HEPBURN, Janet 1 2 3
- Born: About 1500
- Marriage (1): AUCHINLECK, James of Kempnay 1 2 3
- Died: Before 3 March 1549 2
User ID: M953.
Janet married James AUCHINLECK of Kempnay, son of John AUCHINLECK Rector of Glenbervie and Unknown.1 2 3 (James AUCHINLECK of Kempnay was born about 1479 and died on 15 December 1528 in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland 4.)
Marriage Notes:
Miscellaneous documents some relative to James Auchinleck of Kempnay, Banffshire, and Janet Hepburn, daughter of Adam Hepburn of the Craggis [of Craigs], his spouse"
from GD160/133
"14 July 1525
Instrument on confirmation of resignation by Janet Hepburn, daughter of late John Hepburn of Craggis, of Barony of Polgoveny with Schethyn; part of barony of Crage etc., in favour of James Auchinleck of Kempnay, her husband. Thomas Wallace, Aberdeen diocese, notary. Witnesses, Sir James Crechtoun of Frendracht, William Crechtoun, his son and heir, Alexander Stewart, William Allardess, James Crechtoun, Andrew Westoun and John Hailmane"
from GD160/133/9
"15 July 1525
Petitions by James Auchinleck of Kempnay of his barony of Kempnay, Aberdeenshire, for Great Seal Charter to him and Janet Hepburn in liferent, and their heirs etc. Witnesses, Sir James Crechtoun of Frendracht, William Crechtoun, his son and heir, Alexander Stewart, James Crechtoun, William Allardes, Andrew Wentoun, and sir Thomas Wallace, notary, chaplain. Seal in good condition."
from GD160/133/4
"22 July 1525
Assignation by Master Adam Otterburn of Aldhame of gift under privy seal of marriage of Janet Hepburn, daughter of Adam Hepburn of the Craggis and sister to John Hepburn of the Craggis, to James Auchinleck of Kemnay. Witnesses, Master Alexander Levingstoun of Donyphaice, Master Thomas Crage, Adam Lindsey of Dowhill, Michael Tullo and John Bannatyne, notary. Written by granter. Seal as signet."
from GD160/133/3
"29 July 1525
Great Seal Charter in favour of James Auchinleck of Kemnay and Janet Hepburn, his wife, one of three sisters and ex-heiress of late John Hepburn of Craggis, in liferent, and heirs of the marriage, whom failing heirs of said Janet, in fee."
from GD160/133/13
"Janet Hepburne. She was married, first, to John Somerville, son and apparent heir of Sir John Somerville of Cambusnethan, whose spouse she was on 13th March 1511-12. This marriage was dissolved in 1515-16, and she was again married, and was wife of James Auchinleck of Kemnay, co. Aberdeen, on 1 June 1528. She was dead before 3rd March 1549, on which date William Auchinleck, her son, was served heir to her."
from Scots Peerage (vol 2)
In a 1627 copy of a letter, in Douglas Correspondence, from Sir George Auchinleck, Lord Balmanno, to William Douglas, eleventh Earl of Angus, concerning the lands of Auchinleck, Lord Balmanno states that Sir William Douglas of Braidwood and Elizabeth Auchinleck, his wife, were infeft in the lands by
"Mr John Auchinlek, father-brother to the said Elizabeth."
He continues:
"This Mr John had a sone callit James Auchinlek, quha maried ane of the thrie dochteris and airis of umquhill Sir Adame Hepburn of Craigis, and thairby acquyirit the third part of the said Sir Adame Hepburnis landis. The said James begat on the said heretrix Hepburn a sone callit William, quha succeedit to his mother in the third part landis pertening to the said Umquhill Sir Adame, and was callit Laird of Schethin. This William had no airis maill, bot five dochteris, quha war all maried, and hes childrene come of thame: bot in his awin tyme, he sauld his land to my father, and, with the pryce thairof, tocherit his dochters."
from Rootschat post 1 2 4