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HEPBURN, Adam Master of Hailes
(About 1440-1479)
HOME, Elyne
(About 1440-After 1513)
OGSTON, Walter of that Ilk and of the Craigs
(About 1452-After 1488)
(About 1455-)
HEPBURN, Adam of the Craigs, jure uxoris, Sir
(About 1459-1513)
OGSTON, Elizabeth
(About 1478-)
(About 1497-Before 1560)


Family Links

1. HEPBURN, Patrick of Waughton, Sir

HEPBURN, Helen 1

  • Born: About 1497
  • Marriage (1): HEPBURN, Patrick of Waughton, Sir on 5 November 1510 in Bolton Kirk, East Lothian, Scotland 1 2
  • Died: Before 20 April 1560 2

   Another name for Helen was HEPBURNE, Elena.2

   User ID: E98.

Helen married Sir Patrick HEPBURN of Waughton, son of Kentigern or Mungo HEPBURN of Waughton and Margaret LAUDER, on 5 November 1510 in Bolton Kirk, East Lothian, Scotland.1 2 (Sir Patrick HEPBURN of Waughton was born about 1496 and died about 1547 2.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Sir Patrick Hepburn of Waughton married Elena (or Helen) Hepburne, (daughter of Sir Adam Hepburn, of Crags in Forfarshire, brother of the Earl of Bothwell, and his wife Elizabeth Ogstoun,) at Bolton Kirk, East Lothian, on 5th November 1510, under a dispensation granted by Alexander, Archbishop of St.Andrews, which was rendered necessary because of the close degrees of consanguinity. Sir Patrick's mother was a Lauder of the Bass family as was the mother of the wife of Sir Adam Hepburne of Crags. Sir Patrick died in 1547. His wife, Elena (or Helen) died before 20th April 1560 on which dated her eldest son, Patrick Hepburn of Waughton, was served heir-in-general to her."

from Electric Scotland

"The great family of Hepburn of Waughton is said by Sir George Mackenzie to have been the principal cadet house of Hailes ; and this John (John de Hibburne, second son of Adam Hepburn of Hailes) is held by Chalmers and others to have been the ancestor of Waughton. But neither Mackenzie nor Chalmers cites any authority for the belief, and no evidence seems to be extant. It is true that in 1510 consanguinity was alleged to exist between Patrick Hepburne, younger of Waughton, and Helen, daughter of Sir Adam Hepburne of Crags, a cadet of Hailes; but as the relationship was only in the third and fourth, or fourth and fourth degrees, the common ancestor must have lived generations after Adam first of Hailes. As Nisbet points out, Mr. Thomas Craufurd (a very competent authority) believed that the family of Waughton was more ancient than that of Hailes." (page 136)

"William Hepburne the grantee was no relation to Earl James (Hepburn, 4th of Bothwell) on his father's side so far as is known ; but his mother, Helen Hepburne, was daughter of Sir Adam Hepburne of Craggis, great-grand-uncle of the granter. Again, Patrick Hepburne of Kirklandhill, the second substitute, who was son and heir of John Hepburne, first of Kirklandhill (brother of Sir Patrick Hepburne of Waughton, the husband of Helen), and thus first cousin of the grantee, seems to have been no relation whatever of Earl James. But it is possible that consanguinity, corresponding to that alleged in 1510 (vide supra) to exist between Patrick Hepburne of Waughton and Helen Hepburne his intended spouse, may have been traceable between the Waughton family and Earl James." (page 163)

from Scots Peerage (vol 2) 1 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 2 (1905).

2 Internet Site, https://electricscotland.com/webclans/htol/hepburn4.html Clan Hepburn Hepburn of Waughton by G.M.S.Lauder-Frost, F.S.A.,(Scot).

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