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GORDON, William
(About 1680-)
GORDON, William in Oxhill
(About 1705-1759)
ANDERSON, Jean in Tulloch
GORDON, John in Tullochallum
(About 1738-1820)


Family Links

1. DAWSON, Mary

GORDON, John in Tullochallum 1 2 3 4

  • Born: About 1738
  • Marriage (1): DAWSON, Mary on 12 August 1774 in Mortlach parish, Banffshire, Scotland 1
  • Died: 1820 5

   User ID: N44.

  General Notes:

"The family of Gordon, who during the last century occupied Tullochallum, originally came from the small farm of Achnarrow".

from Huntly Express

Old Parish Registers
Mortlach parish Banffshire

"Baptised in 1803 and preceding

The following Baptisms are the Children of Popish parents who were not in the Practice of Recording their Children's Names regularly in the Baptisem [sic] Register but since the commencement of the Militia Act they found the great Inconvenience of not having their Children's Names in the Register They therefore requested to have their Names incerted [sic] which was found reasonable Also negligent parents of the Establish'd Church who did not attend regularly to the recording of their Children's Names when Baptized are also to be found in the following List"

(There follows firstly the records of baptism of three children of James MacDonald in Little Keithmore, Robert 1786, James 1788 and John 1793, to the last of which "John Gordon in Tullachallum" was a witness)

"Keithmore August 23 -1799

In presence of William Marshall one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the County of Banff -----------

Compeared Jno. Gordon residing in Tillachallum [sic] in the Parish of Mortlach and represented that his son Alexander Gordon was born on the seventh day of May One Thousand seven hundred and eighty one years That his son William was born the second day of May one Thousand seven hundred and Eighty three That his son Thomas was born the sixteenth day of September Seventeen hundred and eighty five That his son George was born on the Twenty ninth day of April Seventeen hundred and ninety one and that James Gordon his youngest was born the Eighteenth day of December in the years of our Lord Seventeen hundred and ninety four and therefore craved that witnesses might be Deponed to the verity thereof Which desire was found reasonable----

And thereupon, compear'd Alexander Sinclar residing at Laichie a married man aged thirty and upwards who being solemnly sworn, depones that Alexander Gordon son to Jno Gordon residing in Tullochallum was born on the seventh day of May in the Year of our Lord seventeen hundred and Eighty one and that he witnessed his Baptism on the tenth day of May following and to the best of his recollection William Gordon son to the said Jno Gordon was born on the second day of May seventeen hundred and Eighty three That Thomas Gordon another of the said Jno Gordon's sons was born of the seventeenth day of Septemr seventeen hundred and Eighty five That George Gordon another of the said Jno Gordon's sons was born on the Twenty ninth day of April seventeen hundred and Ninety one years- Also that James Gordon youngest son to the said John Gordon was born upon the Eighteenth day of Decemr Seventeen hundred and Ninety four All which is truth as he shall answer so to God ---
(Signed) Alexander Sinclar

Compeared also Elisabeth Blair Relect [sic] of the deceased John Forbes in Keithack aged seventy six or thereby who being solemnly sworn agress with the same Witness in Omnibus (double underlined) and further Dopones [sic] that she witnessed all their Births and Baptisms All which is truth as she shall answer to God --
(Signed) Elisabeth Blair

In the death certificate of his son Alexander in 1863, John Gordon was recorded as a farmer. 3 6

John married Mary DAWSON, daughter of John DASON in Mains of Braco and Elizabeth GORDON, on 12 August 1774 in Mortlach parish, Banffshire, Scotland.1 (Mary DAWSON was born about 1754 5 and died in 1824 5.)

  Marriage Notes:

162 20 / 62

from Index of Marriages

"He (Alexander Gordon) left a young family, including John, who was a priest at Presholm and was 'out' with Lord Lewis Gordon ; William, a priest ; Peter, whose daughter married Grant of Blairfindy ; Jean, who married Alexander Molison ; and Betty, who married John Davison, Mains of Braco, Grange. The last mentioned had a daughter Margaret (died 1820, aged 82) who married John Gordon of Tullochallum (died 1824, aged 72)."

from Leichestoun

In Mortlach Churchyard:

"In pious memory of JOHN GORDON who succeeded to the farm of Tullochallum 1771, and died there 1820 aged 82. MARY DAWSON his spouse died 1824, aged 72. And their children WILLIAM, who died in Jamaica, 1802; ANNE, died at Tullochallum 1811; THOMAS, Capt. 92nd Regt 'Gordon Highlanders' died in Jamaica 1819; JAMES, died at Aberdeen 1824; Rev. JOHN died at Edinburgh 1832; GEORGE, SS.C, died at Paisley 1838. Also of HELEN CLARK, the beloved wife of Alex. Gordon, who died at Tullochallum 1822 aged 28 years R.I.P."

from Epitaphs and Inscriptions 1 5 7


1 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 3 Gordons Under Arms by C.O.Skelton and J.M.Bulloch (1912).

3 GRO Scotland, Mortlach parish Banffshire Deaths 1863.

4 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

5 e-books, Epitaphs and Inscriptions vol. 1 by Andrew Jervise (1875).

6 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, RC Baptism recorded at later date in Mortlach parish Banffshire Baptisms.

7 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Leichestoun by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

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