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GORDON, George 2nd Marquess of Huntly and Earl of Enzie
(About 1590-1649)
GRANT, John 6th of Freuchie, Sir
(About 1595-1647)
GORDON, Lewis 3rd Marquess of Huntly
(About 1624-1653)
(About 1629-After 1707)
GORDON, George Duke of Gordon, 4th Marquess of Huntly
(About 1645-1716)


Family Links

1. HOWARD, Elizabeth

GORDON, George Duke of Gordon, 4th Marquess of Huntly 1

  • Born: About 1645
  • Marriage (1): HOWARD, Elizabeth in October 1676
  • Died: 7 December 1716

  General Notes:

"[1662/5/56] Decreet for [George Gordon], marquis of Huntly against the lairds [Sir Robert Innes of] Innes and [Sir John Urquhart of] Cromarty

Anent a supplication presented to the estates of parliament in name of George, marquis of Huntly, and his tutors for his interest, mentioning that his majesty by his gift and disposition of the date the [...] day of [...] last past, has given and conveyed to the petitioner all right and interest which Archibald Campbell, late marquis of Argyll, had or might pretend to the lands and estate of Huntly, earldom of Enzie and barony of Fochabers and others mentioned in the said gift, whereof the lands after-specified are a part, and which were apprised by the said Archibald Campbell and his cedents and authors from the deceased George [Gordon], marquis of Huntly, the petitioner's grandfather, and thereafter fell and became in his majesty's hands and at his highness's gift and disposition by the doom and sentence of forfeiture pronounced against the said late Archibald Campbell, upon the [...] day of [...] 1661, in manner specified in the said gift and disposition, by virtue whereof the petitioner has sufficient good and undoubted right to the whole lands and estate of Huntly, apprised as said is, and especially to the lands and others underwritten which are proper parts and pertinents thereof, namely, the town and lands of Over and Nether Dallachy, the town and lands of Nether Auchinreath, the town and lands of Tannachie and the town and lands of Tynet, with the mill thereof, with all and sundry houses, biggings, yards, fishings, privileges, profits, easements, customs, casualties, superiorities, feu duties, due service and other duties, or that in any way may belong and be known to appertain thereto, lying within the lordship and barony of Enzie and Fochabers, parishes of Bellie, Raefin and Esk and sheriffdoms of Banff and Elgin, and to the mails and duties thereof of the crop and year of God 1661, and whole terms thereof and yearly and termly in time coming, and the petitioner ought and should be answered, obeyed and paid thereof. Notwithstanding whereof, true it is and of verity that Sir Robert Innes of that ilk, James and William Innes, his brother, who pretend right thereto by private alienations and dispositions unconfirmed made by the said late Archibald Campbell to them, and after the committing of the crimes for which he was forfeited, at least Sir John Urquhart of Cromarty as having right from the said Sir Robert Innes and his said brethren, peaceably possesses the said lands and uplifts the duties thereof without all law, equity and reason; humbly therefore, desiring a warrant for summoning of the persons complained upon above to compear at a certain day, bringing with them the writs and titles whereby they pretend right to the lands and others foresaid to be seen and considered, and to hear and see the same declared void and null, at the least to hear and see it found and declared that the said marquis, as donator foresaid, has good and undoubted right to enjoy and possess the said lands, notwithstanding of any right, disposition or infeftment made and granted to them by the said late marquis of Argyll, and themselves decreed to remove from the said lands and to desist therefrom, and from uplifting of the mails and duties of the same in time coming.

... the king's majesty, with advice and consent of his estates of parliament, decrees and ordains the said Sir Robert Innes and Sir John Urquhart, defenders, to remove themselves, tenants, families, goods and gear furth and from the said lands of Over and Nether Dallachy, the towns and lands of Nether Auchinreath, Tannachie, Tynet, with the mill thereof, and others above-written, and to desist therefrom and from uplifting of the mails and duties of the same in time coming, and declares the said marquis, as donator foresaid, to have good and undoubted right to enjoy and possess the lands and others above-written, notwithstanding of any right made by the said late marquis of Argyll to the defenders thereupon..." 2

George married Elizabeth HOWARD in October 1676. (Elizabeth HOWARD was born about 1650.)


1 Internet Site, http://www.thepeerage.com.

2 Internet Site, http://www.rps.ac.uk Charles II 1662, 8 May, Edinburgh, Parliamentary Register 15 August 1662 Judicial proceedings: decreets.

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