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(About 1513-1553/1550)
GRANT, Agnes
(About 1510-)
GORDON, Alexander of Strathavon, and of Cluny
(About 1496-1568)
GRANT, Daughter
(About 1514-)
CUMMING, Thomas of Altyre
(About 1531-1609)
GORDON, Margaret
(About 1541-)
CUMMING, James 'of Alter'
(About 1574-1625)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Margaret
2. FRASER, Margaret

CUMMING, James 'of Alter' 1 2

  • Born: About 1574
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Margaret about 29 February 1600 1 2
  • Marriage (2): FRASER, Margaret by November 1602 2
  • Died: 1625 2

   User ID: X880.

  General Notes:

"Tullidowie (afterwards Relugas) became the property of Thomas Cumyn of Alter by a charter from Patrick Gordon of Tullidovie, dated 8th May 1570.....

Feb. 29, 1600 Tulliduvie is settled by charter of Thomas Cumming of Alter on his third but only surviving son, James Cumming, and on Margaret Gordon, daughter of Sir Thomas Gordon of Cluny, his spouse\emdash on James heritably, and on his spouse in liferent; at the same time, Thomas Cumyn settles upon James, his son, heritably\emdash along with all his lands and baronies of Altyre and Dollar\emdash Presley, Dollesbrauchtie, Logie Ardovie, &c, reserving the liferent of himself and his spouse Margaret Gordon.

1602. Charter by James Cuming, fiar of Alter, heritable possessor of Tulliduvie, by which (his first wife being dead) he enters into a contract of marriage with 'Margaret Fraser, sister to Symon Fraser, Lord Lovat,' and settles upon her the liferent of the said lands.

Nov. 9, 1604. Instrument of seizen in favour of James Cuming, brother-german of William Cuming of Presley, of the fourth part of the town and lands of Tulliduvie, proceeding on a charter of alienation by James Cuming, fiar of Altyre.

July 11, 1607. Charter by James Cuming, brother-german to William Cuming of Presley, in implement of a contract of marriage with Dorathea Dunbar, daughter of Nichol Dunbar of Boigis, of the fourth part of the town and lands of Tulliduvie in liferent.

1608 James Cuming, fiar of Altyre, and his wife, had a new infeftment in the lands of Tulliduvie on the resignation of his father Thomas.

1609 James had seizen of all the lands and baronies of his late father, Thomas Cumyn of Altyre.

1615 Charter by James Cuming, Baron of Altyre, and Margaret Fraser, his wife, to James Cuming in Relugas, and Dorothy Dunbar, his wife, of the fourth part of Tulliduvie, called Relugas, and also of the fourth part of Dollesbrauchtie, in the regality of Spynie. Dated at Altyre, 3d June 1615......

"Feb. 18, 1625. Charter by James Cuming, Baron of Altyre, to Robert Cumyn, his eldest son, and to his heirs-male, betwixt him and Isobel Innes, his future spouse, of the lands of Tulliduvie, reserving the liferent to himself and his spouse, Margaret Fraser. James Cuming of Altyre dying that year, leaves by his last will and testament, his wife, Margaret Fraser, his sole executrix: Symon, Lord Lovat; Hew, Maister thereof; Robert Innes of Balveny, witnesses, 16th March 1625."

from Bruces and Cumyns

"In 1622 James Cuming of Altyre had a charter of the advocation of the Kirk of Dallas, which was retained by the Baronets of Altyre until the abolition of patronage." (page 54)

from History of Moray (vol 2) 2 3

James married Margaret GORDON, daughter of Sir Thomas GORDON of Cluny and Elizabeth DOUGLAS, about 29 February 1600.1 2 (Margaret GORDON was born about 1584.)

  Marriage Notes:

"his (Thomas Gordon of Cluny's) Daughter married James Cumming Laird of Alter."

from House of Gordon (Balbithan)

"He (James Cumming) married, first, Margaret Gordon, daughter of Sir Thomas Gordon of Clunie, by Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Douglas of Glenbervie, afterwards Earl of Angus ; upon which marriage he had a charter from his father,
'hereditary possessor of Meikle and Little Broomquhillis, Craigtown, Logie, Ardauch, Drummyne, and Presley,' of those lands to 'James Cumyn and his spouse Margaret Gordon, in liferent, and to their eldest son heritably' and at the same date and on the same terms there is another charter to them of the lands of Tilliduvie (Relugas), and two charters to the same, first, of the Kirklands of Alter, within the regality of Spynie, and of the lands of Logygowne, Ardovie, Dolesbrauchtie, &c. ; and second, of the lands and barony of Alter and Dollas - 'Reservando tamen mihi prefato Thome Cuming de Alter et Margaret Gordon mee conjugi vitales reditus dictarum terrarum et baronie,' same date ; and on the 13th of June, same year, he resigns the whole lands and baronies into the hands of the king for a new infeftment to the said James Cumyn, wherein he is always termed 'Jacobo Cumyn, filio tertio genito Thomae
Cumyng de Alter
.' " (page 264)

" Feb. 29, 1600
Tulliduvie is settled by charter of Thomas Cumming of Alter on his third but only surviving son, James Cumming, and on Margaret Gordon, daughter of Sir Thomas Gordon of Cluny, his spouse - on James heritably, and on his spouse in liferent; at the same time, Thomas Cumyn settles upon James, his son, heritably-along with all his lands and baronies of Altyre and Dollar-Presley, Dollesbrauchtie, Logie Ardovie, &c, reserving the liferent of himself and his spouse Margaret Gordon." (page 654 Appendix W)

from Bruces and Cumyns 1 2

James next married Margaret FRASER, daughter of Hugh FRASER 5th Lord Fraser of Lovat and Elizabeth STEWART, by November 1602.2 (Margaret FRASER was born about 1575 and died about 1630.)

  Marriage Notes:

"By all these charters it will be seen that James Cumyn married, secondly, during his father's lifetime, Margaret Fraser, daughter of Hugh, sixth Lord Lovat (first on the Rolls of Parliament, A.D. 1540), and sister of Symon, Lord Lovat. She brought to him a tocher of 37,000 merks, a considerable sum in those days, but not sufficient, it appears, to meet current expenses during his father's lifetime, so that many lands were wadsett."

"1602. Charter by James Cuming, fiar of Alter, heritable possessor of Tulliduvie, by which (his first wife being dead) he enters into a contract of marriage with 'Margaret Fraser, sister to Symon Fraser, Lord Lovat,' and settles upon her the liferent of the said lands."

"1615 Charter by James Cuming, Baron of Altyre, and Margaret Fraser, his wife, to James Cuming in Relugas, and Dorothy Dunbar, his wife, of the fourth part of Tulliduvie, called Relugas, and also of the fourth part of Dollesbrauchtie, in the regality of Spynie. Dated at Altyre, 3d June 1615."

from Bruces and Cumyns


1 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

2 e-books, Family Records of the Bruces and the Cumyns by M. E. Cumming Bruce (1870).

3 e-books, The History of the Province of Moray vol. 2 by Lachlan Shaw ed J.F.S Gordon (1882).

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