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WINTON, Alexander (DNA Linked)
GUILD, Janet (DNA Linked)
(1778-Before 1841)
WEBSTER, Richard
JACK, Catherine
(About 1790-1860)
WINTON, Robert (DNA Link)
(About 1809-)


Family Links

1. CRERAR, George

WINTON, Helen 2

  • Born: 6 May 1830
  • Baptised: 27 May 1830, Saint Cuthbert's parish, Edinburgh, Scotland 2 3
  • Marriage (1): CRERAR, George on 2 June 1851 in High Church parish, Edinburgh, Scotland 1
  • Died: 5 April 1884, 25 Barony Street, Edinburgh, Scotland 4

   Cause of her death was morbus cordis.4

   Other names for Helen were CRERAR, Helen 4 and WINTON, Hellen.5

   User ID: J402.

  General Notes:

685 / 2 340 / 358
St Cuthbert's"

from Births and Baptisms

Old Parish Registers
St Cuthbert's parish Edinburgh

"Register of Baptisms for 1830
27th May
Robert Winton Blacksmith West Register Street and Helen Webster his spouse had a daughter born on the sixth day of May current named HELEN"

The census for 1841 recorded Robert Winton with his wife, Helen, and their four children, living at Henderson's Cottages in Cowpen, a village in Northumberland not far from Blyth. Hellen Winton, eldest of the children, was recorded as aged 11 years and had been born in Scotland.

On 30/31 March 1851 Helen Winton and Alexander Winton were recorded by the census of that year, living with an aunt and uncle, Isabella and Robert Wilson, a hatter, at 19/1 Salisbury Street in the St Cuthbert's district of Edinburgh. Both were unmarried and were recorded as having been born in Edinburgh. Helen was aged 20 years and Alexander 15 years. Alexander was recorded as an engineer by occupation.

Helen Crerar died in 1884 in Edinburgh. Her death certificate recorded that she was 'married to George Crerar mechanical engineer'. Her recorded age at death was 53 years. Her parents were deceased. 2 3 4 5 6

  Medical Notes:

The cause of death was certified by James Young MD.

George Crerar, widower, gave notice of his wife's death before the registrar, Alexander Adams, at Edinburgh on 7 April 1884. 4

Helen married George CRERAR on 2 June 1851 in High Church parish, Edinburgh, Scotland.1 (George CRERAR was born about 1828 in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 7 and died on 26 December 1904 in 29 Barony Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 4 8.). The cause of his death was bronchitis and asthma over 7 days.4

  Marriage Notes:

685 / 1 700 / 82

from Index of Marriages

Old Parish Registers
Edinburgh parish Edinburgh

"Register of Marriages

Edinburgh 2nd June 1851 Proclaimed 1st June 1851

George Crerar, Turner, residing in Advocates' Close Parish of High Church and Helen Winton residing in Fleshmarket Close, same parish, daughter of the late Robert Winton, Engineer, in Edinburgh three times proclaimed in order to marrying in parish church of High Church"
1 9


1 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Marriage High Church Edinburgh 685/1 2 June 1851.

2 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Births and Baptisms.

3 Old Parish Registers of the Church of Scotland, Baptisms St Cuthbert's Edinburgh 685/2 27 May 1830.

4 GRO Scotland, Deaths St Andrew's Edinburgh 685/2 no 217 1884.

5 1841 UK Census, Tynemouth Northumberland Cowpen Village en d 6 page 19.

6 1851 UK census, St Cuthbert's Edinburgh 685/2 en d 084/02 page 18.

7 1871 UK census, St Andrew district Edinburgh 685-2/47/178.

8 GRO Scotland, St Andrew district Edinburgh 1904 Deaths.

9 GRO Scotland, OPR Index of Marriages.

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