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GORDON, James of Letterfourie, Admiral of the Scots Fleet
(About 1485-)
BUTTER, Jannet
(About 1510-)
INNES, James 3rd of Drainie
(About 1517-1572)
GORDON, Katharine
(About 1527-)
GORDON, Patrick 2nd of Letterfourie
(About 1540-1606)
INNES, Helen
(About 1560-After 1608)
GORDON, Thomas in Elgin, of the family of Letterfourie, Dr
(About 1595-After 1671)


Family Links

1. GORDON, Anna

2. HAY, Issobell

GORDON, Thomas in Elgin, of the family of Letterfourie, Dr 4

  • Born: About 1595
  • Marriage (1): GORDON, Anna 1 2
  • Marriage (2): HAY, Issobell on 4 June 1655 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland 1 3
  • Died: After 4 December 1671

   Other names for Thomas were GORDON, Thomas of Currydown,2 GORDON, Thomas of Edenville, Clashtirum, later of Leichestoun, Dr,4 GORDONE, Thomas, Dr 3 and GORDOUN, Thomas.5

   User ID: V620.

  General Notes:

Thomas was Physician to Marquess of Huntly's houshold. He was a staunch Roman Catholic, and was taken prisoner with his brother James by General Leslie. Later he acquired several estates and was able to recover Letterfourie which he gave to his eldest son.

Between 1644 and 1647 there was a Civil War in Scotland between the Royalists and the Covenanters. The Royalists supported the Stuart King Charles I; the Covenanters supported Parliament. The Royalists were mainly Catholics; the Covenanters were presbyterian Protestants. In 1647, James, the 3rd Laird of Letterfourie, a Catholic, was commander of the Bog of Gight of Gordon castle. He and his family supported King Charles I, but the castle was evenyually taken by General David Leslie for the Covenanters. The Laird of Letterfourie with his brother, Thomas Gordon of Clastirim, and other gentlemen of the name of Gordon, were sent as prisoners to Edinburgh. The House of Letterfourie was burnt down by the Covenanters, and later it was Thomas Gordon of Clastirim who had the house rebuilt. The eldest brother of Thomas, James, who was 3rd Laird of Letterfourie, had no children. So, after his death, it was John, the eldest son of Thomas, who became 4th Laird of Letterfourie.

"BC/2/25 1649 Assignation by Thomas Gordon of Clastirum to William Stewart of Aichris" (Echres)

"BC/2/33 14 Nov 1658 Disposition between James Hay of Rannes and Alexander Gordon, son to Thomas Gordon of Clastirim for the toun and lands of Clunihill, having been infeft to Alex Gordon, his heirs and assigness as security"

"BC/2/41 1671 Disposition of Alexander Gordon, son of Thomas Gordon of Clastirim to John Hay of Echres for the lands of Wester Freuchny called Clunihill"

from Hay of Rannes Papers

"1652, May 12. - 'Alexander Gordone, elder of Birkenburne,' witnessed at Leicheston a bond for £480 by James Pedder, burgess of Elgin, to Thomas Gordon of Clashtirum (Elgin Commissary Records, April 30, 1653)."

from Birkenburn

"George Gordon would seem to have been the last of the Lesmoir Gordons who held Leichestoun, for the estate passed in 1659 to Dr. Thomas Gordon, Elgin ..."

"1659, December 12. - Compeared personallie Doctor Thomas Gordon, doctor of medicine in Elgine, haveing and holding in his handes ane chartor . . . made and granted be ane noble Lord Archbald, Lord off Lorne, heretable proprietor of the landes and wthers afterspecified with advyse and consent of ane noble, and potent Marques, Arch. Marques of Argyll, Erie off Kintyre, Lord Campbell & Lorne, his father, and Lord Neill Campbell, his brother germane, and also with advyse & consent off Geo. Gordone in Lichestoune and James Gordone, his eldest lawll sone for all right title & entres they or either off them hade ... to the landes and wthers after-mentionat. To and in favours of the said Dr Thos G., his aires &c. of and vpone all and haill the toune and landes off Lichestoune with houses . . .as the same is occupied marched and possest be the said George and Barbara Gordone his spouse and their servantes lyand within the lordship of Enzie . . . [Charter subscribed at Boig of Geicht Nov. 8, 1659 ; and precept directed to James Gordone in Lichestoune, who as bailzie gives sasine on Dec. 12, 1659, in presence of Rob. Gordone in Lichestoune, John Thomsone thair, James Gelles thair, and Alexander Thomsone thair] (Banffshire Sasines)."

"1659, December 14.- Sasine was granted in favour of Doctor Thomas Gordon, Doctor of Medicine in Elgin, his heirs and assignees, of all and whole the town and lands of Lichestoun, with houses, etc., as the same is occupied and possessed by the said George and Barbara Gordon, his spouse, and their servants (ibid., vol. ix.). This Thomas Gordon, doctor in Elgin, seems to have lent money on properties, for on July 4, 1660, he gets sasine in Linkwood (near Elgin), and on May 28, 1662, he and his wife, Isobel Hay, get sasine in the same lands.

"Leichestoun seems to have passed out of the hands of the Lesmoir Gordons at this date, for the next laird, Patrick Gordon, brother of John Gordon of Balmade (murdered in 1660), seems to have been a son of Dr. Thomas Gordon, Elgin, who was subsequently laird of Edenville and then of Clashtirum, and who belonged to the family of Letterfourie."

from Leichestoun 1 4 6 7

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Taken prisoner: by General Leslie, 1647, Gordon Castle, Gight, Near Fochabers. 1

Thomas married Anna GORDON, daughter of George GORDON 4th of Buckie, and Rothney? and Beatrix URQUHART.1 2 (Anna GORDON was born about 1609.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The forsd. Thomas Gordon married the goodman of Buckie's daughter who has succession seven sons and one daughter married on Walter Ogilvie of Ragell."

from Balbithan MS 2

Thomas next married Issobell HAY, daughter of William HAY of Clunehill and Unknown, on 4 June 1655 in Saint Nicholas parish, Aberdeen, Scotland.1 3 (Issobell HAY was born about 1633 and died after 4 December 1671.)

  Marriage Notes:

168/A 120 464

from Index of Marriages

Old Parish Registers
Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen

doctor thomas gordone & Issobell Hay maried the 4th day of Junii" 3 8


1 e-books, A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Landed Gentry of Great Britain and Ireland by John Burke.

2 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 1 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1903) Balbithan MS.

3 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

4 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Leichestoun by J.M. Bulloch assisted by D. Wimberley.

5 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

6 Internet Site, http://www.scottishcatholicarchives.org.uk/Portals/0/bc002.pdf Hay of Rannes Papers Reference BC/2 1600-1723.

7 e-books, The House of Gordon vol. 2 ed. John Malcolm Bulloch (1907) Cadets of Lesmoir: Birkenburn by Captain Douglas Wimberley.

8 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Saint Nicholas parish Aberdeen Marriages.

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