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FORBES, William 2nd of Skellater
FORBES, Isabel
(About 1618-1656)
FORBES, William of Edinglassie
(About 1638-1692)
(About 1650-)
FORBES, Alexander of Lochermick, jnr Merchant Burgess of Aberdeen, Jacobite 1715


Family Links

1. GORDON, Jannett

FORBES, Alexander of Lochermick, jnr Merchant Burgess of Aberdeen, Jacobite 1715 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Baptised: 14 March 1673, Strathdon parish, Aberdeenshire, Scotland 10
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Jannett on 10 November 1702 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1 2
  • Died: 24 April 1738 6 9

   Other names for Alexander were FORBES, Alex. Lochermick, late Dean of Gild,11 FORBES, Alexander of Lockermick,9 FORBES, Alexr. 12 and FORBES, Allexr of Lochermick.13

   User ID: V659.

  General Notes:

Old Parish Registers
Strathdon parish Aberdeenshire

"( condition poor & faint, at foot of page, indexed as 1673)
March 14 The sd day Wm forbes in Locharmik had a son baptizd Alexr witnesses Wm forbes of Skellator & (blotted Du)ncan anderson (asppirant?) off Candac(blotted)"
1]Duncan Andreson 5th of Candacraig was to marry Nan Forbes of the Invernettie family in 1674. She was cousin of Alexander's father William.
2]William Forbes 2nd of Skellator was the grandfather of Alexander.

"On 7th June, 1699, there was admitted as a burgess of Aberdeen, Alexander Forbes, in Monymusk, son of the deceased William Forbes of Lochermeck."

from Notes and Queries

"List of Fiars Jurors, I604-I900
Forbes, Alexander, Lochermick, merchant, Abd., 1722 signs "Junior," afterwards "of Lochermick." 1722-37. 10 times"

from Miscellany of Spalding

1725 TO 1775.
1736. Discharge by Alexander Forbes, junior, of Lochermick, to Waterton."

from Forbes of Waterton

"In 1736, the Dean of Guild Court resolved, by Acts dated 19th February, and 18th November, of that year, to establish an additional fund to the Guild Box; and the Council, going along with the Dean of Guild Court, gave their approbation to the Scheme, by their Act dated the 2d day of December following. In these Acts it was stipulated that every Burgess already admitted should pay one shilling quarterly to the fund; that every entering Burgess should pay, at his entrance, two Guineas, except jure Burgesses who should pay only one Guinea; and that the benefit of the fund should be extended only to 'Contributors and their widows and daughters, who have behaved well and are past forty years of age.' A subscription was immediately commenced in order to form a stock; and the list of subscribers is here given, as copied from the Guildry accounts, for 1736-7, the money alone being altered from Scots to sterling.
'Charge of the Additional Fund, contributed by the Bretheren of Guild of this Burgh, for supporting the Poor Decayed Bretheren of Gild, within this Burgh, and their Widows and Daughters, in terms of the Acts of Gild Court and Council.'"
There follows a long list of names of contributors among which is to be found
"Alex. Forbes, Lochermick, late Dean of Gild"

from Mortifications

Note:The word is derived from a longstanding Christian practicebased on the challenge to Christians to care for the poor and needy in society. In Aberdeen of the time it referred to private or corporate donation for charitable purposes, where money or land might be gifted to benefit others in need in a systematic and legal manner.

"Forbes, Alexander, of Lockermick, Merchant, Aberdeen
The son of William Forbes in Lockermick, born in 1673. Married Janet Gordon and had at least one son, George. He died on 24 April 1738. His widow survived him."

from Jacobites

In this inscription the sections of the epitaph are separated on the journal page by short vertical lines, which have here been represented by starting each phraseof the inscription on a new line:
On another ground-stone, close beside the last there is -
...(epitaph of family of Alexander Gordon and Isobell Cumming is noted here)
Here lyes Alexander Forbes
Merchant in Abd. who died 24th April 1738 aged 65
Also his son George Forbes of Lochermick who died 20 April 1765
And his son James Staats Forbes died 1 July 1715
Also two Alexanders Will
iam and Andrew Forbeses
And Thomas Forbes departed
1 Nor 1725 aged 5 years
As also Isabel Gordon spouse to
Alexr Crombie Merchant in Abd.
who died the 20 of Novbr 1736
aged 37.
Also Janet Forbes who died July 1726
And William Forbes died the 15th of
April 1733 in the 18th year of his age
And Alexr Crombie late Dean of Gild in
Abd. died 6th Jany 1741 aged 46 years.

