)

It was probably this James who was a baptismal sponsor in 1840:
Roman Catholic Records
St Ninian's Parish Paisley

"Baptismal Register 1840
Mary Lawf (parents) Hugh Quigly and Jane Quigly (date of birth) Dec 15th (place of birth) Paisly [sic]
(date of baptism) 27 (sponsors) James Quigley and Cath. Quigly (signed, priest) James Purcell

Assuming James was about 20 years old when he started teaching, and that he did so about 1833, his year of birth would have been about 1812-1813. The 1841 census recorded him as 29 years of age, so 1812 is a feasible approximation.


13 March 1851
" She had married in Paisley and her husband had died of fever the previous January in Glasgow...
Her husband was born in Belfast... He was a teacher and latterly a Sherriff Officer ...
Her husband was a teacher in the Roman Catholic school in Paisley for ten years prior to 1843...
Quigley's parents, it appeared, left Glasgow and went to Belfast 3 weeks before the birth of the applicant's deceased husband and continued there for 3 years when they again removed to Scotland..."

28 October 1853
"She had been married in Paisley by Mr Bremner in October 1838. Her husband was a teacher who had died in Saltmarket, Glasgow in January 1851... ...her husband was born in Belfast...
As for parents, James Quigley was dead and Mary Duncan alive...

His wife, in her parochial relief application after his death, stated he was a teacher at the Roman Catholic school in Paisley for 10 years prior to 1843. Part of this service was while he was unmarried and part after he married. Leaving his position as a teacher seems to have coincided with the birth of his children. The detail of the family residences in Paisley and Glasgow were given by James' wife in her parish relief application. (See wife's entry for these.)

The 1841 census for East Buchanan Street in Abbey Parish Paisley recorded James and Agnes Quigley in the household of Mrs Catherine G. Gordon, a woman of 44 years of age, of independent means who had been born outside Renfrewshire. The household was next door to that of the local Roman Catholic priest, Father James Purcell. James was recorded as aged 29 years and had been born in Ireland. His occupation was recorded as teacher.

When James died in Glasgow in 1851 the family were living in 18 Saltmarket and he was working as a Sheriff Officer.

His wife died in Paisley in 1875 and in her death certificate her husband was recorded as having been 'James Quigley schoolmaster'. This designation was also used for him in the marriage certificate of his daughter Agnes in 1887.

In 1914 when his daughter Agnes died 'James Quigley school teacher deceased' was recorded as the information about her father. 1 2 3 4 5 6

James married Agnes DOWNIE, daughter of Edward DOWNIE and Agnes DRIPPS, on 26 October 1838 in St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland. (Agnes DOWNIE was born on 6 March 1810 in Moss Street, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland 7, baptised on 9 March 1810 in St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland 7 and died 1 November 1875 at 9.45 pm in 2 Garthland Lane, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland 8.). The cause of her death was apoplexy over 4 hours.

  Marriage Notes:

The banns of marriage were recorded as having taken place at Paisley Middle parish on 7 October 1838.

In her parish relief application of 1853, Agnes Downie stated that she and her husband James Quigley had been married in Paisley by Mr Bremner in October 1838.

Roman Catholic Records
St Mirin's Parish Paisley

"Matrimonial Register 1838
James Quigly and Agnes Downie having presented the required certificate from the (blank) parish were regularly married by me the 26th October 1838 in presence of Hugh Quigly and Jane Quigly Witnesses
(signed) John Bremner" 9 10


1 1841 UK Census, Abbey Paisley vol 559 en d 5 page 16 East Buchanan Street.

2 GRO Scotland, Paisley Renfrewshire Marriages 1887.

3 Personal Communication, Robert Tweedly 8 June 2001.

4 Poor Law records, Paisley Central Library Statement No 4588 1851/wife.

5 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 559/1 No 371 Abbey Burgh Paisley 1875-wife.

6 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 573/1 No 196 Paisley 1914-daughter Agnes.

7 National Records of Scotland, Paisley Baptismal Register 1808 on.

8 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 559/1 No 371 Abbey Burgh Paisley 1875.

9 Poor Law records, Paisley Central Library Statement No 6780 1853.

10 LDS Family Search, IGI.

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