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McLUSKY, Charles
(About 1760-)
KENNEDY, Susanna
(About 1760-)
(About 1765-)
(About 1768-About 1811)
McLUSKY, Arthur
(About 1790-1840)
QUIGLEY, Catharine
(About 1791-)


Family Links

McLUSKEY, John 1

  • Born: 11 December 1819, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Baptised: 26 December 1819, St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland

   Other names for John were McCLUSKIE, John 2 and McLOSKEE, John.2

  General Notes:

The record for John's baptism gives his father's name as Edward, although no marriage of Edward was noted earlier. There was however a marriage of Arthur McKlosky and Catherine Quigley recorded in 1814.

This could be an error on the part of the priest, William Caven, especially if the record was written in after the event. Or it is possible that his father was known by two Christian names: Arthur and Edward. John's baptismal sponsors were John and Sarah Martin.
Note:There was an Edward McLoskey who married Mary Ann Monigal on 7 January 1823.

John McLoskee alias McLuskie was transported from England aboard the ship Fairlie, master Henry Ager. He was single, aged 14 years, could read and write, and was recorded as protestant. He was an errand boy born in Renfrewshire, and his crime was housebreaking. He was convicted in Glasgow, Scotland on 24 April 1833. He was 4 feet 5 and a half inches in height, and of a ruddy complexion which was much pock pitted. His hair was brown and his eyes bluish, according to the description of him in the indent. His brother Charles was also transported aboard the same ship. Both had mermaid tattoos in the inside of their lower right arm. 2 3


1 GRO Scotland, Dec 1819 Paisley baptisms.

2 ancestry.co.uk, New South Wales, Australia, Convict Indents, 1788-1842 Annotated Printed Indentures 1834.

3 1841 UK Census, Paisley v 573 En D 2 page 23.

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