Alexander Crombie whose death is last recorded, was Dean of Gild during the year from Michaelmas, 1733, to Michaelmas, 1734."

from Scottish Notes and Queries1890-1891

in Lochermick
Aberdeen Commissary Court

junior, Locharmick, merchant in Aberdeen
Testament Testamentar and Inventory. See also Gordon, Janet.
Aberdeen Commissary Court

from Wills and Testaments

In his last will and testament Alexander Forbes begins:

"I Alexr. Forbes Junior Lochermick merchant in Abdeen"

After appointing "John Taylur writter Jn Abd" to be his Executor he goes on:

"I ordan my said executor to make payment of all my just and lawfull debts and what Remains after the sd payment gross to make good and forth coming to John Forbes my second son now abroad and the lawfull airs of his bodie qch failling to Alexr Forbes my Grand Child procrat btwine George Forbes my eldest son and marie gordon his spouss qch failling to be Devided by equall proporshons amongst the sd George forbes his Children maills or famiells secluding the sd George forbes from any part or porshon yr of saving he is fully provided and payed of in heritable seivrily to the value of ane thousand pound sterling mony by the heritadge of the Lock and two houses in the broadgett of Abd possed by George Garioch and William Patterson in Abd ("Abd" then crossed out) in qch houses my wife is infeft for her Lyferent"

He here makes provision that the rents, should his wife die before him, be paid to George Forbes his eldest son, and mentions "Harie forbes" as another tenant who rents "the shop". Further items are:

- £1000 to be given yearly in quarterly amounts to Alexander Forbes son of James Forbes, merchant in Fraserburgh, throughout his whole life;
- Alexander's eldest brother William, his second brother John and his sister Elspet, along with his son George Forbes are to be released from any debts they may owe him at the time of his death
- he nominates all or any two of Thomas Erskin of Pittodrie, William Cruikshank last provost of Aberdeen, Alexander Crombie merchant in Aberdeen, as well as John Taylor his Executor, in all of whom he expresses trust and confidence, to see that his desires, as expressed in this will, will duly be carried out, and in particular to restrain any future profligate tendency of his son John, to whom he has left the bulk of his effects, by allotting him a yearly sum.

The will was dated 20 February 1738 and signed before John Mowet merchant in Aberdeen and James Mowet his son. A codicil, dated 22 April 1738, was added in favour of his doctor Thomas Seton, witnessed by Mr James Udny advocate and " the said John Forbes", and subscribed for the gravely ill Alexander Forbes.
More information about the life and business of Alexander Forbes is contained in the lengthy Inventory that follows the will itself.

from Last Will and Testament of Alexander Forbes

Note:Thomas Erskine of Pittodrie was also a Jacobite, and 'out' in 1715.
3 5 6 7 9 11 13 14

  Research Notes:


"ALEXANDER FORBES of Easter Migvie Married John Calder of Migvie his Daughter who bear to him Alexander and William who dy'd without Succession And a Daughter Married to Lochermick."

from Genealogy of the Family of Forbes

That Alexander Forbes was grandson of the first laird of Newe. No more information is noted regarding whether that marriage of Alexander's daughter to Forbes of Lochermick had issue, but it does place the Lochermick Forbes line within the family of Forbes of Newe.

This place name is found in a variety of spellings, including Locharmick, Locharmuick, Lockermick, Lochirmick. Using an ordnance survey map that offers good detail
(online you can use http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/),
you will find it by moving south from the church at Strathdon, passing Invernochtie, crossing the A944, passing Brughs (Brux), following the river Don until it winds to the west and staying on its south side, you reach Glen Carvie and the Water of Carvie. Continue to move south, passing the Mains of Glencarvie, with Stroin to the east, but remaining on the west of Water of Carvie. Locharmuick sits between Gallows Hill and Water of Carvie, south-east of Jubilee Cairn and north-west of Birkford.

