GORDON, James 1
- Born: 18 December 1794, Mortlach parish, Banffshire, Scotland 1
- Died: 1824, Aberdeen, Scotland 2
User ID: N67.
General Notes:
Old Parish Registers Mortlach parish Banffshire Baptisms
"Keithmore August 23 -1799
In presence of William Marshall one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the County of Banff -----------
Compeared Jno. Gordon residing in Tillachallum in the Parish of Mortlach and represented that his son Alexander Gordon was born on the seventh day of May One Thousand seven hundred and eighty one years That his son William was born the second day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty three That his son Thomas was born the sixteenth day of September seventeen hundred and eighty five That his son George was born on the Twenty ninth day of April Seventeen hundred and ninety one and that James Gordon his youngest was born the Eighteenth day of December in the years of our Lord Seventeen hundred and ninety four...
compear'd Alexander Sinclar residing at Laichie a married man aged thirty and upwards who being solemnly sworn, depones...Also that James Gordon youngest son to the said John Gordon was born upon the Eighteenth day of Decemr Seventeen hundred and Ninety four "
"JAMES (Gordon), died at Aberdeen 1824"
from Epitaphs and Inscriptions 1 2