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HAGAN, Elisabeth
(About 1785-)
(About 1777-029/1862)
(About 1785-1853)
ROURKE, Francis (DNA Linked)
(About 1806-007/1883)
CAMPBELL, Margaret (DNA Linked)
(About 1810-)


Family Links

1. RENNY, Ann

ROURKE, John 2 3

  • Baptised: 25 September 1841, Dungannon RC parish, County Tyrone, Ireland 2
  • Marriage (1): RENNY, Ann on 29 December 1862 in RC Chapel, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 1 September 1906 at 6.20 am, Lauchope Street, Chapelhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland

   Cause of his death was general debility.6

   Other names for John were O'RORKE, John,7 8 9 O'ROURKE, John, RORK, John,8 RORKE, John and ROURK, John.8

  General Notes:

"Church Baptism Record

Name:John Rourke
Date of Birth:
Date of Baptism:25-Sep-1841
Father:Francis Rourke
Mother:Margaret Campbell
Sponsor 1 /Informant 1:Edward
Sponsor 2 /Informant 2:Catherine Rourke
Notes:/ /

© Copyright Irish World Heritage Centre (Tyrone + Fermanagh)"

from www.rootsireland.ie

In the Church Baptism Record transcribed (above) and made available by the Irish Family History Foundation, John Rourke was recorded as having been baptised on 25 September 1841 in the RC parish of Dungannon in County Tyrone Ireland. His parents were Francis Rourke and Margaret Campbell. No address was noted. The first sponsor was recorded as 'Edward' and the second as 'Catherine Rourke'. It is unclear if the surname 'Rourke' after 'Catherine' refers also to Edward.

In the 1861 census John was aged 20 years and working as an ironstone miner. He lived with his three sisters and five brothers, his parents and his grandfather in the rows at the Omoa ironworks.

In 1868 John Rourk was recorded as a coal miner in the death certificate of his son Francis.

The 1871 census recorded John Rourke married to Ann, with three small children, living at 87 Omoa Square Cleland. John was aged 28 years.

John Rourke, son of the deceased and who had been present where the death occurred, gave notice of his father's death before the registrar, John Macarthur, at New Monkland on 4 April 1883, and made his X mark.

In the 1888 marriage certificate of his son John, registered in January 1889, John O'Rorke [sic] was recorded as a coal miner.

The 1891 census for the parish of Bothwell, recorded John and Anne Rorke and four sons and daughters living at 8 Boness Road, Chapelhall. John was head of the household, aged 50 years, and was working as a coal miner. The house the family lived in had only one room with a window. John was born in Ireland.

John Rourke was recorded as a coal miner in the 1895 marriage certificate of his daughter Maggie.

When he died in 1906, John O'Rorke [sic] was recorded as a 'coalminer married to Ann Mulrainey'. His age at death was noted as 55 years, much lower than would be expected from other sources. John was actually almost 65 years old. His parents were both dead.

John's wife Ann died in 1921 and in her death certificate John was recorded as 'coalminer'.

"John Rourke Coal Miner (Deceased) was recorded as the father of Sarah Ann Trainer when she died in December 1947 at Chapelhall. 2 3 5 10 11 12 13

  Medical Notes:

A. A. Carruthers MB ChB certified the cause of death.

John O'Rorke, son of the deceased and who had been present where his father died, gave notice before Gil Hamilton, registrar, on 1 September 1906 at Holytown. The informant's address was noted as Woodneuk, Chapelhall.

John married Ann RENNY, daughter of Neil RENNY and Margaret BURNS, on 29 December 1862 in RC Chapel, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 (Ann RENNY was born in 1842 in Ireland and died 7 May 1921 at 3 pm in 78 Lauchope Street, Chapelhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland.). The cause of her death was senility.6

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage was celebrated according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. G. McBrearty, Catholic priest, presided. John Barret and Elizabeth Roark [sic] were the witnesses.

John Rourke, who made his X mark, was an unmarried man of 20 years of age, living in Cleland, in Shotts parish. He was a coalminer.

Ann Renny, who mad her X mark, was unmarried, aged 18 years and also of Cleland. She was a domestic servant.

Both sets of parents were living.

The marriage was registered at Wishaw, Cambusnethan parish, on 30 December 1862, Thomas B. Gibson being the signing registrar.


1 LDS Family Search.

2 Irish Family History Foundation, Dungannon RC parish County Tyrone Church Baptism Record.

3 GRO Scotland, Holytown District Lanarkshire Marriages 1895.

4 LDS Family Search, IGI.

5 1861 UK census, Shotts 655.

6 GRO Scotland, Death certificate RDS 625/2 No 158 Holytown 1906.

7 GRO Scotland, Cathcart Parish Renfrewshire Marriages 1889.

8 ancestry.co.uk, Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.

9 1901 UK Census, Bothwell Parish Lanarkshire; ED: 15; Page: 12.

10 1871 UK census, Shotts v 655 En D 1 page 2.

11 GRO Scotland, Deaths New Monkland Clarkston no 89 1883.

12 GRO Scotland, Cambusnethan Parish Lanarkshire Deaths 1868.

13 GRO Scotland, Holytown District Lanarkshire Deaths 1947.

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