"The ruins of Locharmuick farmsteading are situated on the west side of Glen Carvie and comprise a cottage, byre and kiln-barn. The cottage has been reduced to grass-grown footings, the kiln-barn is overlain by another structure, although the base of the kiln-pot can be seen, and the walls of the byre still stand to a height of 1.5m in places. The farmsteading is depicted roofed on the 1st edition of the Ordnance Survey 6-inch map, published in 1869."

from Canmore

Mr C Kellas occupier Valuation Roll Mr MacBean
A small farmsteading with dwelling house & offices the property of Sir C Forbes Bart. [Baronet]" (ie of Newe)

from Aberdeenshire OS Name Books, 1865-1871

In the Notes and Queries section of the Aberdeen Journal 1909, in answer to a question posed, this information was provided:
"Lochermeck, or Locharmick, lies in the middle of the small glen of Glencarvy, about twenty miles higher up Ironside than Alford. It appears to have been Forbes property for a considerable period. On 4th April, 1754. Alexander Forbes of Lochermick and Ann Brodie, his spouse, had a daughter baptised Elizabeth, the witnesses being William Baird of Auchmedden and Alexander Simpsun of Concraig. (New Spalding Club Miscellany, II., p. 182.) The property has been tenanted by the Kellas family (now of Semeil, Strathdon) for upwards of a century, but for the last thirty years it has been used solely for grazing purposes.In Poems in the Aberdeenshire Dialect, by John Milne, there is a long one, 'The Maidens o' Locharmick,' beginning -

As roses hae their prickles bare,
So love is girt about wi' care,
An' I wud bid ye a' beware

The Maidens o' Locharmick !

Of a' the maids on bonny Don -
An' fairer never crost a loan -
They're fairest far to look upon
The Maidens o' Locharmick.

for bonny Jane an' Rachie,
for bonny Jane an' Rachie,
for bonny Jane an' Rachie,
An' Peggie o' Locharmick ;

Ann an' Betty comin' tee,

Ann an' Betty comin' tee,

Ann an' Bettv comin' tee,

The Maidens o' Locharmick!"

Note: from at least 1695 the Strathdon records show families surnamed McRobie and Alanach, each with various spellings, living at "Locharmik"; their lives are linked in the records with various Forbes and Michie families.


It is clear that this family of Forbes and many of those related to them were sympathetic both to the continuation of the Stuart monarchy and to the episcopalian parties in religion and politics. These non-conformist leanings can make more difficult the uncovering of some kinds of information about them. 3 15 16 17 18

Alexander married Jannett GORDON, daughter of Alexander GORDON Merchant in Aberdeen and Isobell CUMMING, on 10 November 1702 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 2 (Jannett GORDON was baptised on 17 November 1680 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 8 and died by 1 November 1750 4 9 19.)

  Marriage Notes:

JANNET GORDON/FR4160 4161 (FR4160)
130 52

from Index of Marriages

Old Parish Registers
Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen

Novr. 10 Alexr. Forbes Mercht. & Jannet Gordon lawll. daur. to Alexr. Gordon were married be Mr. Blackwell" 1 2


1 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen Marriages.

2 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

3 e-books, Aberdeen Journal: Notes and Queries Volume II 1909.

4 e-books, The Decisions of the Court of Session: From Its Institution Until the Separation of the Court Into Two Divisions in the Year 1808, Volumes 33-34 1756 August 3.

5 e-books, Memoranda relating to the Family of Forbes of Waterton from a MS by John Forbes (1857).

6 e-books, Aberdeen Journal Scottish Notes and Queries 1890-1891.

7 National Records of Scotland, https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk Legal records - Wills and testaments.

8 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

9 e-books, Jacobites of 1715 and 1745 North East Scotland by Frances McDonnell (in paper Clearfield 1996).

10 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Strathdon parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms 1673.

11 e-books, Mortifications under the Charge of the Provosts, Magistrates and Town Council of Aberdeen (1849).

12 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Saint Nicholas Parish Aberdeen Marriages 1702.

13 e-books, The Miscellany of the New Spalding Club by New Spalding Club (Aberdeen, Scotland) 1890.

14 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Strathdon parish Aberdeenshire Baptisms.

15 Internet Site, http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/ordnance-survey-map-series/list/os6inch/aberdeenshire/strathdon.

16 Internet Site, https://canmore.org.uk/site/139600/locharmuick.

17 Internet Site, http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital-volumes/ordnance-survey-name-books/aberdeenshire-os-name-books-1865-1871/aberdeenshire-volume-81/215.

18 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Strathdon parish Aberdeenshire.

19 e-books, The Commissariot Record of Aberdeen Register of Testaments 1715-1800.

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