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AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk
(About 1360-)
LINDSAY, Alexander 2nd Earl of Crawford
(About 1376-Before 1439)
(About 1378-After 1429)
AUCHINLECK, James of that Ilk, Sir
(About 1390-1449/1445)
LINDSAY, Christian
(About 1394-After 1465)
AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk and of Glenbervie, Sir
(About 1430-1502/1499)


Family Links

1. MELVILLE, Elizabeth co-heiress of Glenbervie

AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk and of Glenbervie, Sir 2 4 5

  • Born: About 1430
  • Marriage (1): MELVILLE, Elizabeth co-heiress of Glenbervie by 3 July 1445 1 2 3
  • Died: after 17 February 1499(1500)/before 20 April 1502 6 7

   Other names for John were AFFLECK, John of that Ilk,1 AUCHINLECK, John of that Ilk 6 8 9 10 11 12 and DE AUCHINLECK, John of Glenbervie.7

   User ID: M920.

  General Notes:

"A.D. 1450.] [14 Jac. II.

401. Apud Edinburgh, 26 Oct. REX confirmavit cartam Johannis de Haliburtoun, domini ejusdem, - [qua concessit JOHANNI DE ACHTINLEK, filio et heredi quond. D. Jac. de Achtinlek de eodem militis, pro ejus concilio et auxilio, &c., - annuum redditum 50 marcarum de baronia de Tranent, in constabularia de Hadingtoun, vic. Edinburgh, tarn de terris quam de carbonariis et aliis pertinentiis ejusdem baronio prout in carta D. Willelmi de Setoun quond. D. Waltero de Haliburtoun patri dicti Joh de H. de predicto annuo redditu confecta plenius continetur : - Tenend. dicto Joh. de A. heredibus ejus et assignatis a dicto Joh. de H. de rege, semper et quousquo D. Geo. de Setoun dom. ejusdem miles, heredes sui vel assignati, predicto Joh. de A., assignato dicto Joh. de H. heredibus ejus et assignatis, in ecclesia parochiali de Gulyne summam 500 marcarum persolverint : - Reddend. regi unum denarium argenti nomine albe firme : - Test. D. Jac. Magistro de Douglas milite, Wil. do Lauder de Haltoun, Wil. do Achtinlek, Joh. de Schaw, scutiferis, Joh. de Haliburtoune ballivo burgi de Edinburgh, et M. Rob. de Haukerstone vicario de Waylstoun : - Apud Edinburgh, Oct. 17, 1449] : - Test. 106. 6. 109. 110.114. 115. iv. 125."

from The Register of the Great Seal

"In 1474 an arrangement was entered into between Sir John Achinlek of that Ilk and David Ogilvy of Inchmartyn by the good offices of friends, and to complete a contract made between their fathers, Sir James of Achinlek and Sir Andrew of Ogilvy, as the result of which David acquired eight merks of the lands of Barres in the barony thereof and shire of Kincardine. [....]

On 2 December 1494 Archibald, Earl of Angus, Chancellor of Scotland, sued David for the wrongous detention of the profits of the lands of Barras for five years, while David brought an action against John Auchinleck of that Ilk to warrant him in said rents."

from Scots Peerage (vol 4)

"16 April 1488. Royal regrant to John Auchinleck of that Ilk, of the lands of Auchinlek, blench."

from GD128/64/5

"23 May 1499

Charter by John Auchinlek baron of the barony thereof selling to William Cunyngham of Craganys and Marion Auchinlek and heirs male or issue bearing the surname of Auchinlek, his barony of Auchinlek and lands of Crakiston Over and Nethir Kethiston and Rogerton in Kyle Stewart"

from GD148/55

"From Acts of the Lords of Council in Civil Causes, Vol 2, 1496-1501, p400 Sir John Auchinleck of that Ilk is alive on 17 Feb 1499/1500."

from email (M. Wade) 6 10 13 14 15

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Knighted: referred to as Sir John Auchinleck, by 29 April 1476, The Register of the Great Seal. 14

John married Elizabeth MELVILLE co-heiress of Glenbervie, daughter of Alexander MELVILLE of Glenbervie and Unknown, by 3 July 1445.1 2 3 (Elizabeth MELVILLE co-heiress of Glenbervie was born about 1430.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Sir John de Auchinleck of that Ilk, in favour of whom Elizabeth Melville, his wife, and Geillis Melville, her sister, resigned their lands of Glenbervie and Barras which were confirmed to him by charter under the Great Seal on 3 July 1445.3[3 GD148/11] He had succeeded his father in those of Auchinleck by 17 October 1449, when he had a charter from John, Lord Halyburton, for 50 merks from the barony of Tranent, for his good services.4[4 RMS 1424-1513. No. 40] The subsequent succession to his estate, though, took its toll on him; on 29 September 1492, he was interdicted by the King from alienating the lands of Auchinleck and he became beset with difficulties in retaining Glenbervie and Barras against the pressure of Archibald Douglas, Earl of Angus.

