JOHNSTON, James Sinclair Gebbie
- Born: 20 July 1938 at 10.35 am, Royal Maternity Hospital, Edinburgh, Scotland
- Died: After 2 February 1976 1
Other names for James were JOHNSTON, J.S.G. and JOHNSTON, James S. G..1
General Notes:
H.B. Johnston, father of baby James, gave notice of his birth in 1938 before the registrar, at Edinburgh, on 3 August 1938.
J.S.G.Johnston, son of Henry Brown Johnston, of 8 James Place, Leith, gave notice of his father's death before the registrar, Frank Gray, at Edinburgh on 25 August 1958.
The informant of the death of Rebecca Tweedley Johnston in 1976 was her son James S. G. Johnston. He notified the registrar in Edinburgh on 2 February 1976. His address then was recorded as 1/3 Magdalene Drive Edinburgh. 1