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(About 1765-)
(About 1768-About 1811)
(About 1780-)
QUIGLY, William
(About 1802-1869)
QUIGLEY, Catherine


Family Links

QUIGLEY, Catherine

  • Born: 30 April 1829
  • Baptised: June 1829, St Mirin's RC Parish, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Died: possibly before 1 June 1860

  General Notes:

Roman Catholic Records
St Mirin's Parish Paisley

"Baptismal Register 1829
Date of birth: April 31 [sic]
Catherine lawful son [sic] of William Quigley and Mary McLuskey born the 31 [sic] of April 1829 was baptized by me Sponsors Peter Lochery and Rose Duff
(signed) William Stewart "

Note: the pages of entries where this extract is found have a selection of birth dates in no apparent order, and no baptismal dates at all. It is as if the priest is 'catching up' on babies that have been missed. The 'born' dates start with February, go on to May, back to April then June, back to May, April, November, June again then March and end with July. One for May 18th incorporates in the text 'baptized by me the same month'. Also, some babies may have been baptized by the priest travelling out to the more outlying districts where they were living rather than in the church in Paisley.

Since there does seem to be a time progress of births from February to July over both pages, and Catherine's baptismal entry comes after the May 18th birth entry mentioned, we could postulate that since her entry falls between a birth on May 29th, another that just says 'May', and a birth entry of June 19th, that she was most probably baptized in June.

The 1850 US Federal Census for Steubenville City, Jefferson County, Ohio, recorded a weaver called William Quigley aged 48 years and born in Scotland. With him lived his wife Mary, and three daughters, Catherine, Mary and Ellen. The eldest daughter Catherine Quigley was recorded as 21 years old and born in Scotland.

Catherine was not included in her parents' entry in the 1860 US census.

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