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MUIRHEAD, James 5th of Lauchope
(About 1490-)
BAILLIE, Alexander of Carfin
(About 1468-)
MUIRHEAD, James 6th of Lauchope
(About 1510-)
(About 1507-)
MUIRHEAD, James elder, 7th of Lauchope, Sir
(About 1535-Before 1623)


Family Links

1. HAMILTON, Janet of Bothwellhaugh

MUIRHEAD, James elder, 7th of Lauchope, Sir 1 2

  • Born: About 1535
  • Marriage (1): HAMILTON, Janet of Bothwellhaugh 1 2
  • Died: Before 15 March 1623 3

   Another name for James was MUIRHEID, James elder, of Lawchope.3

   User ID: Z748.

  General Notes:

"Following James Hamilton of Bothwellhaugh's assassination of the Regent Moray, he spent his last night in Scotland at Lauchope, before escaping to France under the patronage of the family of Guise.

Lauchope and all the Family Papers were burned in retaliation. James Muirhead of Lauchope was James Hamilton's brother in law, and was subsequently imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle for his part in Bothwellhaugh's escape."

from Maxine Ross blog

"In July, 1580 a Summons for treason was issued against John, Commendator of Abirbrothock, Claud, Commendator of Paisley, John Hamilton, provost of Bothwell and others, including James Muirhead of Lachop."

"According to John M. Morehead in his book, a proclamation was issued from Holyrood House on 06 April, 1585 which stated that if James Muirhead of Lauchope, Lord Claud Hamilton and others did not secure passage on ships at Aberdeen prior to the first of May, and head for parts beyond the British Isles, their properties would be forfeited."

"The last incident in this line occurred on 10 August, 1591 when James' eldest son, James, and his own sons, Thomas and Claud and others posted sureties to assure the parliament that he would quiet down, politically. The entry in the Register of the Privy Council, dated 10 August, 1591, noted the

"Caution by James Mureheid younger of Lawchop and Mr. Johnne Mureheid of Bradanhill, as two principals and Johnne Hammiltoun younger of Wodhall as ブrety for them, and by the ヂid principals and ブrety for James Mureheid elder of Lawchop, Thomas Mureheid and Claud Mureheid his バns; James Mureheid of Braidschaw, James Mureheid of Schawfute and Johnne Mureheid in Glaトow that James Crauford of Kipbyre, James Craufurd his バn and Thomas Craufurd his brother ドall be harmleピ under penalties following viz: Mureheid elder of Lawchop 」1000, Johnne Mureheid 1000 merks; James Mureheid 1000 merks, Mureheid younger of Lawchop 」500; Mureheid of Braidツhaw 500 merks and each the others 」500."

"It is believed that this James Muirhead was the James Muirhead of Lachop who was knighted by King James VI in either 1617 or 1621. He died in October of 1622. James had made his will on 22 September, 1622 in which he named his eldest son, James as his executor. James left 100 merks to 'John Muirhead of Brydinhill,' his son, James' eldest son. The witnesses to the will included: Thomas Muirhead, minister at Cambusnethan, James of Braidshaw (variously, Bellshaw) and James Muirhead of Shawfoot and his wife, Margaret Muirhead, Elizabeth Muirhead, and John Muirhead, his assignee."

from Mother Bedford website

of Lawchope, elder, parish of Bothuell
Testament Testamentar and Inventory; Protestation
Glasgow Commissary Court

from Wills and Testaments 1 3 4

  Research Notes:


Lauchope Hose was situated in Bothwell parish, Lanarkshire, south-west of Chapelhall and north of the old Edinburgh Road and what is/was later the Newhouse Industrial Estate:

"The Muirhead family possessed Lauchope House prior to 1570 and was later owned by the Roberton family. The house, and all the family charters were burned by English dragoons because James Muirhead of Lauchope provided shelter to his brother-in-law, Hamilton of Bothellwelhaugh, the assassin of James, Earl of Moray and Regent of Scotland in January 1570. The Muirheads of Lauchope kept Lauchope House until the line ended in 1738 and were succeeded by a cadet branch the Muirheads of Bredisholm. The house subsequently became the property of the Roberton family who rebuilt the same."

from Information from Mr P Roberton via e-mail to RCAHMS, 23 August 2005 5

James married Janet HAMILTON of Bothwellhaugh, daughter of David HAMILTON of Bothwellhaugh and Christian SHAW.1 2 (Janet HAMILTON of Bothwellhaugh was born about 1540 and died about 1586.)

  Marriage Notes:

" James Muirhead the Younger, (7th) of Lauchope, son of James and Janet (Baillie) Muirhead, married Janet Hamilton ......

Janet was the sister of James Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh, who became embroiled in a political affair which led to the physical destruction of Lauchope House in 1570."

from Mother Bedford website 1


1 Internet Site, https://www.motherbedford.com/Muirhead109.htm James Muirhead of Lauchope.

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 2 (1905).

3 National Records of Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk Legal records - Wills and testaments.

4 Internet Site, http://fluffylemonde.blogspot.com/2016/04/lauchope-house-and-tower.html Maxine Ross Wednesday, 6 April 2016.

5 Internet Site, https://canmore.org.uk.

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