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McKILLOP, Duncan
QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
McKELLOP, Patrick
QUIGLEY, Annabella (DNA Link)
McKILLOP, Catharine


Family Links

McKILLOP, Catharine 1

  • Born: 29 December 1844, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Baptised: 1 January 1845, St Margaret's RC Church, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 13 January 1927, 46 Mount Vernon Street, Edgehill, Liverpool, England 2

   Cause of her death was broncho-pneumonia.2

   Other names for Catharine were McKELLOP, Cathrine 3 and McKILLOP, Catherine.2 4 5 6 7 8 9

  General Notes:

Catharine, lawful daughter of Patrick McKillop and Isabella Quigley, was baptised by Fr Alex Smith on New Year's Day 1845 in St Margaret's RC Chapel Airdrie. Her sponsors were John Kennedy and Margaret Fullarton.

Catherine McKillop was recorded twice in the 1851 census: once residing as a visitor with her uncle Peter Quigley and her aunt and cousin, and Samuel George, her aunt's father, at Crookedholm near Kilmarnock. She was aged 6 years and had been born in Airdrie.

Catherine McKillop was also included in the census return for her grandmother's household at Chapelyhill, Hurlford village, in the parish of Riccarton, Ayrshire. Her mother and her two small brothers were also there. She was aged 6 years and born in Airdrie, Lanarkshire.

In the 1861 census "Cathrine McKellop" was 16 years old and living with her family at 36 Bell Street Airdrie. She was a cotton steam loom weaver.

The 1871 census for Edinburgh Scotland recorded Catherine McKillop living in St Catherine's convent in Laurieston as a member of the community. She was recorded as 25 years old and born in Airdrie, Lanarkshire. Her occupation was "Sister of Mercy".

The census of 1891 recorded Catherine McKillop living in the Convent of Mercy at 46 Mount Vernon in West Derbyshire. She was a single woman aged 43 years living with a number of other single women of varying ages, and recorded as born in Lanarkshire Scotland. Her profession or occupation was "Sister of Mercy" and added to that as a collective term was "Nun".

Catherine McKillop was again recorded living at 46 Mount Vernon in the Convent of Mercy by the 1901 census for West Derbyshire. She was recorded as 59 years of age and born in Scotland. Her occupation was the same as the others recorded with her: first as "Nun" which was then crossed out and replaced by "Teacher" with the word "School" appended later.

In 1911 the census recorded Catherine McKillop living at 12 Finch Road in Douglas, Isle of Man, with seven other unmarried women aged 40 or over. Catherine was recorded as 66 years of age and born in Airdie Lanarkshire. Six of the women were recorded as teachers and two as "Assistant" - Catherine being in the latter group. All were resident.

When Catherine McKillop died in 1927 she was recorded as 81 years old. She had in fact just had her 82nd birthday about two weeks earlier. Her death certificate recorded her as "Spinster - Sister of Mercy Daughter of Peter McKillop Ironmonger(deceased)". Her father was not an ironmonger but an iron worker. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  Research Notes:


"On the return of the Bishop (James Gillis 1802-1864) to Edinburgh he turned his attention to the Improvement of the poor schools. The chapel In Lothian Street was converted Into two schools for girls. These were confided to the Sisters of Mercy established In Edinburgh in 1858. The Bishop had long desired the aid of these religious for the visitation of the sick and the charge of the poor schools, and he Invited a colony from the house of the Order at Limerick (then governed by Mother Elizabeth Moore) to make a foundation In EdInburgh. A house had been engaged as a temporary residence for them In Wharton Lane; and to provide for their comfortable reception, Dr. Gillis enlisted the services of the religious of St. Margaret's. These were given all the more willingly, as one of the foundresses - Miss Helen Grant - had been the first pupil of St. Margaret's. She will long be remembered and revered by all who knew and loved her as Mother Mary Juliana.
The Sisters found their abode neatly arranged, and an oratory fitted up with furniture lent by St. Margaret's. Mother Margaret Teresa was there to welcome them to Scotland, and we may be sure that Mother Mary Juliana's affectionate heart rejoiced at seeing one of her old friends again. The most cordial Intercourse existed between the two Communities, whose superioresses had been friends from girlhood.
The Sisters of Mercy continued to reside In their temporary abode in Wharton Lane till 1861. They then removed to the convent under the Invocation of St. Catherine of Siena, In Laurlston Gardens, which was erected by the munificence of the late Mrs. Colonel Hutchison, so well and widely known by her holy life and extensive charities.
The Bishop took a lively interest in the progress of the new establishment, and It was a great pleasure to him to see the two Communities of St. Margaret's and St. Catherine's, each in its own sphere, aiding the important work of education."

