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(About 1190-)
(About 1220-1278)
(About 1260-)


Family Links

1. Unknown


  • Born: About 1260
  • Marriage (1): Unknown

   User ID: C929.

  General Notes:

"About 1220 a charter is witnessed by Waldeve de Strachachyn ; and in 1278 John de Strachachyn, son and heir of the late John of Strachachyn, resigned his lands of Beth1 Waldeve into the hands of .Alexander II., when the king conveyed them to the Abbey of Dunfermline (Registrum de Dunfermlyn).

[1 The lands of Beth or Beath form a parish of that name, about seven miles to the east of Dunfermline]"

from Memorials of Strachan and Wise (1877) 1

  Research Notes:


It seems likely that there were more generations of the 'Strachan' family, who held the lands of Strachan, than are shown here, and their relationship to each other is equally hazy.

What appears to be generally true, however, is that the Strachan family in the late13th centruy supported the losing side in the claims made for the throne of Scotland after the death of King Alexander III of Scotland in 1286, and that the lands they had held slipped from their grasp. The Frasers, supporters of King Robert the Bruce, benefitted from that support:

"At this period the territory of Strachan was conveyed by marriage to Sir Alexander Frazer, Thane of Cowie, chamberlain to King Robert the Bruce. In 1316 Sir Alexander received a royal charter 'de omnibus et singulis terris de Strachethyne de Essuly et Achenerooks, faciendo nobis et heredibus nostris dictus Alexander et heredes sui, forinsecum servitium, quantum pertinet ad predictam baroniam.' In the lands of Strachan, Sir Alexander Frazer was succeeded by his son John, who was knighted. Margaret, only daughter of Sir John, married Sir William Keith, Marischal of Scotland." (Memorials)

The family did not die out, and was not wiped out, but the lands with which the various members of the family were associated changed. The exact relationship of these individual strands to one another are less than clear at times. 1

John married.


1 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

2 e-books, Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch by John Davidson (1878).

3 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 7 (1910).

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