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STRACHAN, David 5th of Carmyllie
(About 1450-1511)
(About 1465-)
MAULE, Thomas, Sir
(About 1470-1513)
ROLLO, Elizabeth
(About 1472-Before 1509)
STRACHAN, Alexander younger, 6th of Carmyllie
(About 1482-1513)
MAULE, Elizabeth
(About 1491-)
STRACHAN, Thomas 7th of Carmyllie
(About 1505-Before 1565)


Family Links

1. OGILVY, Isobel

2. MAULE, Agnes

STRACHAN, Thomas 7th of Carmyllie 3

  • Born: About 1505
  • Marriage (1): OGILVY, Isobel 1
  • Marriage (2): MAULE, Agnes 2
  • Died: Before 31 July 1565 4

   User ID: H787.

  General Notes:

"Tho. Strathauchin de Carmile filium et heredem dicti Alex. S(trathauchin)"

from Register of the Great Seal

"By a royal letter, dated Falkland, 9th October 1540, Thomas Strachauchin, 'son and heir of umqvihile Alexander Strachauchin of Carmyle,' received a gift of 'the nonentres, males, fermes, etc., of all and sindry the landis of Carmyle, Skethin, Auchinlaw, and others lying in the barony of Panmure, within the sheriffdom of Forfar, which pertained to the said Alexander heritably, and were halden immediately of umquhile Thomas Mawle of Panmure, knight, excepting the said lands of Skethin, which were held immediately of Patrick Lord Gray, and which his father in like manner held of the said Thomas Mawle, all of which lauds being now in the king's hands, by reason of non-entry, since the deatli of the said Sir Thomas Mawle' (Reg. Sec. Sig., vol. xiv., fol. 22; vol. xv., fol. 12&).

Thomas Strathauchin of Carmyllie is described as obtaining, on the the 12th December 1543, a decreet against 'Thomas Strathauchin of Cairnton for non-entry duties out of the lands of Auchlare and Westerhills' (Regist. de Panmure. vol. ii., p. 308)."

from Families of Strachan and Wise (1877)

"Thomas Strachan of Carmylie had decreet against Thomas Strachan of Cairnton for non-entry duties out of the lands of Auchlair and Westerhills since 1513, dated 12th December, 1543."

from Angus of Forfarshire

"Testaments of Carmyllie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600

Thomas Strachan of Carmylie31 Jul 1565"

from www.ancestor.abel website

"The arms of the Strachans (on a chief 3 cinquefoils) are displayed on the north tower of the castle (of Claypotts), flanked by the letters J. S. for John Strachan.The same arms appear on a seal of James Strachan, canon of Aberdeen, dated 1541, and another of Thomas Strachan of Carmyllie dated 1547. James Strathauchin of Carmyllie, was one of the curators recommended by John Strachan to his grandson in his testament of 1593, and subsequently Gilbert Strachan of Claypotts was appointed curator to the young heiresses of Carmyllie."

from The Lands and Tower of Claypotts 2 3 5 6 7

Thomas married Isobel OGILVY, daughter of James OGILVY 3rd Lord Ogilvy of Airlie and Isobel LINDSAY.1 (Isobel OGILVY was born about 1512.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Isobel, stated to have been married to David Strachan of Carmylie."

from Scots Peerage (vol 1)


Chronology suggests that Isobel, if she was married at all to a Strachan of Carmyllie, was married to Thomas, not David, Strachan of Carmyllie. Scots Peerage, volume one, does not give a source nor is the name corrected in volume nine. Burke's peerage and Douglas offer this same information.


Thomas next married Agnes MAULE, daughter of Robert MAULE of Panmure, Sheriff of Angus and Isobel MERCER.2 (Agnes MAULE was born about 1530.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Agnes (Maule), married, as his second wife, to Strachan of Carmylie"

from Scots Peerage (vol 7)


The Scots Peerage does not specify which Strachan of Carmyllie Agnes Maule married, only Thomas Strachan's dates fit her dates. 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 1 (1904).

2 e-books, Angus or Forfarshire The Land and The People vol.3 by A.J.Warden (1882).

3 e-books, Memorials of the Scottish Families of Strachan and Wise by Charles Rogers (1877).

4 Internet Site, Testaments of Carmyllie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600 at http://www.ancestor.abel.co.uk/Angus/Carmyllie.html.

5 Internet Site, Testaments of Carmyllie people from the Register of Testaments of the Commissariot of Edinburgh, 1514-1600 at http://www.ancestor.abel.co.uk/Angus/Carmyllie.ht.

6 Internet Site, The Lands and the Tower of Claypotts.

7 The register of the Great Seal of Scotland, AD 1306-1668, Volume 3 No. 3086 at Edinburgh 21 April 1545.

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