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SANDILANDS, Alexander Blacksmith
(About 1785-1841)
SCOTT, Isabel
SMITH, David
(About 1795-)
SANDILANDS, Thomas Stone Cutter and Farmer
SMITH, Euphemia
(1865-After 1925)


Family Links


  • Born: 11 August 1865, Washington, District of Columbia, USA 1 2
  • Died: After 1925

   Another name for Thomas was SUNDERLAND, Thomas.2

  General Notes:

Thomas Sunderland [sic] was recorded by the 1870 US Census living with his parents and his two older sisters in Adams Township, Delaware County. Aged 4 years he had been born in Washington DC, and his parents were foreign born.

The 1880 census for Adams Township, Iowa, recorded him as a son, Thomas Sandilands, living there with his mother and sister. He is a single man, aged 14 years, whose occupation is 'at home', though it indicates he attended school within the census year. His birthplace is noted as Washington.

The 1910 US Federal Census for Delaware County, in Iowa, recorded Thomas Sandilands, aged 45 years, living with his brother in law and sister, John and Isabella Proven, in the city of Manchester. Thomas had been born in Washington DC and was a single man. His parents were Scots born. He had no occupation but lived on his own income.

In 1915 a card made out for Thomas Sandilands in the Iowa State census recorded him as a single man of 49 years of age, born in Washington DC. He was resident in the town of Manchester in Delaware County. He had no occupation, but was at home with his sister. In religion he was a methodist. Both of his parents were Scots born.

In the 1925 Iowa State Census Thomas Sandilands was recorded living with his sister, Isabell Provan. He was aged 59 years and was single. He had been 58 years in Iowa. 2 3 4 5 6


1 ancestry.co.uk.

2 1870 US Census, Adams Township, Delaware County, Iowa, USA.

3 1880 US Census, Adams Township, Delaware County, Iowa, USA.

4 Iowa State Census, Manchester Delaware County 1925.

5 Iowa State Census, Manchester, Delaware County 1915.

6 1910 US Census, Iowa State Delaware County Manchester City.

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