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GORDON, Adam of Park, Sir
(About 1577-1629)
GORDON, Christian
(About 1581-)
SIBBALD, James of Rankeillour, Fife, Sir
(About 1581-)
BARCLAY, Margaret
(About 1581-)
GORDON, John 2nd of Park, Sir
(About 1610-)
SIBBALD, Margaret
(About 1615-1667)
GORDON, Margaret
(About 1632-Before 1679)


Family Links

1. HAY, James 4th of Rannes

2. GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line)

GORDON, Margaret 1 3

  • Born: About 1632
  • Marriage (1): HAY, James 4th of Rannes in 1645 1 2
  • Marriage (2): GORDON, Robert of Cairnfield (2nd line) on 22 May 1666 3
  • Died: Before 15 March 1679

   Another name for Margaret was GORDON, Marie of Park.

   User ID: C752.

  Research Notes:


The text of Gordons of Cairnfield identifies "Robert Gordon of Cuffurach" as Robert Gordon 5th of Cairnfield. It also names a likely first wife as "Lady Rannes", that is someone who had been married and presumably was a widow of Hay of Rannes. It does not name her by her maiden name. The text goes on to name a second wife to whom Robert Gordon was married before 21 March 1679 as Euphame Gordon.

The Catalogue of Hay of Rannes Papers, at http://www.scottishcatholicarchives.org.uk/Portals/0/bc002.pdf, includes an entry, dated 28 Apr 1682, which was a "Warrant by Mr James Scougall, Commissary of Aberdeen, absolving Margaret Gordon, relict of the deceased John Gordon of Buckie, and James Hay of Rannes, now her husband". This is NOT the Margaret Gordon who married Robert Gordon of Cairnfield.

The memorial to the Hay family in Rathven parish churchyard makes it clear that there were TWO Margaret Gordons each married to a James Hay of Rannes!

The sequence of Hay marriages according to the memorial looks like this with the other marriages in italics:

1 a]James Hay 4th of Rannes, son of Agnes Guthrie, married Margaret Gordon of the Park family b]Robert Gordon of Cairnfield married Margaret Gordon of Park, widow of James Hay 4th of Rannes c]Robert Gordon of Cairnfield married Euphame Gordon

a]John Gordon of Buckie married Margaret Gordon of Glengerrack b]James Hay 5th of Rannes, son of Margaret Gordon of Park, married Margaret Gordon of Glengerrack, widow of John Gordon of Buckie. 1 3 4

Margaret married James HAY 4th of Rannes, son of George HAY 3rd of Rannes and Agnes GUTHRIE, in 1645.1 2 (James HAY 4th of Rannes was born about 1630 and died before 22 May 1666 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"George who married Agnes, Daughter of Guthrie of Guthrie Bishop of Murray, and had James Hay of Rannes who married Margaret: Daughter of Gordon of Park"

from Hay memorial

"He (James Hay) married, in 1645, Margaret, daughter of Gordon of Park. They had issue (i) James Hay of Rannas, who succeeded in 1666, and is the laird of Rannas mentioned in the suite roll of 1672, when he attained majority, and (2) Andrew Hay of Mountblairy. James Hay died between Pasch and Michaelmas, 1666."

from Records of the County of Banff 1 2

Margaret next married Robert GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line), son of James GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line), Burgess of Enzie and Nicolas GORDON, on 22 May 1666.3 (Robert GORDON of Cairnfield (2nd line) was born about 1644 and died before 4 September 1688 3.)

  Marriage Notes:

"It seems as if Robert Gordon was twice married, his first wife being 'Lady Rannes.' At any rate, he appears to be the Robert Gordon 'in Cuffurach' on whom the minister of Fordyce reported to the Presbytery of Rathven on Feb. 21, 1666, that when he was preaching at Rathven on the last Lord's Day, an 'abominable rvott' had been committed by Robert Gordon in Cuffurach and John Gordon in Thorniebank, offering violence one to another in the church after sermone and in the churchyaird to the great dishonour of God, contempt and profanation of His Sabboth and ordinance.

On March 24 Robert Gordon petitioned the Presbytery to cause his proclamation of banns with the lady of Rannes to go on, which six of the elders impeded. The Presbytery allowed the proclamation to go on, but Gordon was not to receive the benefit of marriage until he satisfied them about the riot. On April 11 he denied the riot. One witness said that after divine service he saw the two Gordons 'as they were comeing from ther seats to the church door tackling one another.' Thereupon, George Gordon of Thorniebank, as a Justice of the Peace, commanded Robert Gordon to desist in the name of the king. After they were outside the church Robert Gordon drew a pistol to 'strick the sd. Jhone, and he drew a durk to strick him, hot no evil followed therefrom, they being separated.' Robert Gordon was found guilty by the Presbytery, and commanded to make public repentance on two Sundays. They also granted him permission to marry Lady Rannes on condition that he promised to frequent 'the ordinances in tyme comeing, haveing (as is alleged) been a dishaunter of them formerly.' Gordon gave a bond of 500 merks to hand, and was married to Lady Rannes by the Bishop of Argyll on May 22 (Cramond's 'Church of Rathven')."

from Gordons of Cairnfield 3


1 Graveyard Inscriptions, Rathven parish Churchyard Banffshire Hay Family Memorial.

2 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

3 e-books, Gordons of Cairnfield by J. M. Bulloch (1910 privately printed).

4 Internet Site, http://www.scottishcatholicarchives.org.uk/Portals/0/bc002.pdf Hay of Rannes Papers 1600-1723.

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