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GORDON, James of Letterfourie, Admiral of the Scots Fleet
(About 1485-)
BUTTER, Jannet
(About 1510-)
INNES, James 3rd of Drainie
(About 1517-1572)
GORDON, Katharine
(About 1527-)
GORDON, Patrick 2nd of Letterfourie
(About 1540-1606)
INNES, Helen
(About 1560-After 1608)
GORDON, Robert Burgess of Elgin
(About 1597-)


Family Links

1. LESLIE, Jean

2. INNES, Marjory

GORDON, Robert Burgess of Elgin 1

  • Born: About 1597
  • Marriage (1): LESLIE, Jean 1
  • Marriage (2): INNES, Marjory 1 2

   Other names for Robert were GORDON, Robert of Mayne, Ardneidlie, Auchinhalrig, Cufurrach,3 GORDON, Robert of Myne, GORDON, Robert Bailie of the Enzie, GORDONE, Robert of Achres, GORDONE, Robert of Echre and GORDOUN, Robert of Mayne.

   User ID: V621.

  General Notes:

" II. 1667-1721 Letterfourie Gordons (descended from the second Earl of Huntly). This line of Cairnfield owners was founded by Robert Gordon, a son of the second laird of Letterfourie, and beginning with nothing, acquired Echres, Mayne, Ardneidlie, Auchinhalrig, Cufurrach, and Myrieton, before gaining hold of Cairnfield. It ended in bankruptcy." (page 3)

"The second group was founded by a man, Robert Gordon, who had to win his way in life. Instead of being planted on an estate, he had to earn his living. He got a great impetus towards acquiring land in that he was Baillie of the Enzie for the ennobled family of Huntlvthus gaining much insight into and many opportunities of land purchase. This chance was continued to his sons, James and John, who were respectively Baillie of the Enzie and factor to the Marquis of Huntly. The result was that estate after estate was acquired until Cairnfield itself came within the net." (page 4)


Robert Gordon acquired Mayne in the 1630s and parted with it in 1648 to Joseph Brodie. (page 14)

"1643 - Contract of wadset (dated 19th Dec, 1643) between the Marquis of Huntly and Robert Gordon of Mayne, baillie of the Enzie, whereby Robert Gordon having paid £500, the said Marquis dispones to him and his heirs Auchinhalrick, extending to 6 oxgates (Gordon Castle Inventory). He wadset these lands to his son John on Oct. 15, 1654." (page 15)

"Echres (Grange) Robert is first designed of Echres in April, 1653 (Elgin Commissary Record, and also in the Regality of Huntly Inhibitions)." (page 15)

"Cufurrach (Rathven). He seems to have got this property under a wadset of 1654 from his brother John; for his great-greatgrand-daughter, Elizabeth Gordon, who married Alexander Gordon, W.S., was returned his heir in Cufurrach on Januarry 6, 1724" (page 15)

from Gordons of Cairnfield

  Noted events in his life were:

1. appointed curator: in minority of Alexander Innes of Coxton 4th Laird, 21 July 1635.

2. sasine granted, 26 February 1636, Mayne, Parish of Elgin.

3. Care of: Charles 1st Earl of Aboyne, June 1641.

Robert married Jean LESLIE, daughter of William LESLIE Merchant and Burgess in Elgin and Margaret INNES.1 (Jean LESLIE was born about 1597.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Robert Gordon married William Lesly's Daughter Burgess in Elgin with whom he had succession .....his children with the first wife James Gordon of Ardneadlie Baillie of Eurie [Enzie] , John Gordon of Achinhallrick, and Thomas Gordon of Myreton, and one Daughter married to Innes of Drainy and after to Hay of Knocken."

from Balbithan MS

"The Balbithan MS. states that he married . . the daughter of William Lesly, burgess in Elgin. She may be the lady referred to in Cramond's 'Records of the Kirk-Session of Elgin,' pp. 189-191), under date Dec. 10, 1624: Comperit Robert Gordone and declarit he was willing to communicat, and that he did not withdraw himselfe from the communioun on Sonday last in contempt, zit culd give no good reasone for his absence. Robert Gordoun's wyffe, Jean Leslie, excusit be reasone of seiknes. On May 6. 1625, Robert Gordon and his wyffe [and six others] were ordered to be summoned 'for ther nocht communicating.' "

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1

Robert next married Marjory INNES, daughter of Alexander INNES of Cotts, 'Craig in Peril', later of Leuchars and Marjorie GORDON.1 2 (Marjory INNES was born about 1597.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Robert Gordon married William Lesly's Daughter Burgess in Elgin ..... and after her Decease he married the Goodman of Coxton's daughter Innes...."

from Balbithan MS

"1635, July 21. - Robert Gordon of Mayne was appointed one of the curators of Alexander Innes of Coxton during the latter's minority ("Privy Council Register")."

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1 2


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

2 e-books, Gordons of Cairnfield by J. M. Bulloch (1910 privately printed).

3 e-books, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland by John Burke.

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