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GORDON, Patrick 2nd of Letterfourie
(About 1540-1606)
INNES, Helen
(About 1560-After 1608)
LESLIE, William Merchant and Burgess in Elgin
(About 1570-)
INNES, Margaret
(About 1572-)
GORDON, Robert Burgess of Elgin
(About 1597-)
(About 1597-)
GORDON, James of Cairnfield (2nd line), Burgess of Enzie
(About 1618-1678)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Nicolas

GORDON, James of Cairnfield (2nd line), Burgess of Enzie

  • Born: About 1618
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Nicolas after September 1642 1
  • Died: 1678

   Other names for James were GORDON, James in Corforach,1 GORDON, James of Culphurack 1 and GORDONE, James of Cowforrach.1

   User ID: V644.

  General Notes:

"James Gordon IV.(see Research Notes) of Cairnfield was the grandson of Patrick Gordon II. of Letterfourie by his wife Helen Innes, who was alive in 1598 ('Aberdeenshire Sheriff Court Records,' i. 380), and who was the daughter of the laird of Drainie (Balbithan MS.).' " (page 12)

This James Gordon had a number of different designations:

of Ardneidlie:
probably his first designaton as son of his father

of Glengerack:
He is described in 1654 as 'of Glengarok' probably in right of his wife Nicolas, who was the widow of William Gordon of Glengerack.

in, or of, Cuffurach:
"1647, May 14.- James Gordon 'in Corforach' appeared before the General Assembly and was remitted to the Presbytery of Fordyce. ('Commissions of the General Assembly,' Scot. Hist. Soc, xi. 248). 1647, June 30.- -James Gordon 'in Cowhorauch' was received by the Presbytery of Rathven, having publicly repented of joining the rebellion. (Cramond's 'Church of Rathven')."

Note: Initally he was 'in' Cuffurach, because the land belonged to his cousin Alexander Gordon, son of John of Cuffurach. Later Robert Gordon of Mayne, Alexander's uncle and the father of James, 'got this property (Cuffurach) under a wadset of 1654 from his brother John'. This explains why Robert's son, James Gordon of Ardneidlie becomes 'of Cuffurach' in 1663:
"1663. March 16.- James Gordon 'of Culphurack' was made a burgess of Aberdeen."

of Cairnfield:
"On March 8, 1667, sasine was granted to 'James Gordone of Cowforrach' of and upon all and haill the town and lands of Cairnefield and the town and lands of Orrane, with their pertinents. (Banff Sasines). This family's connection with Cairnfield thus dates from 1667, but I have not found any sasines on Cairnfield of any of his descendants."

from Gordons of Cairnnfield

  Research Notes:


Bulloch, in Gordons of Cairnfield, states that this James Gordon was the eldest son of Robert Gordon by his first wife and calls him James Gordon IV of Cairnfield. Later in the book he refers to James in a heading as 'JAMES GORDON V. OF CAIRNFIELD.' and this numbering is carried forward:

" I have no definite proof of James's issue, but there can be little doubt that he was the father of : - Robert Gordon of Cairnfield. ROBERT GORDON VI. OF CAIRNFIELD. Although I have no definite proof, there can be little doubt that he was the son of James Gordon of Ardneidlie and Cairnfield;and like his immediate ancestors, he went on accumulating land. However the author then goes on to head the son of that Robert Gordon VI of Cairnfield as also Robert Gordon VI of Cairnfield.

Bulloch has first noted three lairds in the first line of Cairnfield Gordons.

He then begins the second line of Cairnfield Gordons with Robert Gordon, Burgess of Elgin, whom he refers to in a heading only as 'Robert Gordon of Auchinhalrig', ie not 'of Cairnfield', although he does state that Robert Gordon acquired Cairnfield.

It seems to be this that causes the confusion about whether Robert's son, James, is IV or V of Cairnfield.

Later Bulloch outlines the third line of Cairnfield that began with the purchase of Cairnfield by the son of Robert Gordon of Lunan and his wife Barbara Gordon, Alexander Gordon W.S. who married Elizabeth Gordon, daughter of Robert Gordon of Cairnfield of the second line. Bulloch refers to Alexander as :

"Alexander Gordon, W.S., VII. of Cairnfield, founder of the line now holding that estate. He married Elizabeth Gordon, daughter of Robert Gordon VI. of Cairnfield."

This is the numbering this site uses, that is to say it does not count Robert Gordon, Burgess of Elgin as the 4th laird. 1

James married Nicolas GORDON, daughter of Patrick GORDON of Cairnwhelp and Unknown DUNBAR, after September 1642.1 (Nicolas GORDON was born about 1618.)

  Marriage Notes:

"I shall start with his varying territorial designations:

Ardneidlie (Keith). - He is described in Balbithan MS. only as 'of Ardneadlie.'

Glengerack. - He is described in 1654 as 'of Glengarok' - probably in right of his wife Nicolas, who was the widow of William Gordon of Glengerack." (pages 27 and 28)

Note: This also explains the information provided in Records of the County of Banff: "Glengerack, in the parish of Keith, was long a Gordon possession. Captain Adam Gordon appears as laird in 1640."

"1654, March 1. - James and Nicolas Gordons of Glengarack in the parochin of Keith being sumonded wer called, compeared not and wer ordained to renounce poperie, subscribe the Confession, hear, and perform all other duties, etc., vnder the pain of excommunication, and this ordinance to be intimatvnto them.

1654, August 9. - Mr William Kininmont reported that James Gordon of Glengarok had now returned to the keeping of the ordinances and had obliged himself in all time comeing to adhere to the true religion according to the Word of God professed in the Church of Scotland. Strathbogie Presbytery Record).

1655, Feb. 27. - Compeared personallie Nicola Gordoune, spouse to James Gordoun, eldest laufull sone to Robert Gordoune, sumtyme of Mayne and now of Ardniedlie, and outwith his presens frielie . . . discharged hir lyfrent, richt, and conjunct fie ...in and to that pairt of the lands of Mayne callit the Meidow of Mayne ... in favours of the said Robert Gordon, his airs and assignees and that in respect the said Nicola Gordoune did affirme that she had accepted and receivit compensatione of nvne oxingaitt of the lands of Ardniedlie. (ElginSheriff Court Record)" (page 30)

from Gordons of Cairnfield 1 2


1 e-books, Gordons of Cairnfield by J. M. Bulloch (1910 privately printed).

2 e-books, Records of the County of Banff 1660-1760 compiled by James Grant (1922).

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