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McLUSKY, Charles
(About 1760-)
KENNEDY, Susanna
(About 1760-)
(About 1765-)
(About 1768-About 1811)
McLUSKY, Arthur
(About 1790-1840)
QUIGLEY, Catharine
(About 1791-)


Family Links

1. DOCHERTY, Elizabeth

McLUSKEY, Peter 1

  • Born: 31 July 1824
  • Baptised: 21 August 1824, St Mirin's RC Chapel, Paisley, Renfrewshire, Scotland
  • Marriage (1): DOCHERTY, Elizabeth
  • Died: 6 February 1887 at 5.00 am, Hospital, Kilwinning, Ayrshire, Scotland 1

   Cause of his death was cardiac disease of unknown duration.1

   Other names for Peter were McCLUSKEY, Peter,2 McLUSKIE, Peter 3 and McLUSKY, Peter.2 4

  General Notes:

Roman Catholic Records
St Mirin's Parish Paisley

"At Paisley this twenty first day of Augt 1824 I the undersigned baptised Peter born of the thirty first day of July 1824 lawful son of Arthur McLuskey and Catherine Quigly. The sponsor was Susan Hagan.
(signed) William Caven"

Peter was the second child in this family to be given this name.

The census of 1841 for Paisley recorded a Peter McLusky aged in the 15-19 year old range living in the household of Agnes Scott in Moss Street. A woman named Susan McLusky, aged in the 55-59 year age range and born in Ireland also lived in the household.

When Elizabeth McLuskie died in 1874 she was recorded in her death certificate as "Married to Peter McLuskie Coal-Merchant's Porter".

The 1881 census recorded Peter McLuskey with his two daughters, Margaret, a "seedstore riddler"aged 19 years and "Jimmia" a housekeeper aged 16 years, and a granddaughter, Hellen Gillespie aged 1 year, living at 68 St James Street in the Kinning Park district of Glasgow. He was aged 57 years (though this is erroneously indexed by Scotland's People as 51) and had been born in Paisley. He was a harbour labourer by occupation. His daughters were both Glasgow born and his granddaughter was born in Govan.

Peter McLuskey died in 1887. His death certificate recorded him as single, and aged 62 years at death. Both of his parents were deceased. 3 4 5 6

  Medical Notes:

Charles Auld MD certified the cause of death.

Elizabeth Black, nurse, who was present where Peter died, gave notice of his death before the registrar at Kilwinning on 12 February 1887. 1

Peter married Elizabeth DOCHERTY, daughter of Anthony DOCHERTY and Rebecca DALYEA. (Elizabeth DOCHERTY was born about 1825 and died on 1 March 1874 in 36 Bolton Street, Glasgow, Scotland 3.). The cause of her death was phtisis pulmonalis over 12 months.1


1 GRO Scotland, Kilwinning Ayrshire Deaths 1887.

2 LDS Family Search, IGI.

3 GRO Scotland, Tradeston Glasgow Deaths 1874.

4 1841 UK Census, Paisley Middle parish Renfrewshire; ED: 4; Page: 4.

5 Roman Catholic Records, St Mirin's RC Parish Paisley Baptisms.

6 1881 UK census, Glasgow Kinning Park Lanarkshire; ED: 52; Page: 3.

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