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McKILLOP, Duncan
QUIGLY, John (DNA Linked)
(About 1796-Between 1841/1851)
LYNAS, Catharine (DNA Linked)
McKELLOP, Patrick
QUIGLEY, Annabella (DNA Link)


Family Links

1. DONNELLY, Agnes

McKILLOP, John 2 3

  • Born: 1848, Airdrie, Lanarkshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): DONNELLY, Agnes on 2 November 1882 1
  • Died: 14 June 1905 at 4.50 pm, 112 Clydesdale Rows, Wishaw, Lanarkshire, Scotland 4 5

   Cause of his death was farcture of ribs (result of accident) over 12 days and broncho-pneumonia over 6 days.5

   Another name for John was McKELLOP, John.6

  General Notes:

John was aged 3 years when the 1851 census recorded him in the parish of Riccarton living with his mother, sister and brother, at his maternal grandmother's house. His grandmother was recorded as "Mrs Sweedley".

John, probably called after his maternal grandfather, was aged 13 in the 1861 census, a scrap ??keeper.

In the 1871 census John was aged 22 years and living with his family at 51 Bell Street Airdrie. John was employed as an iron moulder, like his brother Duncan.

In the Application for Poor Relief by his mother in 1886, John was listed as "John, 37, married, Moulder, Bell's Row Wishaw, no family".

When John McKillop died in 1905 he was recorded as "Iron moulder (Journeyman) married to Agnes Donnelly or Higgins". His age at death was 54 years. Both of his parents were deceased. A further entry in the Register of Corrected Entries stated that John McKillop died in his own house after receiving injuries "through his accidentally having fallen into an open drain in connection with Wishaw new Sewage Scheme opposite end of Clydesdale Rows after said resulting in BronchoPneumonia - survived 12 days". 2 3 4 5 7

  Medical Notes:

Agnes McKillop, John's widow, who was present where his death occurred, notified the registrar at Wishaw on 15 June 1905 and made her X mark. 5

John married Agnes DONNELLY on 2 November 1882.1 (Agnes DONNELLY was born about 1850 and died after 15 June 1905 5.)


1 ancestry.co.uk, Birks - Kelly Family Tree: owner BettyBirks.

2 1851 UK census, Riccarton Ayrshire En d 5 p 36 Hurlford village.

3 1871 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire v 651 En D 9 p 21 51 Bell Street.

4 Poor Law records, General Register of Poor Dalziel parish Lanarkshire Scotland CO 1/37/61 no 826.

5 GRO Scotland, Cambusnethan Lanarkshire Deaths 1905.

6 1861 UK census, New Monkland parish Lanarkshire En D 8 p 61 36 Bell Street.

7 GRO Scotland, RCE July 1905 Vol VII page 32 Hamilton Lanarkshire.

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