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DUNBAR, Alexander, Sir
(About 1256-)
RANDOLPH, Thomas 1st Earl of Moray, Regent of Scotland
(About 1287-1332)
(About 1287-)
DUNBAR, Patrick, Sir
(About 1300-About 1357)
RANDOLPH, Isabella
(About 1318-After 1361)
(About 1342-)


Family Links

1. MAITLAND, John of Lethington and Thirlestane

DUNBAR, Agnes 1

  • Born: About 1342
  • Marriage (1): MAITLAND, John of Lethington and Thirlestane before 1369 1 2

   Another name for Agnes was DUNBAR, Elizabeth.2

   User ID: V921.

Agnes married John MAITLAND of Lethington and Thirlestane, son of Sir Robert MAITLAND of Lethington and Thirlestane and Daughter DE KEITH, before 1369.1 2 (John MAITLAND of Lethington and Thirlestane was born about 1331.)

  Marriage Notes:

"Agnes (Dunbar). Sir Patrick Dunbar had another daughter, who married John Maitland of Thirlstane. She is, by Mr. Wood, called Elizabeth, but in several charters in 1369 she is styled Agnes, and must have been married some time before that year, when Earl George styles her his ' sister,' and bestowed upon her husband and her son Robert the lands of Tibbers, co. Dumfries." (page 261)

from Scots Peerage (vol 3)

"He (John Maitland) married, subsequently, Agnes Dunbar, daughter of Sir Patrick Dunbar, and sister of George, Earl of March and Lord of Annandale and Mar. Among the Randolph estates held by the Earl of March was the barony of Tibbers in Nithsdale, and this he settled on his sister's husband and their issue. By charter given at the Castle of Dunbar, 23 August 1369, the Earl granted to John Mautalent, for his homage and service, all his lands and tenements of his barony of Tybres with their whole pertinents, to wit, the Town of Tybres, with the dominical lands and mill multures and sequels, Glengerok, Auchyngassyle, Auchnauht, Auchbynbany, Dubillay, Klouchyngare, Knokbaen, Penpount, with mill multures and sequels, and all his lands lying between Scharre and Schynnyle with all their pertinents, saving to the granter and his heirs his messuage, the mote of the castle of Tybris with Dalgernok and the lands of the free tenants lying within the foresaid lands, to be holden by the said John, and Robert, his son, born of the granter's sister Agnes, and the heir or heirs proceeding from the said Robert, of the granter and his heirs whomsoever."

"On 3 November 1369, William, Earl of Douglas, Lord of Lauderdale, on the resignation of the said John Maitland (in the Act of 1661 called Thomas), grants to him and to his son Robert, procreate betwixt him and Agnes Dunbar, his spouse, the lands of Thirlestane and Tollous."

from Scots Peerage (vol 5) 1 2


1 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 5 (1908).

2 e-books, The Scots Peerage ed. Sir James Balfour Paul vol. 3 (1906).

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