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GORDON, James 2nd of Leitcheston
(About 1562-)
GORDON, Beatrix
(About 1553-)
GORDON, Alexander 3rd of Birkenburn
(About 1570-1655)
GORDON, Margaret
(About 1583-)
GORDON, George 3rd of Leitcheston
(About 1578-)
GORDON, Barbara
(About 1600-)
(About 1624-)


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GORDON, John 1

  • Born: About 1624

   User ID: X502.

  General Notes:

"John, is called the second son in 1653. He seems to be the John Gordon 'sonne to Leicheston,' about whom Father Blakhal (in A Brieffe Narration) tells a story at inordinate length. In 1642 Blakhal stopped at the hostelry at the Moor of Rhynie on his way to Cromar. As he dismounted Gordon did 'embrasse' him 'very kindly'. Gordon was 'exceiding drunk,' and 'hartly prayed him to enter in the hall with him ... ' '

Note: The story is indeed a long one. It involves William Gordon of Tillieangus and some very drunken soldiers who are hostile to Blakhal on account of their suspicions of him and his attitude to them. Despite Blakhal's obstinacy and pride in dealing with these men, Leitcheston goes out of his way to help him, and his intervention prevents him from being murdered.

"Blakhal winds up his rigmarole with a eulogy on Leichestoun as 'a very galant gentleman, and as personable a man as was of any name in Scotland : tall, wel proportioned, with a manlye countenance, which his generous hart did not belye. For without any other obligatioun but only becaus casually he did met me in the court and civilly did bring me in by the hand to their company, he resolved to shair with me of death or lyff and did embrace my cause as if it had bein his owne : showing no less interest for my lyff then he would have done for his owne. ... At the very beginning when I heard his name and familie I did know that he and I were cousins descended of the Oglebies of Findlater. ... I was embarassed in this bruterie from tenne of the clock in the morning until fyve afternoone and was therfore constrained to ryd through the hilles of Cuishney at midnight.' "

from Leichestoun 1


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Leichestoun by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

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