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GORDON, Robert Burgess of Elgin
(About 1597-)
(About 1597-)
GORDON, Patrick of Cairnwhelp
(About 1583-)
DUNBAR, Unknown
(About 1593-)
GORDON, James of Cairnfield (2nd line), Burgess of Enzie
(About 1618-1678)
GORDON, Nicolas
(About 1618-)
GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line)
(About 1644-Before 1688)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Margaret

2. GORDON, Euphemia

GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line)

  • Born: About 1644
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Margaret on 22 May 1666 1
  • Marriage (2): GORDON, Euphemia 15 March 1679(contract) 1
  • Died: Before 4 September 1688 1

   User ID: C753.

  General Notes:

"At first he seems to have been known as 'in Cuffurach.' His other land transactions were as follows :

Ardneidlie. - In Nov. 30, 1678, sasine was granted to Robert Gordon of Cairnefield of the half dauch lands of Ardneidly, Cursardlie, Couperhill, and Mill of Keith, and ane oxgate lands of the nether half dauch of Ardneidlie, as principal and (in warrandice) of an annual-rent of £240 part of ye lands and barony of Mulben. (Banffshire Sasines).

Brigetoun. - In January 31, 1688, sasine was granted to Robert Gordon of Cairnfield of the half dauch lands of Ardneidlie, Cursarlie, Cupperhill, and Mill of Keith, and of £240 yearly out of the lands of Brigetoun of Spey and others. (Banffshire Sasines).

In 1684 Jean Leslie, goodwife of Auchinhalrick, had sasine of an annual rent out of Cairnfield and other places (ibid.)

Lunan. - In Feb. 25, 1684, Robert Gordon had sasine on the lands of in ether Lunan (ibid.)"

from Goordons of Cairnfield 1

  Research Notes:


Bulloch firstly calls James Gordon 'James Gordon IV. of Cairnfield' and identifies him as the grandson of Patrick Gordon 2nd of Letterfourie and his wife Helen Innes. He also states that this James Gordon was the eldest son of Robert Gordon by his first wife.

Later in the book James is referred to in a heading, mistakenly, as
'JAMES GORDON V. OF CAIRNFIELD.' and this numbering misprint is carried forward to the opening of the section on his son Robert:

'I have no definite proof of James's issue, but there can be little doubt that he was the father of :
- Robert Gordon of Cairnfield.
Although I have no definite proof, there can be little doubt that he was the son of James Gordon of Ardneidlie and Cairnfield; and like his immediate ancestors, he went on accumulating land.'

The rest of the section clearly identifies this Robert as Robert 5th laird of Cairnfield who married firstly Lady Rannes, in 1666, then later, in 1679, Euphame Gordon. By 6 September 1688 Euphame Gordon was recorded as
'relict of the deceast Robert Gordon, somtym of Cairnfield'

The text then correctly identifies the son of this Robert Gordon and his wife, Margaret Gordon 'Lady Rannes', as Robert 6th of Cairnfield:

Robert Gordon, vi. of Cairnfield, was the son of Robert v., .... '

This last Robert married Cecilia Gordon. He died in February of 1694.

Robert married Margaret GORDON, daughter of Sir John GORDON 2nd of Park and Margaret SIBBALD, on 22 May 1666.1 (Margaret GORDON was born about 1632 and died before 15 March 1679.)

  Marriage Notes:

"It seems as if Robert Gordon was twice married, his first wife being 'Lady Rannes.' At any rate, he appears to be the Robert Gordon 'in Cuffurach' on whom the minister of Fordyce reported to the Presbytery of Rathven on Feb. 21, 1666, that when he was preaching at Rathven on the last Lord's Day, an 'abominable rvott' had been committed by Robert Gordon in Cuffurach and John Gordon in Thorniebank, offering violence one to another in the church after sermone and in the churchyaird to the great dishonour of God, contempt and profanation of His Sabboth and ordinance.

On March 24 Robert Gordon petitioned the Presbytery to cause his proclamation of banns with the lady of Rannes to go on, which six of the elders impeded. The Presbytery allowed the proclamation to go on, but Gordon was not to receive the benefit of marriage until he satisfied them about the riot. On April 11 he denied the riot. One witness said that after divine service he saw the two Gordons 'as they were comeing from ther seats to the church door tackling one another.' Thereupon, George Gordon of Thorniebank, as a Justice of the Peace, commanded Robert Gordon to desist in the name of the king. After they were outside the church Robert Gordon drew a pistol to 'strick the sd. Jhone, and he drew a durk to strick him, hot no evil followed therefrom, they being separated.' Robert Gordon was found guilty by the Presbytery, and commanded to make public repentance on two Sundays. They also granted him permission to marry Lady Rannes on condition that he promised to frequent 'the ordinances in tyme comeing, haveing (as is alleged) been a dishaunter of them formerly.' Gordon gave a bond of 500 merks to hand, and was married to Lady Rannes by the Bishop of Argyll on May 22 (Cramond's 'Church of Rathven')."

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1

Robert next married Euphemia GORDON, daughter of John GORDON 2nd of Auchindachy and Eupham BETON, 15 March 1679(contract).1 (Euphemia GORDON was born about 1645 and died on 12 July 1702 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Robert Gordon married (secondly?) in 1679 Euphame Gordon, daughter of John Gordon II. of Auchindachy (who died before 1688), by his wife Euphame Beaton ('House of Gordon,' ii. 398). On March 21, 1679, she had sasine on the lands of Cursardlie, Couperhill, and Mill of Keith, as principal, and as much of the lands of Mulben in warrandice. The following inhibition is full of genealogical detail : -

1688, Sept. 4. - An inhibition at the instance of 'Euphame Gordon, relict of the deceast Robert Gordon, somtym of Cairnfield, and designed in the bond underwritten lawful daughter to the deceast John Gordon of Auchyndachie, and Alexander Gordon of Auchyndachie for himself and as representing his said deceased father,' against Robert Gordon, now of Cairnfield, shows that 'quhair Robert Gordon, now of Cairnfield, son and air to said deceast Robert Gordon of Cairnfield, be his heritable bond ... of dait 11 January last bypast, making mention forsameikle as be contract of marriage past and perfyted betwixt his said umquhill father and the complainer Eupham, of the dait 15 March, 1679, the said deceast Robert Gordon band . . . himself ... to provide. . . the said Euphame in lyfrent . . . 7000 merks . . . and for security sold . . . Cursardly, Cuperhill, and Miln of Keith . . . .. quherunto his said father had right as air to Robert Gordon of Achres, his grandfather, and John Gordon of Auchinhalrik and Thomas Gordon of Myrietoune, his uncles, who stood in feft in said lands and the lands of Ardneidlie be vertew of a contract of wodsett by the deceast James Grant of Freuchie,' etc. (Regality of Huntly Inhibitionns)' "

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1


1 e-books, Gordons of Cairnfield by J. M. Bulloch (1910 privately printed).

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