Family Links
1. HALPIN, John
McCORMICK, Helen Hannigan 1
- Born: 13 May 1914 at 1.40 am, 24 New Smithhills, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
- Marriage (1): HALPIN, John on 16 January 1945 in St Teresa's RC Church, Glasgow, Scotland
General Notes:
No death has been found in Scotland as yet for Helen. A Helen Halpin with exactly the same birthday died in Liverpool, Lancashire, England in March 1988. Whether it is this person or not has to be investigated. 2
Helen married John HALPIN, son of Edward HALPIN and Mary Ellen MORGAN, on 16 January 1945 in St Teresa's RC Church, Glasgow, Scotland. (John HALPIN was born about 1912.)
Marriage Notes:
The marriage was celebrated after banns according to the rites and forms of the Roman Catholic Church. The priest was Father Michael McCarthy of St Teresa's Possilpark. The witnesses were William Rattray of 17 Orr Avenue, Greenock, and Patricia McCormick of 182 Allander Street Glasgow.
The bridegroom was an unmarried man of 33 years of age who was an engineer's labourer. He lived at 182 Allander Street Glasgow. His father was deceased.
The bride was unmarried and aged 30 years. She was a newsagent's assistant who lived at 182 Allander Street Glasgow.
The marriage was registered at Glasgow 16 January 1945.