from History of St Margaret's Convent Edinburgh

"The initial chapter in our long history must indelibly mark the 24th July 1858 - the day when Mother Clare McNamara from Limerick accompanied by Sister M Juliana Grant came to establish the foundation in the city. On the 31st August with the arrival of Sister M. Gertrude Ryan (Superior) and four more Sisters the community was complete.
1859 Mother Elizabeth Moore spent three months here. A recent convert Mrs. Isabella Hutchison took steps to supply the finance for the convent we know today.
'The Scotsman' of 17 October 1860 reads NEW RESIDENCE FOR THE SISTERS OF MERCY in the garden ground to the south of Lauriston House a large and striking edifice is rapidly approaching completion.
30 April 1861 the Sisters take possession of the new convent. 6 June 1861 Mother M Juliana is elected as the first Scottish Superior. 1867 the first death is recorded. 1869 three professions are entered.
1872 This year was marked by the election of Mother M Agnes Snow whose history for many years was the history of the convent. St. Ignatius School was built by the local Jesuits and staffed by the Sisters of Mercy."

from St Catharine's Convent of Mercy


"In 1842 the Sisters of Mercy were welcomed to Liverpool and installed in a Convent in Mount Vernon through the.beneficence of the Browne Family of Derwent Road and then of Mulrankin, Oakhill Park. In 1850 Canon Maddock invited them to teach in the school he had opened in 1845. They lived in the Convent which had been the Priest's house next to the school (see 1st Presbytery), with two rooms on the ground floor and two rooms upstairs which they converted into 4 small cells.

Here is a note from the records of Mount Vernon:
'On August 17th, 1851, Father Maddocks received the Sisters with the greatest cordiality, and, after a short visit to the Church, conducted them to his own house, which he had prepared for them as well as his slender means permitted, he himself going to a very small and poor little cottage, in which he spent several years in the greatest poverty, denying himself almost the necessities of life in order to obtain for his flock the constant instructions and assistance of the nuns. The new convent was very small, consisting of only two rooms on the ground floor, and four small cells (originally two rooms) upstairs.'"

from History of St Oswald's


Catherine McAuley saw the original site where the third Convent of Mercy was to be built at Mount Vernon in Liverpool. Sadly she was not to see its opening on 28th August 1843 but she had already prepared Sister M Ligouri Gibson to be amongst its early leaders. It was Dr Thomas Youens, a friend of the Gibson family who had begged Catherine to send him Sisters. Once in Liverpool the Sisters opened a House of Mercy and the girls were taught the skills of laundry work, needlework and cookery.

The Sisters ministered throughout the city of Liverpool, taking charge of St Elizabeth's Industrial School in 1871 until 1920. They had also built schools in the convent grounds by 1850 and an almonry provided food to the poor. The Sisters ran night classes for both men and women and gave religious instruction to those in the Blind Asylum. Every Christmas a meal was provided for all those in need and this was continued well into the 20th century."

from The Institute of Our Lady of Mercy 10 11 12 13

  Medical Notes:

No PM was carried out. Catherine's death was certified by W. Foreman LRCP.

Elizabeth Edwards, of 46 Mount Vernon Street, who had been present at Catherine's death, was the informant before the registrar J.P. Threlfall on 13 January 1927. 2


1 National Records of Scotland, Baptisms St Margaret's RC Chapel Airdrie book 1.

2 GRO England and Wales, Edge Hill District County of Liverpool C.B. Deaths 1927.

3 1861 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire En D 8 p 61 36 Bell Street.

4 1851 UK census, Riccarton Ayrshire En d 5 p 36 Hurlford village.

5 1851 UK census, Kilmarnock Ayrshire En D 25 p 26 Crookedholm.

6 1911 UK Census, Douglas Isle of Man Finch Road.

7 1901 UK Census, Edgehill St Jude West Derby Mount Vernon.

8 1891 UK Census, St Jude West Derby Mount Vernon.

9 1871 UK census, Edinburgh St Cuthberts; ED: 94; Page: 9.

10 Internet Site, http://www.sebosw.org/history-of-st-oswalds.html.

11 Internet Site, http://www.ourladyofmercy.org.uk/whatwedo/dsp-default.cfm?loadref=241.

12 Internet Site, www.mercycentre.org.uk.

13 e-books, History of St Margaret's Convent Edinburgh.

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