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McKILLOP, Duncan
QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
McKELLOP, Patrick
QUIGLEY, Annabella (DNA Link)


Family Links

1. HENDRY, Sarah

McKILLOP, Peter 2 3

  • Born: 1853, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): HENDRY, Sarah on 31 October 1871 in St Mary's Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland 1
  • Died: 30 July 1913 at 6.55pm, Hartwood Asylum, Shotts, Lanarkshire, Scotland 4 5 6

   Cause of his death was morbus cordis of indefinite duration.6

   Another name for Peter was McKELLOP, Peter.7

  General Notes:

The 1861 census for new Monkland Lanarkshire recorded "Peter McKellop" living at 36 Bell Street with his family. He was a trapdoor keeper in a coalpit.

In 1871, Peter and Isabella McKillop were living with their five children: Duncan, aged 24 years, John, 22 years, Peter, 18 years, Margaret, 16 years, and Arthur, 12 years, at 51 Bell Street, Airdrie. Catherine Quigley, aged 71 years, Peter's mother-in-law, also lived there. All were born in Airdrie, except Catherine and Isabella who were recorded as having been born in Paisley. Peter was 18 years old and recorded as a boilermaker by occupation. He had been born in Airdrie.

In his mother's Application for Poor Relief in 1886, Peter was recorded as "Peter, 34, married, Boiler maker, Airdrie, 4 children".

Peter McKillop, Duncan's brother, of 6 Deedes Street Airdrie, gave notice of his brother's death before the registrar at Airdrie on 6 February 1905.

When the younger Peter McKillop died in 1913 his death certificate recorded him as a boilermaker, married to Sarah Hendry weaver. His usual address was 6 Deeds Street, Airdrie. Both of his parents were deceased. His parents were recorded as Peter McKillop and Ann Quigley.

When Sarah Hendrie died in 1922 at the recorded age of 71 years, she was recorded as "widow of Peter McKillop Boiler Maker". 2 3 4 5 6 7

  Medical Notes:

Peter McKillop, the son of the deceased, of 6 Deeds Street, Airdire, gave notice of his father's death before the registrar at Salsburgh on 31 July 1913. 6

Peter married Sarah HENDRY, daughter of John HENDRY and Mary LINDSAY, on 31 October 1871 in St Mary's Chapel, Glasgow, Scotland.1 (Sarah HENDRY was born about 1851 1 and died on 19 April 1922 in 12 Alexander Street, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland 3.). The cause of her death was senile atheroma, thrombosis (cerebral vessels).6

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage was celebrated after banns according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. E. Noonan was the celebrant and the witnesses were James McLachuan and Cathrine Duffer.

Peter McKillop was a boilermaker journeyman by trade and unmarried. He was aged 20 years and of 5 Bowling Green Terrace Glasgow.

Sarah Hendry was also 20 years old and of the same address. She was single and worked as a yarn winder. She made her X mark. Her mother was deceased.

The marriage was registered at Bridgeton on 1 November 1871. 1


1 GRO Scotland, Bridgeton Glasgow Marriages 1871.

2 1871 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire v 651 En D 9 p 21 51 Bell Street.

3 GRO Scotland, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire Deaths 1922.

4 Poor Law records, General Register of Poor Dalziel parish Lanarkshire Scotland CO 1/37/61 no 826.

5 GRO Scotland, New Monkland Lanarkshire Deaths 1905.

6 GRO Scotland, Middle District of Shotts Lanarkshire Deaths 1913.

7 1861 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire En D 8 p 61 36 Bell Street.

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