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GORDON, Alexander of Auchindachy
(About 1578-1646)
LESLIE, Elizabeth
(About 1595-)
GORDON, John 2nd of Auchindachy
(About 1613-Before 1688)
BETON, Eupham
(About 1615-After 1655)
GORDON, Euphemia
(About 1645-1702)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line)

2. SCOT, John of Loch, Minister of Speymouth parish, Reverend Mr

GORDON, Euphemia 3

  • Born: About 1645
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line) 15 March 1679(contract) 1
  • Marriage (2): SCOT, John of Loch, Minister of Speymouth parish, Reverend Mr before April 1698 2 3
  • Died: 12 July 1702 1

   Another name for Euphemia was GORDON,, Euphame.1

   User ID: C754.

Euphemia married Robert GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line), son of James GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line), Burgess of Enzie and Nicolas GORDON, 15 March 1679(contract).1 (Robert GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line) was born about 1644 and died before 4 September 1688 1.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Robert Gordon married (secondly?) in 1679 Euphame Gordon, daughter of John Gordon II. of Auchindachy (who died before 1688), by his wife Euphame Beaton ('House of Gordon,' ii. 398). On March 21, 1679, she had sasine on the lands of Cursardlie, Couperhill, and Mill of Keith, as principal, and as much of the lands of Mulben in warrandice. The following inhibition is full of genealogical detail : -

1688, Sept. 4. - An inhibition at the instance of 'Euphame Gordon, relict of the deceast Robert Gordon, somtym of Cairnfield, and designed in the bond underwritten lawful daughter to the deceast John Gordon of Auchyndachie, and Alexander Gordon of Auchyndachie for himself and as representing his said deceased father,' against Robert Gordon, now of Cairnfield, shows that 'quhair Robert Gordon, now of Cairnfield, son and air to said deceast Robert Gordon of Cairnfield, be his heritable bond ... of dait 11 January last bypast, making mention forsameikle as be contract of marriage past and perfyted betwixt his said umquhill father and the complainer Eupham, of the dait 15 March, 1679, the said deceast Robert Gordon band . . . himself ... to provide. . . the said Euphame in lyfrent . . . 7000 merks . . . and for security sold . . . Cursardly, Cuperhill, and Miln of Keith . . . .. quherunto his said father had right as air to Robert Gordon of Achres, his grandfather, and John Gordon of Auchinhalrik and Thomas Gordon of Myrietoune, his uncles, who stood in feft in said lands and the lands of Ardneidlie be vertew of a contract of wodsett by the deceast James Grant of Freuchie,' etc. (Regality of Huntly Inhibitionns)' "

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1

Euphemia next married Reverend Mr John SCOT of Loch, Minister of Speymouth parish before April 1698.2 3 (Reverend Mr John SCOT of Loch, Minister of Speymouth parish was born in 1651 3 and died in June 1726 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

(at Speymouth in 1683)

"John Scot of Loch .... marr..... (2) before April 1698, Euphemia (died 12th July 1709), daugh. of John Gordon of Auchynachie, Keith, and widow of Robert Gordon of Cairnfield, Rathven"

from Fasti Ecclesiae

Referring to her as second wife of Reverend Mr John Scot, Jervise quotes the epitaph as: "altera Euphemia Gordon, filia D. Johannis Gordon de Achynachie, obiit 12 die Julii 1702..."

from Epitaphs and Inscriptions 2 3


1 e-books, Gordons of Cairnfield by J. M. Bulloch (1910 privately printed).

2 e-books, Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial Grounds and Old Buildings by Andrew Jervise (1875).

3 e-books, Fasti Ecclesiae Scoticanae vol. 6 Aberdeen & Moray by Hew Scott.

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