Cause of his death was pulmonary phtisis of 1 year's duration. Other names for Peter were McINEARNEY, Peter and McINERAY, Peter.1 General Notes: The 1891 census for Coatbridge, in Old Monkland Parish, recorded Peter McIneray, aged 26 years, living with his wife and two sons at 64 Buchanan's Row. He worked as a general labourer, and was recorded as having been born in Ireland. Medical Notes: J. McKay MB CM certified the cause of death. Peter married Susan WINDSOR, daughter of Hugh WINDSOR and Catherine SAVAGE, on 1 October 1887 in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland. (Susan WINDSOR was born on 23 August 1863 in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1 4 and died between 1901 and 1949.) Marriage Notes: The marriage was celebrated according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. The priest was Father Michael O'Keeffe CC, and the witnesses were Frank Hannaway and Anne McBeamish. |
1 1891 UK Census, Old Monkland 652/2 ed 7.
2 1891 UK Census, Old Monkland 652/2 ed 7 64 Buchanan's Row.
3 1901 UK Census, Old Monkland 652/2 en d 4 153 Buchanan St.
4 1871 UK census, Old Monkland parish Lanarkshire; ED: 6; Page: 3.
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