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McKILLOP, Duncan
QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
McKELLOP, Patrick
QUIGLEY, Annabella (DNA Link)
McKILLOP, Arthur (DNA Link)
(1859-After 1901)


Family Links

1. O'DONNELL, Annie

McKILLOP, Arthur (DNA Link) 2 3

  • Born: 23 May 1859, New Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland 4
  • Marriage (1): O'DONNELL, Annie on 26 March 1883 in Larkhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: After 1901 5 6

   Other names for Arthur were McKELLOP, Arthur 7 and McKILLIP, Arthur.4

  General Notes:

"Arthur McKellop" was just 1 year old in the 1861 census, living at 36 Bell Street Airdrie with his family..

In the 1871 census Arthur lived with his family at 51 Bell Street Airdrie. Arthur was the youngest mentioned at home; he was aged 12 years and a scholar.

In his mother's Application for Poor Relief in 1886, he was listed as "Arthur, 27, married, a Steelworker with whom applicant resides, 2 children".

In 1901 Arthur McKillop and his wife Annie were living at 68 Park Street Motherwell according to the census of that year. With them lived seven of their children aged 1 year to 14 years. Arthur worked as a steam engine fitter. 2 5 7 8

Arthur married Annie O'DONNELL, daughter of Philip O'DONALD and Mary O'DONALD, on 26 March 1883 in Larkhall, Lanarkshire, Scotland.1 (Annie O'DONNELL was born on 13 October 1860 in Inverkip, Renfrewshire, Scotland 8.)

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage took place according to the forms and rites of the Roman Catholic Church, although no actual parish or church building is mentioned on the certificate. The priest celebrating was Fr Paul Pies.

The bridegroom was Arthur McKillop, an engineer aged 22, of Larkhall. The bride was Annie O'Donnell, also aged 22, a domestic servant, and also of Larkhall. The witnesses were Margaret McKillop and Jane Easson.

The marriage was registered on March 29 1883, the registrar being James Anderson. 1


1 GRO Scotland, Marriage register RDS 638/1 No 12 1883.

2 1871 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire v 651 En D 9 p 21 51 Bell Street.

3 ancestry.co.uk, https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-matches.

4 LDS Family Search, IGI.

5 Poor Law records, General Register of Poor Dalziel parish Lanarkshire Scotland CO 1/37/61 no 826.

6 ancestry.co.uk, Birks - Kelly Family Tree: owner BettyBirks.

7 1861 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire En D 8 p 61 36 Bell Street.

8 1901 UK Census, Dalziel parish Lanarkshire; ED: 1; Page: 30.

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