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GEORGE, Moses (DNA Linked)
(About 1755-)
REID, Margaret (DNA Linked)
(About 1765-1837)
McGEORGE, James (DNA Link)
(About 1783-Before 1875)
REID, Jane
(About 1785-Before 1875)
McGEORGE, Robert
(About 1806-)


Family Links

1. McDOWALL, Sarah

McGEORGE, Robert 2 3 4

  • Born: About 1806, Ireland or Minigaff, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland 2 5
  • Marriage (1): McDOWALL, Sarah on 16 October 1829 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 3 January 1875 at 1.40 pm, 6 North Street, Glasgow, Scotland 2 3 6 7 8

   Cause of his death was bronchitis senilis over 1 year.8

   Other names for Robert were GEORGE, Robert 5 9 and MACGEORGE, Robert.10

  General Notes:

Robert George [sic] was recorded by the 1841 census living with his wife and children very near to Samuel George and Rebecca Reid in Crooked Holm near Kilmarnock, Ayrshire. He was very near to Samuel in age and for these reasons, including names of children, may be considered a brother or cousin of Samuel and Moses George. His age was recorded as being in the 35-39 years range. He was a wool comber (like Samuel) and was recorded as being born in Ireland. Robert had a lodger, an agricultural labourer born in Ireland called John Russel aged 36 years.

The 1851 census for Barony parish in the city of Glasgow recorded Robert and Sarah McGeorge and their family living at 1 Cameron's Court (off North Street) in the Anderston area. Robert McGeorge, head of the household was recorded as a married man aged 45 years. He was a journeyman woolcomber. His birthplace was recorded as Minigaff, Kirkcudbrightshire.

In 1861 the McGeorge family recorded by the census of that year were still living at No 1-10 Cameron Court in Anderston, Glasgow. The household comprised Robert McGeorge, head of the household, his wife Sarah, their two youngest children, and 3 boarders, all single: Donald McArthur, a 23 year old baker born in Kilmarnock, Margaret Burges, an 18 year old servant also born in Kilmarnock, and James Wilson, born in Helensburgh, aged 28 years and working as an engine smith. Robert McGeorge was recorded as 55 years of age and born in Kirkcudbrightshire. By occupation he was an engine driver.

The 1871 census for Anderston Glasgow recorded Robert McGeorge as head of a household that consisted of his wife and 2 grandchildren. They were living at 6 North Street. Robert was recorded as 65 years of age and an engine keeper. He was recorded as being born in Minigaff Kirkcudbrightshire. His grandchildren George and Sarah Shearer lived with Robert and his wife at the time of the census.

Robert McGeorge died in 1875. In his death certificate he was recorded as 'toolmaker's enginekeeper married to Sarah McDowall'. His recorded age at death was 69 years. His parents were deceased.

When his son Thomas died in 1882, Robert was recorded as having been an "engine fitter".

In 1890 Sarah McGeorge died in Glasgow. She was recorded in her death certificate as 'widow of Robert McGeorge engine keeper'. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  Research Notes:


The name was changed since the last century to Crieff Court.


In the 1841 census both Robert and Sarah George [sic] were recorded as having been born in Ireland. They were living alongside other families, some surnamed George, many of whom were also born in Ireland. From 1851 on the census returns show Robert McGeorge [sic] as born in Kirkcudbrightshire, two showing him born in Minigaff. Although there are many McGeorges born and married in Kirkcudbrightshire, no McGeorge or George has yet been uncovered who was so in Minigaff, nor in Newton Stewart beside it. In the residents' lists for MINNIGAFF PARISH, 15th October 1684. drawn up by the Episcopalians before the creation of the Church of Scotland no Georges nor McGeorges appear. Those Robert McGeorges that do appear in the records of birth for Kirkcudbrightshire do not have parents of the names recorded in Robert's death certificate. A Robert McGeorge was christened on 9 November 1798 at Crossmichael, Kirkcudbright, Scotland. His parents were recorded as James McGeorge and Jane Affleck. Since we have no corroborating evidence of Robert's parents' names we cannot yet know if this is in some way possibly him. It may be Kirkcudbrightshire that Robert was born in or it may have been Ireland.


Both Robert George and Samuel George were recorded living side by side in Crookedholm, a hamlet in Kilmarnock parish Ayrshire, in the enumerating district 1A of the 1841 census. Samuel was 10 years older than Robert. Moses George a shoemaker, the known brother of Samuel, lived in Riccarton nearby, and in age came about half way between them. The 1841 census recorded all of them as born in Ireland. Information from death certificates confirms Samuel and Moses as full brothers, Robert's father's given name is different, but his mother has the same surname as Samuel and Moses' mother. At this stage all were surnamed George, which Robert later changed to McGeorge. He also changed his birthplace to Scotland. despite these confusions it seems a very distinct possibility that Robert is a cousin or second cousin of Samuel and Moses, if not a brother. We do not know who the informant of Robert's death got his information from about Robert's parents, but since the mother in each case is named Reid, it may be the case that the parental information at death was not sound. Or it may be that Reid was merely a common surname in this social group.

Robert is probably also related, though exactly how is uncertian, to Thomas George or McGeorge married to Margaret Wyllie.

  Medical Notes:

The cause of death was certified by George McEwan surgeon.

John Shearer, Robert's son in law, who had been present and who resided at 160 Stobcross Street, gave notice of Robert's death before the registrar, Alexander Stuart, at Glasgow on January 5th 1875. 8

Robert married Sarah McDOWALL, daughter of John McDOWALL and Jane McALPINE, on 16 October 1829 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland.1 (Sarah McDOWALL was born on 24 September 1803 in Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland 1 2 5 and died 10 February 1890 at noon in Barnhill Poorhouse, Springburn, Lanarkshire, Scotland 2 3 6.). The cause of her death was senile decay.8


1 LDS Family Search, IGI.

2 1851 UK census, Barony 622 en d 75 page 15 1 Cameron's Court.

3 1861 UK census, Anderston 644/8 en d 86 page 10 Cameron Court 1-10.

4 GRO Scotland, Kirkintilloch parish Dunbartonshire Deaths 1882.

5 1841 UK Census, Kilmarnock parish Ayrshire; ED: 1A; Page: 8.

6 GRO Scotland, Death 644/3 no 286 Dennistoun 1890.

7 1871 UK census, Anderston 644/8 en d 42 page 16 6 North Street.

8 GRO Scotland, Death Anderston 644/10 no 31 6 North St.

9 GRO Scotland, Old Parish Registers Other Churches Baptisms.

10 ancestry.co.uk, Scotland, Select Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950.

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