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GORDON, John of Leitcheston
(About 1533-1622)
ABERNETHY, Elizabeth
(About 1543-)
GORDON, George of Auchmalidy, then Tilphoudie
(About 1510-1582)
GORDON, Helenor
(About 1512-)
GORDON, James 2nd of Leitcheston
(About 1562-)
GORDON, Beatrix
(About 1553-)
GORDON, George 3rd of Leitcheston
(About 1578-)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Barbara

GORDON, George 3rd of Leitcheston 1

  • Born: About 1578
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Barbara 1

   User ID: X505.

  General Notes:

"George Gordon would seem to have been the last of the Lesmoir Gordons who held Leichestoun, for the estate passed in 1659 to Dr. Thomas Gordon, Elgin ...'

"1659, December 12. - Compeared personallie Doctor Thomas Gordon, doctor of medicine in Elgine, haveing and holding in his handes ane chartor . . . made and granted be ane noble Lord Archbald, Lord off Lorne, heretable proprietor of the landes and wthers afterspecified with advyse and consent of ane noble, and potent Marques, Arch. Marques of Argyll, Erie off Kintyre, Lord Campbell & Lorne, his father, and Lord Neill Campbell, his brother germane, and also with advyse & consent off Geo. Gordone in Lichestoune and James Gordone, his eldest lawll sone for all right title & entres they or either off them hade ... to the landes and wthers after-mentionat. To and in favours of the said Dr Thos G., his aires &c. of and vpone all and haill the toune and landes off Lichestoune with houses . . .as the same is occupied marched and possest be the said George and Barbara Gordone his spouse and their servantes lyand within the lordship of Enzie . . . [Charter subscribed at Boig of Geicht Nov. 8, 1659 ; and precept directed to James Gordone in Lichestoune, who as bailzie gives sasine on Dec. 12, 1659, in presence of Rob. Gordone in Lichestoune, John Thomsone thair, James Gelles thair, and Alexander Thomsone thair] (Banffshire Sasines)."

"1659, December 14. - Sasine was granted in favour of Doctor Thomas Gordon, Doctor of Medicine in Elgin, his heirs and assignees, of all and whole the town and lands of Lichestoun, with houses, etc., as the same is occupied and possessed by the said George and Barbara Gordon, his spouse, and their servants (ibid., vol. ix.)."

"This Thomas Gordon, doctor in Elgin, seems to have lent money on properties, for on July 4, 1660, he gets sasine in Linkwood (near Elgin), and on May 28, 1662, he and his wife, Isobel Hay, get sasine in the same lands."

"Leichestoun seems to have passed out of the hands of the Lesmoir Gordons at this date, for the next laird, Patrick Gordon, brother of John Gordon of Balmade (murdered in 1660), seems to have been a son of Dr. Thomas Gordon, Elgin, who was subsequently laird of Edenville and then of Clashtirum, and who belonged to the family of Letterfourie."

from Leichestoun 1

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Attack: on Strachans of Glenkindy, who were covenanters, 1644, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 1

2. Appearance: for censure, 14 May 1647, Fordyce Presbytery. 1

3. Admission: of rebellious practices, 2 June 1647, Presbytery of Rathven. 1

George married Barbara GORDON, daughter of James GORDON 2nd of Birkenburn, Baron of Monaltrie and Janet GORDON.1 (Barbara GORDON was born about 1585.)

  Marriage Notes:

"1638, March 31. - Charter of feu by the Marquis of Huntly to George Gordon in Leichestoun and Barbara Gordon in Leichestoun his spouse, of Leichestoun (Gordon Castle Charter Chest)."

"George Gordon of Leichestoun married, according to the Balbithan MS., 'the goodman of Birkenburn's daughter, with whom he begat three sons and two daughters,' the names of whom are not given."

from Leichestoun 1


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Leichestoun by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

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