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(About 1220-1278)
(About 1260-)
DE STRACHANEN, Adam 1st of Glenkindie
(About 1305-)


Family Links

1. Margaret 'cousin' of Mar

DE STRACHANEN, Adam 1st of Glenkindie 1

  • Born: About 1305
  • Marriage (1): Margaret 'cousin' of Mar in 1357 1

   Another name for Adam was STRACHAN, Adam.2

   User ID: X63.

  General Notes:

"During the reign of David II. (1328-1370) a charter was granted by Thomas, Earl of Mar, to Adam Strachan and his wife Margaret, the earl's cousin, and to their issue, of the lands of Glenkenety, now Glenkindy, in the parish of Strathdon, Aberdeenshire. This charter was in the possession of Sir Alexander Strachan of Glenkindy, and Nisbet remarks he had seen it (Nisbet's Heraldry, vol. i., p. 326). "

from Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise

"Index of Charters by King David II

page 49 Carta given by William Keith, Marifchall of Scotland, to Ade Strathachin, of the lands of Augherthyne and Scarry, in vicecom. de Aberdeen."

from Index Drawn Up About 1629

"The next document in chronological order is a Retour of 4th February, 1631, and in it Alexander Strachane de Glenkyndie is retoured as heir to Adam Strachane de Glenkyndie avi tritavi - the first of the family - and the cause of his having to prove his propinquity was as follows: -

On 1st July, 1626, the Earl of Mar got decree of Reduction by the Court of Session of the Charters of the lands, forming part of the Earldom of Mar, that had been illegally granted by the Crown to the Lords Elphinstone in 1509 and 1513. That decree was followed by Actions of Removing against all Vassals of the Elphinstones and others holding the lands of the Earldom who could not show Charters from the old Earls of Mar. The Strachans were thus compelled to produce their title deeds. In Lord Crawford's Earldom of Mar it is stated that there ensued such a hunting for old Charters and searching of old iron-bound chests as had never taken place before. Fortunately for the Strachans their original title was extant, viz., the Charter by Earl Thomas, of 1357, in favour of Adam, and accordingly to connect himself with this Charter, and to establish himself as a Vassal of the Earls of Mar, not of the Lords Elphinstone, Alexander No.VII. had himself served as heir of Adam, avi tritavi, and, on this being completed, the Earl of Mar and Lord Esrkine granted a new Charter to Alexander Strachan of Glenkindie, and he was retoured accordingly."

from The Strachans of Glenkindie 2 3 4

  Research Notes:


King David II reigned from 1329 until 1371.


Tritavus is the great-grandfather of a great-grandfather, and avus a grandfather. Alexander VII. therefore showed that he was the grandson of William who was the great-grandson of Duncan, who was the great-grandson of Adam, the first of the family. 4

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Granted lands in Aberdeenshire by William keith, 1350.

2. Charter, 1357. 1 5

Adam married Margaret 'cousin' of Mar, daughter of Sir John 'of Strathbogie' and Unknown, in 1357.1 (Margaret 'cousin' of Mar was born about 1328.)

  Marriage Notes:

"The first of the Glenkindie branch, on record, was Adam de Strachanen, who in 1357 married Margaret, a relative of kinswoman ('consanguinea') of Thomas, Earl of Mar, and got with her, in strict entail, certain lands viz., the davoch of land called Glenkenety, and the fourth part of the davoch of lan of Glenboul, called Rummor, lying in the Earldom of Mar."

from The Strachans of Glenkindie

"Just outside the boundary of the Garioch, a family name of the fourteenth century, still attached to the same estate, appears among the witnesses to the Balhaggardy charter of 1357. It is that of Walter Bysethe of Lossyndrum (Lessendrum, in the Parish of Drumblade).

Another witness to the Garioch charter was John de Strathachyn, the ancestor of the Strachans of Kemnay and Glenkindie of the seventeenth century. Adam Strachuen, probably his son, got Glenkenety from Thomas, Earl of Mar, in 1357 Margaret, Adams' wife, being the Earl's kinswoman, as is specially set forth in the charter."

from Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch

"The first of them obtained the Lands of Glenkindy. By the Marriage of Marieta de Garrioch a Lady whom the Earl of Mar calls his Cousine in the Grant of the Lands to them and their heirs which Charter the Originall I have seen & perused."

from MacFarlane's Genealogical Collections (vol 2) 1 6 7


1 James Allardyce, The Strachans of Glenkindie 1357-1726 (1899).

2 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

3 e-books, An Index, Drawn up About the Year 1629: Of Many Records of Charters, Granted by the Different Sovereigns of Scotland.

4 James Allardyce, The Strachans of Glenkindie 1357-1726 (1899), page 19.

5 e-books, Memorials of the Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1873).

6 e-books, Inverurie and the Earldom of the Garioch by John Davidson (1878).

7 e-books, MacFarlane’s Genealogical Collections vol.2 (SHS vol 34 June 1900).

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