GORDON, Alexander of Dipple, Salterhill and Kinneddar 2
- Born: About 1590
- Marriage (1): GORDON, Wife 1 of Gordonstoun family?
- Marriage (2): GEDDES, Marjorie by 6 July 1626 1
- Partnership (3): Unknown
- Died: by October 1649 1
Other names for Alexander were GORDON, Al: in Saturhill,3 GORDON, Alexander in Salterhill, Mr,1 GORDON, Alexander of Aikenhead,1 GORDONIS, Alexr in Satyrhill,3 GORDOUN, Alexander of Salterhill,1 GORDOUN, Alexr in Saterhill 3 and GORDOUNE, Alexander of Saterhill.1
User ID: Z69.
General Notes:
"It has been suggested (without proof) that he (Alexander Gordon) was descended from the Lesmoir Gordons.
The first appearance of Alexander Gordon of Salterhill is in 1625, when he was designed as 'in' and sometimes 'of' Dippill: -
1625, July 8.- James Douglas of Dippill, having sold Kirktoun of Dippill to Walter Innes, son lawful to Mr John Innes of Cokistoun and Jean Gordon, his spouse, on 8 May, 1621, redeemable for 2000 merks, and said Walter Innes having sold his right to Alexander Gordon, now in Dippill, said James Douglas, with consent of Mr Alexander Douglas, his eldest son, confirms Kirktoun of Dippill to said Alexander Gordon by deed dated at Elgin, 8 July. 1625, and recorded in the Elgin Sasines Register, 9 July, 1625." (page 5)
"1642, Feb. 10.- Mr Alexander Gordon in Salterhill and Marjorie Geddes, my spous, forsameikill as be contract . . . betwix umquhill Robert lnnes of Dranye and us ... of the dait at Elgin, 22 day of Aprile, 1634, the said umquhill Robert lnnes grantit him to have received fra us . . .3000 merks and for securitie . . . the said Robert lnnes as principall, George Gordon, then in Dranye and now in Auchinraith, William lnnes then in Boigsyde and now of Dippill, and Jherome Spens of Myltoun of Innerlochtie as cautioners . . . band . . .them ... to infeft me and my spouse . . .in an annual rent of fourtie bolls . . . out of Saterhill . . . and seeing Sir Robert Gordon [has bought the lands and baronv of Dranie and has paid us the 3000 merks, he and his spouse quit claim Sir Robert, etc.], dated at Saterhill, 10th Feb. 1642, recorded 12 Feb. 1642." (pages 7 and 8)
"1642, Nov. 10.- Alexander Gordone in Saterhill," ruling elder, was present at a meeting of the Presbytery of Elgin (Elgin Presbytery Records)." (page 8)
1647, Nov. 11.- Sasine to Alexander Gordoun of Salterhill and Marjorie Geddes, his spouse, on Aikinhead and myll of Kynneddor, following on a charter from James, Earl of Moray, dated 31 March, 1647." (page 8)
from The Gordons of Salterhill
"July 16th.(1638) Act anent the Moss of Mostowye. Comperit James Mitchell in Bischopmyln, Peter Cowye thair, James Wod in Shereffmyln and Alexander Gordoun in Salterhill, and becom willinglie actit that thai sail nocht cast peittis nor hoill fir in na tym heireftir in the moss of Mostowye but the speciall licence and attolerance of the provest, baillies and counsell of the burghe of Elgin wnder the payn of ten pundis."
from Records of Elgin 1 4
Research Notes:
Salterhill is in the parish of Drainie in Moray. It is sometimes written in older documents as Saterhill. The family group listed here constitutes what Bulloch calls "the first group of Salterhill Gordons". 1
Noted events in his life were:
1. Confirmation of right: by James Douglas to Alexander Gordon, 1625, of Kirktoun of Dippill. 1
Alexander married Wife 1 GORDON of Gordonstoun family?. (Wife 1 GORDON of Gordonstoun family? was born about 1600.)
Marriage Notes:
"Was the first wife of Alexander of Salterhill a Gordon of Gordonstown, or otherwise close kin to the Sutherland Gordons?"
from Gordons of Salterhill 1
Alexander next married Marjorie GEDDES, daughter of Unknown GEDDES and Unknown, by 6 July 1626.1 (Marjorie GEDDES was born about 1605 and died after 1673 1.)
Marriage Notes:
"1626, October 6.- Sasine to Alexander Gordon of Dippill and Mariorie Geddes, his spouse, on Kirktoun of Dippill, following on a charter by the Bishop and Chapter of Moray, as superiors, dated at Elgin, 6 July, 1626. Sasine recorded 31 Oct.1626." (page 5)
"1642, Feb. 10.- Mr Alexander Gordon in Salterhill and Marjorie Geddes, my spous, forsameikill as be contract . . . betwix umquhill Robert lnnes of Dranye and us... of the dait at Elgin, 22 day of Aprile, 1634, the raid umquhill Robert lnnes grantit him to have received fra us . . . 3000 merks..." (page 7)
"Marjorie Geddes produced an exoneration, under the hand of the Sheriff Clerk, and dated 30 April, 1653, of her as executrix of the deceased Alexander Gordon of Aikenhead." (page 10)
from The Gordons of Salterhill 1
Alexander had a relationship with someone.