He d. before 20 April 1502, when a Tack of his half-part of the lands of Glenbervie was granted by James IV., to John, Prior of St Andrews, having m. Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Alexander Melville of Glenbervie"

from The Red Book of Scotland

"3 Jul 1445

Charter by King James II to John of Auchinlek, eldest son of James of Auchinlek of that ilk, knight, and Elizabeth Melvile, wife of the said John, of the lands of the baronies of Glenbervy and Barras in the shire of Kincardine, and the lands of the barony of Camnay in the shire of Aberdeen, which belonged to the said Elizabeth and Geilles, her sister"

from GD148/11

"Elizabeth Melvil, having married John Affleck of that ilk, bore to him James, father of the heiress of Glenbervie, who married Sir William Douglas of Bredwood, second son of Archibald, Earl of Angus, commonly called Bell-the-Cat."

from History of Glenbervie

"Sir John Auchinleck and his brother James married respectively Elizabeth and Giles Melville, co-heiresses of Alexander Melville of Glenbervie. James died without issue, but Sir John's grand-daughter Elizabeth married William Douglas, second son of Archibald, fifth Earl of Angus, and became ancestress of the Douglases of Glenbervie, Earls of Angus."

from Family of Wemyss

"413. Transumpt made by Richard Forbes, dean and official of Aberdeen, at the instance of Sir John Auchinlek of that ilk, knight, in the Cathedral Church of Aberdeen, 26th November 1482, of the following : - Charter by James (the Second) King of Scots, under his great seal, by which he grants and confirms to his faithful John of Auchinlek, eldest son of James of Auchinlek of that ilk, knight, and Elizabeth Malvile, spouse of the said John, the lands of the baronies of Glenbervy and of Barras in the sheriffdom of Kincardin, and the lands of the barony of Camnay in the sheriffdom of Abirdene, which pertained heritably to the said Elizabeth and Giles (Egidia) Malvile, sisters, and which they resigned by their procurators at Edinburgh before the underwritten witnesses, in the King's hands ; to be held to the said John of Auchinlek and Elizabeth his spouse, the longer liver of them and the heirs of their bodies, whom failing the heirs of the said John whomsoever, of the king and his successors, in fee and heritage, for rendering of services due and wont ; reserving also to the king and his successors, wards, reliefs, marriages, and other rights and services due and wont. Witnesses, James, bishop of Dunkeld, chancellor, John of Glasgow, John of Moray, John of Brechin, Michael of Dunblane, and George of Lismore, bishops ; the king's dearest cousins, William of Douglas, David of Cravfurde, Archibald of Mvrreue, Hugh of Ormonde, and Alexander of Huntlie, earls ; his well-beloved cousins, Alexander, Duncan, Patrick, and William, lords of Montgomery, Cambell, Grahame, and Crechtone, knights ; Master William Turnebull, keeper of the privy seal, and Master John of Railestoune, secretary. Edinburgh, 3 July 1445. [Original Transumpt at Glenbervie.]"

from The Douglas Book 1 2 3 7 13


1 e-books, History of Glenbervie by G.B. Kinnear (1895).

2 e-books, Memorials of the Family of Wemyss of Wemyss vol.1 by William Fraser (1888).

3 e-books, The Douglas Book vol. 3 by William Fraser (1885).

4 e-books, Angus or Forfarshire The Land and The People vol.1 by A.J.Warden (1880).

5 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

6 e-mail, M. Wade 16 December 2024.

7 e-books, The Red Book of Scotland vol 1 by Gordon McGregor (2022) Auchinleck of that Ilk.

8 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 7 (1910).

9 e-books, History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton vol 3 by James Paterson (1866).

10 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrsonlinecatalogue GD128 Fraser-Mackintosh Collection 1520-1897.

11 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrsonlinecatalogue GD25 Papers of the Kennedy Family, Earls of Cassillis (Ailsa Muniments) c 1290-1940 GD25/1 Writings [Title deeds and Legal Papers] belonging to the Right Hon Archibald Earl of Cassillis, Lord Kennedy.

12 e-books, The Douglas Book vol. 3 by William Fraser (1885) #131.

13 National Records of Scotland, https://catalogue.nrscotland.gov.uk/nrsonlinecatalogue GD148 Papers of the Cuninghame Family of Craigends, Renfrewshire 1309-1928.

14 e-books, The Register of the Great Seal of Scotland vol 2 1424-1513 ed. J. Balfour Paul & J.M. Thomson (1883).

15 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 4 (1907).

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